136 research outputs found

    Generacijske skupine i njihovi stavovi prema oglašavanju

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    This research is aimed at determining the attitudes with regard to advertising from the perspective of generational cohorts in Sarawak. A two-phase of study was conducted to firstly identify generational cohorts in the state and, secondly, to investigate the attitude of each cohort to advertising. Utilizing theories of generations, a qualitative approach by means of personal interviews was used at the outset to identify external events which bring about the formation of cohorts. Accordingly, 48 interviews were conducted and data were content-analyzed. The findings were then incorporated into the second phase of study to investigate cohorts’ views about advertising, using theory of reasoned action. A quantitative approach via questionnaire-based survey was administered, and 1,410 copies were collected for analysis. Five distinct cohorts are proposed in the initial findings. They are labeled as Neoteric Inheritors, Prospective Pursuers, Social Strivers, Idealistic Strugglers and Battling Lifers on the basis of their respective engagement with events during the coming-of-age years. The subsequent findings show that beliefs about advertising are significant predictors of the attitudes to advertising, and so are the attitudes with regard to the intention of every cohort. However, their beliefs and attitudes to advertising are found to differ significantly, especially in the older cohort. The study thus highlights the implication of generational differences on the attitudes to advertising.Istraživanje je usmjereno na otkrivanje stavova prema oglašavanju sa stajališta generacijskih skupina u Sarawaku (Malezija). Studija je provedena u dvije faze: prva za identifikaciju generacijskih skupina u državi, a druga za istraživanje stavova svake skupine prema oglašavanju. Služeći se generacijskim teorijama, kvalitativni je pristup kroz osobne intervjue korišten kao polazište za identificiranje vanjskih događaja koji dovode do stvaranja skupina. Sukladno tome, provedena su 48 intervjua i analiza njihova sadržaja. Rezultati su zatim uključeni u drugu fazu studije istraživanja stavova skupina prema oglašavanju koristeći teoriju razložne akcije. Korišten je kvantitativni pristup istraživanju, a za analizu je prikupljeno 1 410 anketnih upitnika. U početnim nalazima predloženo je pet različitih skupina. One su označene kao moderni-nasljednici (Neoteric-inheritors), prospektivni-uvjeritelji (Prospective-pursuers), društveni-težitelji (Social-strivers), idealistički-borci (Idealistic-strugglers) i borbeni-osuđenici (Battling-lifers), na temelju njihova angažmana u događajima tijekom starenja. Naknadni rezultati pokazuju kako uvjerenja o oglašavanju značajno predviđaju stavove prema oglašavanju i prema namjeri za svaku skupinu. Međutim njihova uvjerenja i stavovi prema oglašavanju značajno su različiti, osobito kod starijih skupina. Istraživanje stoga naglašava implikacije generacijskih različitosti stavova prema oglašavanju

    Ethnically targeted advertising : views of those not targeted

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    This paper sets out to extend current knowledge on advertising effects on those not targeted by noting unintended consequences on attitudinal, emotional, and behavioral reactions

    Constructing ethnic identification variables of Malay, Chinese and Iban

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    This paper sets out to measure ethnic identification variables in a Malaysian context. Seven most widely accepted constructs of ethnic identity, language, friendship networks, religious affiliation, participation in clubs and organizations, endogamy, food preference and traditional celebrations were translated into nine constructs. Data collected was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis on three ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese and Iban in Malaysia. The findings indicate that "my language" and "my friends" can measure ethnic identification strength, with a caveat for religion Malays

    Constructing ethnic identification variables of Malay, Chinese and Iban

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    This paper sets out to measure ethnic identification variables in a Malaysian context. Seven most widely accepted constructs of ethnic identity, language, friendship networks, religious affiliation, participation in clubs and organizations, endogamy, food preference and traditional celebrations were translated into nine constructs. Data collected was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis on three ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese and Iban in Malaysia. The findings indicate that “my language” and “my friends” can measure ethnic identification strength, with a caveat for religion for Malays

    Ethnically targeted advertising : views of those not targeted

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    Language use in packaging : the reaction of Malay and Chinese consumers in Malaysia

