262 research outputs found


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    Purpose. Free will and its bases – one of the most tangled philosophical question. The interest to this issue does not die away throughout many centuries, giving it enduring relevance. The importance of this problem is caused by idea of the personality as the subject of creative and moral activity. This article targets to illuminate a problem of free will in early medieval philosophy. The problem field of a research is connected with idea of theodicy as freedom limiter.Methodology. The research based on principles and methods of free will and theodicy study, implemented by hermeneutical approach of reading of medieval philosophers treatise as well as method historical-philosophical reconstruction.Results. The specifics features of Middle Ages rational theodicy were revealed. The author comes to conclusion about dualistic interpretation of phenomenon of freedom by medieval theologians, opened by them in treatises from theology positions.Practical implication. Results of a research can be used in the theoretical analysis of various aspects of ethical interpretation of free will. The practical value of a research consists in a possibility of inclusion of results of a research in courses of lectures on philosophy history, cultural and religious studies.Цель. Вопрос о свободе воли и ее основаниях – один из самых запутанных вопросов философии, в связи с чем интерес к нему не угасает на протяжении многих столетий, придавая ему непреходящую актуальность. Значимость данной проблемы вызвана представлением о личности как субъекте творческой и нравственной деятельности. Целью статьи является освещение проблемы свободы воли в ранней средневековой философии. Проблемное поле исследования связано с представлением о теодицее как ограничителе свободы.Метод или методология исследования. Основу исследования составляют принципы и способы изучения свободы воли и теодицеи, реализуемых при помощи герменевтического метода прочтения трудов средневековых философов и историко-философской реконструкции.Результаты исследования. Выявлена специфика рациональной теодицеи Средневековья. Делается вывод о дуалистической интерпретации феномена свободы в трактатах средневековых богословов, раскрываемый ими с позиций теологии.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при теоретическом анализе различных аспектов этической трактовки свободы воли. Практическая ценность исследования заключается в возможности включения результатов исследования в курсы лекций по истории философии, культурологи, религиоведения


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    The reform of education is the subject of numerous discussions. However, scientifically based proposals have been developed only on a few issues. Subject of the analysis is the purposes of higher education that change their orientation in modern conditions. Article purpose is to reveal the reasons of contradictory character of the modern higher education purposes.Methodology and methods. The appeal to philosophical judgment of the purposes of modern higher education is considered on the basis of national education systems comparison with using of comparative and phenomenological approach; methods of the structural analysis and a philosophical reflection are used.Results. The author reveals common problems in statement of the purposes of modern higher education designed at the different levels. The purposes are designed without multilevel system activity of higher education institutes, in conditions of quickly extending and fragmented knowledge which is giving rise to new concepts, meanings and statements, but complicating statement of accurately definite purposes. The analysis of this problem leads to conclusion it is need to combine the global purposes of the higher education and the operational purposes of the concrete organizations entering this system.Practical implication. Results of research can be applied for development courses on philosophy of education and for management in the sphere of education.Цель. Реформа образования служит предметом многочисленных дискуссий ее сторонников и противников. Однако научно обоснованные предложения разработаны лишь по немногим вопросам. Предмет анализа – цели высшего образования, изменяющие свою направленность в современных условиях. Цель статьи – выявить причины противоречивого характера целей современного высшего образования.Методология и методы. Обращение к философскому осмыслению целей современного высшего образования рассматривается на основе сопоставления национальных систем образования с использованием компаративистского и социально-феноменологического подхода; используются методы структурного анализа и философской рефлексии.Результаты. Опираясь на указанные подходы и методы, автор выявляет общие проблемы постановки целей современного высшего образования, конструируемых на разных уровнях. Цели конструируются без учета многоуровневой системной деятельности институтов высшего образования, в условиях быстро расширяющегося и фрагментируемого знания, рождающего новые понятия, смыслы и утверждения, но затрудняющих постановку четко определенных целей. Анализ данной проблемы приводит к выводу необходимости сочетания глобальных целей высшего образования и операциональных целей конкретных организаций, входящих в эту систему.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены при создании учебных курсов по философии образования, в сфере управления образованием

