7 research outputs found
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Konstruksi Pola Busana di Jurusan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang
This study aims to produce a medium of learning in the form of modules that can facilitate students in learning Construction Patterns Clothing. This study is also to gain an overview of the feasibility of the module as a learning medium Clothing Pattern Construction. This study is a Research and Development (Research and Development (R & D) is the research methods used to produce a particular product, and test the effectiveness of a particular product. This module in tested in the Department of Family Welfare to students D3 dressmaking with the number 38. The stages are carried out in the development of this module are: 1) recognize potential problems. 2) gather information, 3) develop product design, 4) the results of the development phase, In the result of this development stage of data analysis are: 1) the validity of the data analysis, 2) data analysis practicalities, and the effectiveness of data analysis. Based on the data analysis of the results showed that the validity of the test is done to the validator that expert learning media and materials experts are, 4.07 can be considered valid, the practicalities of trials conducted to students is 3.38% can be categorized as practical while the effectiveness of data analysis of student activities in the lecture increased from 59% to 81% which can be categorized effectively. This module is located in a very decent criteria are used as a medium of learning in terms of the validity of the data analysis, the practicalities and effectiveness
Naive Bayes Classifier Dan Support Vector Machine Sebagai Alternatif Solusi Untuk Text Mining
This study was conducted to text-based data mining or often called text mining, classification methods commonly used method Naïve bayes classifier (NBC) and support vector machine (SVM). This classification is emphasized for Indonesian language documents, while the relationship between documents is measured by the probability that can be proven with other classification algorithms. This evident from the conclusion that the probability result Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) word “party” at least in the economic document and political. Then the result of the algorithm support vector machine (svm) with the word “price” and “kpk” contains in both economic and politic document.
Identity Federation Menggunakan Ldap untuk Process-driven Application Berbasis Jbpm : Studi Kasus Administrasi Kerja Praktik Mahasiswa
Aplikasi berbasis proses atau process-driven application sebagai satu jenis aplikasi untuk menjalankan prosedur operasional dalam suatu organisasi. Keterlibatan beberapa pengguna dalam uturan pelaksanaan tugas atau task terkadang terjadi proses klaim jika task tersebut ditangani oleh salah satu anggota dalam kelompok, atau delegasi ke pengguna lain untuk menimalisir tertundanya penyelesaian proses. Sebuah organisasi dapat menggunakan basis data khusus untuk manajemen identitasnya seperti teknologi LDAP yang merepresentasikan basis data hirarkis sesuai struktur organisasi, disamping itu juga memfasilitasi single sign-on untuk otentikasi. Pada tulisan ini akan dikaji penggunaan LDAP pada OpenLDAP untuk pelaksanaan proses pada BPMS berbasis JBPM. Dari beberapa pengujian fungsi, didapat bahwa LDAP dapat membantu fungsi otentikasi dan otorisasi sehingga eksekusi proses dan task dapat dilaksanakan
Product Bundling Application to Support Implementation of Association Rule Mining Using FP-Growth
Online media has been proven to gave good impact especially in the business field, for opening and widen access to people and society, and so giving more opportunity to any business broader and easy access through electronic commerce (e-commerce). This is the basic idea for the need to improve business reach for a decorative plants store in Tangerang Area. The association transaction pattern as the outcome of data mining process by implementing the Fp-Growth Algorithm that is injected to a mobile application with the purpose to get the buyer's shopping pattern, which is also packed as the products bundling promotion media and finally open the opportunity to broaden reach for business and information.
Hubungan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat Anti Epilepsi terhadap Kejadian Kejang Pasien Epilepsi Menggunakan Kuesioner ARMS (Adherence Refill Medication Scale)
Epilepsi termasuk penyakit kronis otak yang dikarakterisasi dengan kejang berulang (2 kali atau lebih), dimana terjadi gerakan involunter yang melibatkan sebagian tubuh (partial) atau seluruh tubuh (generale), dan seringkali disertai dengan hilangnya kesadaran dan kontrol fungsi saluran cerna atau saluran kemih. Pengobatan epeilepsi sering menggunakan OAE (Obat AntiEpilpsi). Diketahui 70% anak-anak dan dewasa dengan epilepsi berhasil diterapi dengan obat antiepilepsi. Salah satu ukuran manajemen terapi obat pada penyakit epilepsi adalah menurun atau hilangnya kejang, sehingga adanya kejadian kejang menjadi salah satu ukuran pencapaian end outcome. Kejadian kejang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya ada tidaknya faktor pemicu kejang dan kepatuhan konsumsi obat antiepilepsi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional cross sectional yang dilakukan di poli neurologi Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD dr. Soetomo dan Instalasi rawat Jalan RS Universitas Airlangga. Selama penelitian diperoleh 52 pasien epilepsi yang menggunakan obat antiepilepsi. Padapenelitian ini diamati hubungan kepatuhan terhadap adanya kejang pasien epilepsi dalam penggunaan obat anti epilepsi. Pada penelitian ini diketahui nilai koefisien korelasi/ nilai rho (r) sebesar -0,348 dengan nilai p= 0,011 (p<0,05) atau signifikan secara statistik. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kategori kepatuhan (menggunakan kuesioner ARMS) dengan kejadian kejang, dimana semakin tinggi skor ARMS (dianggap semakin tidak patuh) berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan kejang
Analisis Pengaruh Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Pengetahuan terhadap Minat Masyarakat Menabung di Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus di Desa Jatikuwung Gondangrejo Karanganyar)
This study was conducted to examine whether there is a significant influence on education, social factors and knowledge on people's interest in saving at Islamic banks in Banyubiru, Jatikuwung Village, Gondangrejo Karanganyar. This study aims to determine and analyze education, social factors and knowledge of interest in saving in Islamic banks. The research method used in this study is quantitative with primary data sources originating from the distribution of questionnaires in the Banyubiru Jatikuwung Gondangrejo Karanganyar hamlet community. The sampling technique is by using the slove in formula. Data analysis methods in the form of Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Test, F Test, t Test and Determination Test. The results of this study using the t test (partial test) showed that the knowledge variable had no significant effect on the interest in saving in Islamic banks while the education variable and social factors had a significant effect on the interest in saving in Islamic banks. The results of the F-test (simultaneous test) show that the variables of education, social factors, and knowledge have a significant influence on interest in saving in Islamic banks bank. Judging from the Adjusted R-square value of the education variable, social and knowledge factors affect the interest in saving in Islamic banks by 57%.
Keywords : Interest, education, social factors and knowledg