63 research outputs found

    Retinoic acid-induced differentiation sensitizes myeloid progenitors cells to ER stress

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    The clonal expansion of hematopoietic myeloid precursors blocked at different stages of differentiation characterizes the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) phenotype. A subtype of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), characterized by the chimeric protein PML-RARα is considered a paradigm of differentiation therapy. In this leukemia subtype the all-trans-retinoic acid (RA)-based treatments are able to induce PML-RARα degradation and leukemic blast terminal differentiation [1-2]. Granulocytic differentiation of APL cells driven by RA triggers a physiological Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), a series of pathways emanating from the ER in case of ER stress, which ensues when higher protein folding activity is required as during differentiation. We show here that, although mild, the ER stress induced by RA is sufficient to render human APL cell lines and primary blasts very sensitive to low doses of Tunicamycin (Tm), an ER stress inducing drug, at doses that are not toxic in the absence of RA. Importantly only human progenitors cells derived from APL patients resulted sensitive to the combined treatment with RA and Tm whereas those obtained from healthy donors were not affected. We also show that the UPR pathway downstream of PERK plays a major protective role against ER stress in differentiating cells and, by using a specific PERK inhibitor, we potentiated the toxic effect of the combination of RA and Tm. In conclusion, our findings identify the ER stress-related pathways as potential targets in the search for novel therapeutic strategies in AML

    Crucial role of phospholamban phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation in the negative lusitropism induced by 17β-estradiol in the male rat heart.

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    Background/Aims: 17β-estradiol (17βE2) plays an important cardiovascular role by activating estrogen receptors (ER) α and ERβ. Previous studies demonstrated that the novel estrogen G protein-coupled receptor (GPR30/GPER) mediates estrogen action in different tissues. We have recently shown in the rat heart that 17βE2 elicits negative inotropism through ERα, ERβ and GPR30, by triggering activation of ERK1/2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase A (PKA) and endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling. Methods: In the present study, using the isolated and Langendorff-perfused rat heart as a model system we analyzed: i) whether and to which extent 17βE2 modifies mammalian ventricular myocardial relaxation (lusitropism); ii) the type of ERs and the signaling pathways involved in this effect. Results: We found that 17βE2 negatively modulated the ventricular lusitropic performance. This effect, which partially involved the vascular endothelium, recruited ERβ and occurred via PI3K, eNOS-NO-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) transduction cascade. Of note, 17βE2-mediated negative lusitropism associated with a modification of phospholamban (PLN) phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation (SNO) both in isolated Langendorff rat heart and in isolated cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: Taken together, our results allow including 17βE2 to the family of substances that control ventricular relaxation. This is of relevance in relation not only to the normal endocrine control of cardiac function, but also to physio-pathologic conditions characterized by an altered ventricular diastolic performance

    A mitochondrial based oncology platform for targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) : MITO-ONC-RX

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    Here, we wish to propose a new systematic approach to cancer therapy, based on the targeting of mitochondrial metabolism, especially in cancer stem cells (CSCs). In the future, we envision that anti-mitochondrial therapy would ultimately be practiced as an add-on to more conventional therapy, largely for the prevention of tumor recurrence and cancer metastasis. This mitochondrial based oncology platform would require a panel of FDA-approved therapeutics (e.g. Doxycycline) that can safely be used to inhibit mitochondrial OXPHOS and/or biogenesis in CSCs. In addition, new therapeutics that target mitochondria could also be developed, to optimize their ability to eradicate CSCs. Finally, in this context, mitochondrial-based biomarkers (i.e. “Mito-signatures”) could be utilized as companion diagnostics, to identify high-risk cancer patients at diagnosis, facilitating the early detection of tumor recurrence and the prevention of treatment failure. In summary, we suggest that new clinical trials are warranted to test and possibly implement this emerging treatment strategy, in a variety of human cancer types. This general approach, using FDA-approved antibiotics to target mitochondria, was effective in killing CSCs originating from many different cancer types, including DCIS, breast (ER(+) and ER(-)), prostate, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancers, as well as melanoma and glioblastoma, among others. Thus, we propose the term MITO-ONC-RX, to describe this anti-mitochondrial platform for targeting CSCs. The use of re-purposed FDA-approved drugs will undoubtedly help to accelerate the clinical evaluation of this approach, as these drugs can move directly into Phase II clinical trials, saving considerable amounts of time (10–15 y) and billions in financial resources

    G protein-coupled receptors at the crossroad between physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis : old paradigms and emerging concepts

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been implicated in transmitting signals across the extra- and intra-cellular compartments, thus allowing environmental stimuli to elicit critical biological responses. As GPCRs can be activated by an extensive range of factors including hormones, neurotransmitters, phospholipids and other stimuli, their involvement in a plethora of physiological functions is not surprising. Aberrant GPCR signaling has been regarded as a major contributor to diverse pathologic conditions, such as inflammatory, cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. In this regard, solid tumors have been demonstrated to activate an angiogenic program that relies on GPCR action to support cancer growth and metastatic dissemination. Therefore, the manipulation of aberrant GPCR signaling could represent a promising target in anticancer therapy. Here, we highlight the GPCR-mediated angiogenic function focusing on the molecular mechanisms and transduction effectors driving the patho-physiological vasculogenesis. Specifically, we describe evidence for the role of heptahelic receptors and associated G proteins in promoting angiogenic responses in pathologic conditions, especially tumor angiogenesis and progression. Likewise, we discuss opportunities to manipulate aberrant GPCR-mediated angiogenic signaling for therapeutic benefit using innovative GPCR-targeted and patient-tailored pharmacological strategies

    Retinoic Acid-induced differentiation sensitizes myeloid progenitors cells to ER stress