    Hormonal computing: a conceptual approach

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    This paper provides a conceptual roadmap for the use of hormonal bioinspired models in a broad range of AI, neuroengineering, or computational systems. The functional signaling nature of hormones provides an example of a reliable multidimensional information management system that can solve parallel multitasks. Two existing examples of hormonal computing bioinspired possibilities are shortly reviewed, and two novel approaches are introduced, with a special emphasis on what researchers propose as hormonal computing for neurorehabilitation in patients with complete spinal cord injuries. They extend the use of epidural electrical stimulation (EES) by applying sequential stimulations to limbs through prostheses. The prostheses include various limb models and are connected to a neurostimulation bus called the central pattern generator (CPG). The CPG bus utilizes hormonal computing principles to coordinate the stimulation of the spinal cord and muscles

    Public Private Partnership in Social Sphere: Models Review

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    Growing social pressure on economy is a global trend nowadays due to constant increase of elderly population not accompanied by respective world economy growth. One of ways to respond to global challenges became new model of social & infrastructure investments called Public Private Partnership. In this article authors analyze specifics of Public Private Partnerships in social sphere and reasons why they came up to the world's agenda. Such areas as health protection, sports, education, culture, utilities are treated as social. Main goal of majority of partnerships is social as well and due to this such projects have low income rates and high risks associated. Nevertheless, in the article models of effective Public Private Partnerships are illustrated and analyzed in depth. The most promising models out of all options are selected and conclusion for the need of special tax regulation for the PPP projects is made. Keywords: problem of elderly population, effective models of social investments, Public Private Partnership (PPP) JEL Classifications: H51, H53, H54, M14, M2

    Myth as a Means of Ordering and Organizing Social Reality

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    This study investigates the phenomenon of social myth as a factor of forming and transforming the consciousness of social actors. It is defined that one of the factors of appealing to mythological representation of reality is the crisis of scientific orientations of modernism. In this plane, the article studies phenomenological receptions of myth as well as the process of mythologization of modern social reality. Moreover, attention is drawn to the fact that mythologization fixes an idea of social reality and its axiological (value) dimension in the consciousness of separate individuals and their groups. Myths are axiological indicators; the more controversial society values are the greater number of myths is produced by social consciousness to eliminate these contradictions. The difference between modern and archaic myth has both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Modern society generates a great number of myths with much more narrow content. This is a consequence of "specialization" of myths, their orientation towards solving particular local tasks: political, economic, etc. Functional and structural changes of social myths can be accounted for by critical, permanently transitional condition of society in which myth compensates the unformed elements of new social practices. However, the content side of myth is not a crisis but social request and values of particular culture. The question about the necessity to fight against myths probably should be answered negatively if we don’t mean the most dangerous myths posing a serious threat for society. Myths are in harmony with social consciousness and arise in places where there is a fault between current and desirable normativity. Thus, when social practices become stable social consciousness itself displaces and nullifies myths that are responsible for harmonization of new order and they become demanded


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    Offered has been the mechanism of formation of the primary oxide layers, the models of formation, phase formation and thermal processes with the plasma-electrolytic processing, considering the formation of oxides in the channels of the breakdowns and on the surface free from sparks. The modes of the formation of the oxide-ceramic coatings of the different purpose, promoting the widening of the sphere of application and improvement of the operating characteristics of aluminium parts such as pistons DVS KamAZ-740, rollers of the draw benches, seals of the transfer pumps, form formation elements of mould forms, have been justified. The technology of pistons DVS KamAZ-740 restoration has been introduced in practiceAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Frequency-Invariant Beamforming with Real FIR-filters

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    Frequency-invariant arrays are widely used in communication systems, audio processing and radar. For this applications wideband beam steering with FIR-filters is required. The paper presents a fixed frequency-invariant beamforming method. Proposed method allows beam steering and it does not require minimizing functions or the Fourier transform. The proposed approach is based on the usage of frequency properties of arrays and allows finding real coefficients of FIR-filters

    The GNSS Helix Antenna for High Precision Application

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    The investigation of four-way cylindrical helix antenna for applications in high-precision field of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) was presented in the article. A comparison of the proposed antenna with the classical approach of reducing multipath in the form of choke ring structure was produced. It is shown that it is possible to use the antenna in high-precision measurements without the bulky and heavy choke ring structures. The conclusions about the application of the antenna in navigation area were made

    System of Equations for Antenna Array Beam Pattern Nulling

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    Method of synthesis a beam pattern with nulls in specified directions is produced. In the synthesis of the beam pattern used a solution of the system of equations. An expression to calculate the beamformer complex weights is shown

    System of Equations for Antenna Array Beam Pattern Nulling

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    Method of synthesis a beam pattern with nulls in specified directions is produced. In the synthesis of the beam pattern used a solution of the system of equations. An expression to calculate the beamformer complex weights is shown