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    This research sets out to determine the changes in attitude, emotion and behaviour of respondents to packaging using Bahasa Malaysia or Chinese in a multicultural Asian country, Malaysia. The findings of this research indicate that respondents reacted more favorably to product packaging imprinted in their own ethnic language. However, there is no significant difference between respondents in their attitude towards the company, indicating that there is a disparity between consumer reaction towards the company and its product packaging

    Beyond Demographic Boundary: Determining Generational Values by Cohorts

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    This study use sociological theories of generations to identify generational cohorts for market segmentation. These theories are predominantly used in the West, hence little is known about their relevance in emerging markets, such as Malaysia. Past studies have mostly borrowed cohort labels from that of the U.S. sources, and assumed that their characteristics can be construed in the Malaysian context. Given the exploratory nature of the study, a qualitative approach by means of personal interview was conducted to identify the actual cohorts in Sarawak, a state in Malaysia. Specifically, major societal and historical events that Sarawakians could overtly recall due to their attachment to them during formative years were elicited. Accordingly forty-eight interviews were recorded, transcribed and content-analysed. Five cohorts were identified, and they were different from that of the U.S. sources. They were subsequently labelled as Neoteric-inheritors, Prospective-pursuers, Social-strivers, Idealisticstrugglers and Battling-lifers based on their collective experience of the events. The results show the relevance of theories of generations for market segmentation in emerging market

    Service recovery strategies in western based fast food restaurants : a structural equation model test

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    This paper sets out to confirm a model that depicts the probability that service recovery activities will be carried out by front liners in Western based fast food restaurants. The study used a Juster scale based questionnaire survey format the restaurants customers. Data was then analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis utilizing Structural Equation Model. Factor analysis indicated three views of customers termed as Spoken, Minor Action, and Major Action service recovery strategies. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model was of a good fit (.749). The study was limited to respondents in Kuching. Nevertheless the finding has important implications to management and academia. For academics, the findings provide insight into service recovery modeling. A practical application from this study would be the use of Minor or Major Action service recovery strategies to improve customer’s perception of a company after service failure

    Body Image of Pakistani Consumers

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    This paper examines how media exposure, self esteem, and religiosity in uence body image of Pakistan consumers.The underpinning of this study is based on Social Comparison Theory with two additional variables (religiosity and self es- teem) for understanding understand consumer attitude towards body image. A self administered questionnaire was used. 193 persons responded at mall intercepts. The Conceptual framework was empirically tested through SEM. A positive relationship be- tween exposure to media and body image was found while negative in uence was found between self esteem and body image. No relationship was found between religiosity and body image. The results showed mixed outcomes as compared to past studies. The scope of this study is limited to one city only and hence the �nding could not be generalized. Future researcher may use a larger sample drawn throughout Pakistan, and by examin- ing whether body image perception varies ethnically, age and gender. Media exposure is a�ecting the traditional norms and values of Pakistan culture and body image. The obsessions of the media and thin body image have to be controlled and this requires policy changes. Corporate sector might take initiative by not selecting ultra thin mod- els. They might also sponsors public service messages showing ill e�ects of being ultra thin, and showing that the ultra thin models are not real but is results of artworks and camera angles. Social Comparison Theory with two addition variable religiosity and self esteem has been successfully extended/empirically tested in the domain of Pakistan culture

    Determining Attitudinal Beliefs about Controversial Advertising

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    This study aims to determine the beliefs about advertising of two controversial products, namely political parties and sexual diseases prevention. The theory of reasoned action was utilized as underlying premise to elicit beliefs about controversial advertising in order to understand the formation of attitude towards the advertising. A qualitative approach by means of personal interview was adopted to explore the relatively unknown phenomenon. Subsequently, 43 interviews were conducted in Sarawak and the transcripts were then content-analyzed by multiple coders. The findings show that there are 11 statements of belief for the advertising of political parties and 6 statements for the advertising of sexual diseases prevention. Although both types of advertising are primarily considered as a source of information, their descriptions are largely different. While the advertising of political parties is mainly believed to be giving misleading information and for personal interest, the advertising of sexual diseases prevention is regarded as a form of education when executed appropriately. Therefore, the former must be carried out with care to avoid negative responses, and the latter should be done fittingly. This articulates the underlying consideration that there are different beliefs by type of advertising, and about what might create controversy