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    The clonal expansion of hematopoietic myeloid precursors blocked at different stages of differentiation characterizes the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) phenotype. A subtype of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), characterized by the chimeric protein PML-RARα is considered a paradigm of differentiation therapy. In this leukemia subtype the all-trans-retinoic acid (RA)-based treatments are able to induce PML-RARα degradation and leukemic blast terminal differentiation [1-2]. Granulocytic differentiation of APL cells driven by RA triggers a physiological Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), a series of pathways emanating from the ER in case of ER stress, which ensues when higher protein folding activity is required as during differentiation. We show here that, although mild, the ER stress induced by RA is sufficient to render human APL cell lines and primary blasts very sensitive to low doses of Tunicamycin (Tm), an ER stress inducing drug, at doses that are not toxic in the absence of RA. Importantly only human progenitors cells derived from APL patients resulted sensitive to the combined treatment with RA and Tm whereas those obtained from healthy donors were not affected. We also show that the UPR pathway downstream of PERK plays a major protective role against ER stress in differentiating cells and, by using a specific PERK inhibitor, we potentiated the toxic effect of the combination of RA and Tm. In conclusion, our findings identify the ER stress-related pathways as potential targets in the search for novel therapeutic strategies in AML

    Activation of the S100A7/RAGE Pathway by IGF-1 Contributes to Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer (BC) mortality is increased among obese and diabetic patients. Both obesity and diabetes are associated with dysregulation of both the IGF-1R and the RAGE (Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products) pathways, which contribute to complications of these disorders. The alarmin S100A7, signaling through the receptor RAGE, prompts angiogenesis, inflammation, and BC progression. Methods: We performed bioinformatic analysis of BC gene expression datasets from published studies. We then used Estrogen Receptor (ER)-positive BC cells, CRISPR-mediated IGF-1R KO BC cells, and isogenic S100A7-transduced BC cells to investigate the role of IGF-1/IGF-1R in the regulation of S100A7 expression and tumor angiogenesis. To this aim, we also used gene silencing and pharmacological inhibitors, and we performed gene expression and promoter studies, western blotting analysis, ChIP and ELISA assays, endothelial cell proliferation and tube formation assay. Results: S100A7 expression correlates with worse prognostic outcomes in human BCs. In BC cells, the IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling engages STAT3 activation and its recruitment to the S100A7 promoter toward S100A7 increase. In human vascular endothelial cells, S100A7 activates RAGE signaling and prompts angiogenic effects. Conclusions: In ER-positive BCs the IGF-1 dependent activation of the S100A7/RAGE signaling in adjacent endothelial cells may serve as a previously unidentified angiocrine effector. Targeting S100A7 may pave the way for a better control of BC, particularly in conditions of unopposed activation of the IGF-1/IGF-1R axis

    Novel Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion by the Insulin Receptor Isoform A in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells

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    The insulin receptor isoform A (IR-A) plays an increasingly recognized role in fetal growth and tumor biology in response to circulating insulin and/or locally produced IGF2. This role seems not to be shared by the IR isoform B (IR-B). We aimed to dissect the specific impact of IR isoforms in modulating insulin signaling in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. We generated murine 4T1 TNBC cells deleted from the endogenous insulin receptor (INSR) gene and expressing comparable levels of either human IR-A or IR-B. We then measured IR isoform-specific in vitro and in vivo biological effects and transcriptome in response to insulin. Overall, the IR-A was more potent than the IR-B in mediating cell migration, invasion, and in vivo tumor growth. Transcriptome analysis showed that approximately 89% of insulin-stimulated transcripts depended solely on the expression of the specific isoform. Notably, in cells overexpressing IR-A, insulin strongly induced genes involved in tumor progression and immune evasion including chemokines and genes related to innate immunity. Conversely, in IR-B overexpressing cells, insulin predominantly induced the expression of genes primarily involved in the regulation of metabolic pathways and, to a lesser extent, tumor growth and angiogenesis

    GPER mediates the angiocrine actions induced by IGF1 through the HIF-1α/VEGF pathway in the breast tumor microenvironment

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    The G protein estrogen receptor GPER/GPR30 mediates estrogen action in breast cancer cells as well as in breast cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), which are key components of microenvironment driving tumor progression. GPER is a transcriptional target of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) and activates VEGF expression and angiogenesis in hypoxic breast tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, IGF1/IGF1R signaling, which has angiogenic effects, has been shown to activate GPER in breast cancer cells. We analyzed gene expression data from published studies representing almost 5000 breast cancer patients to investigate whether GPER and IGF1 signaling establish an angiocrine gene signature in breast cancer patients. Next, we used GPER-positive but estrogen receptor (ER)-negative primary CAF cells derived from patient breast tumours and SKBR3 breast cancer cells to investigate the role of GPER in the regulation of VEGF expression and angiogenesis triggered by IGF1. We performed gene expression and promoter studies, western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis, gene silencing strategies and endothelial tube formation assays to evaluate the involvement of the HIF-1α/GPER/VEGF signaling in the biological responses to IGF1. We first determined that GPER is co-expressed with IGF1R and with the vessel marker CD34 in human breast tumors (n = 4972). Next, we determined that IGF1/IGF1R signaling engages the ERK1/2 and AKT transduction pathways to induce the expression of HIF-1α and its targets GPER and VEGF. We found that a functional cooperation between HIF-1α and GPER is essential for the transcriptional activation of VEGF induced by IGF1. Finally, using conditioned medium from CAFs and SKBR3 cells stimulated with IGF1, we established that HIF-1α and GPER are both required for VEGF-induced human vascular endothelial cell tube formation. These findings shed new light on the essential role played by GPER in IGF1/IGF1R signaling that induces breast tumor angiogenesis. Targeting the multifaceted interactions between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment involving both GPCRs and growth factor receptors has potential in future combination anticancer therapies