23 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kualitas Tidur dengan Obesitas Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau Angkatan 2014

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    Sleep and rest is primary needs for everyone to make body have a normal function. Decreasing of sleep duration in someone will make some side effect for body and mind. Some study suggest that the shortening of time sleeping in a person can lead obesity which one can caused many other diseases that related with lifestyle such as hypertension and diabetes melitus. This research use analytic method with cross sectional approach to knowing the relationship between sleep quality and obesity in 2014 class student of Medical Faculty University of Riau. Total sample in this study was 137 students. This study was performed to assess the quality of sleep and obesity in respondents. Sleep quality assessment is done by filling out the quistionnaire Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the assessment of obesity is done by Body Mass Index (BMI) by measuring height and weight of respondents using height and weight scales. Research results obtained by sex that there\u27s 84,7% female respondents and 15,3% male respondents. Results of nutritional state in respondents based on BMI that there\u27s 59,9% non obesity while 40,1% obesity. Result of sleep quality showed that 68,6% were classified in poor category and 31,4% in good category. Chi square test results that there\u27s no relationship between quality of sleep with obesity in 2014 Class Students of Medical Faculty University of Riau

    Gambaran Daya Tahan Aerobik (Vo2max) Pada Atlet Dayung Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (Koni) Provinsi Riau Tahun 2015

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    Rowing is a sport featured Indonesian National Sports Committee Riau Province which require considerable force. Achieve good performance need a good physical condition. Aerobic endurance (VO2max) has contributed in aerobic endurance. VO2max value the better the athlete, the more fit physical health conditions. The purpose of this study was to know the description of aerobic endurance (VO2max) on rower Indonesian National Sport Committee (KONI) Riau province in 2015. This research method is a descriptive cross-sectional with total sampling technique. VO2max values obtained from the results of physical tests using balke test. The study was conducted on 57 respondents consisting of 43 men and 14 women. Results of this study showed the male athletes as many as 24 people (55.8%) in the category of very poor, 13 (30.2%) very poor and 6 (14.0%) enough. Whereas in female athletes earned 8 (57.1%) in the poor category and 6 (42.9%) very poor

    Gambaran Status Gizi Siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 13 Pekanbaru Tahun 2016

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    Nutrition in the early adolescents is a matter that must be considered. Many impacts that will be experienced by adolescents when malnutrition. Adolescents who are malnutrition will affect reproduction, in adolescent who experience obesity will be at risk of degenerative diseases. The purpose of this study is to describe the nutritional status of SMP Negeri 13 Pekanbaru. This research were 290 students from grade VII and VIII consisting of 100 boys and 190 girls were taken with quota sampling technique. Data were colected by questionnaire filled out by respondents to assess student characteristics data and calculate BMI by measuring weight and height to get nutritionaly measuring weight and height to get nutritional status of students. Nutritional status is divided into malnutrition, underweight, normal, overweight and obesity based on standard anthropometric indicators BMI per age. The result of this study a normal nutritional status is 172 students (59%), followed by the nutritional status of overweight were 66 students (23%), obesity were 29 students (10%), underweight were 19 students (7%) and malnutrition were 4 students (1%).

    Gambaran Status Gizi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Desa Teluk Kiambang Kecamatan Tempuling Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir.

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    Nutritional status is the health status generated by the balance of the needs and input of nutrients or nutrients. Primary school children is one of the group that is susceptible to nutritional problem, underweight and overweight. The purpose of this study was to describe the nutritional status in children of primary school in Teluk Kiambang at Tempuling, Indragiri Hilir. This research is a descriptivestudy with cross-sectional design. Respondents in this research were student in grade 1-6 which consists of 400 people chosen by total sampling method. Data were collected by questionnaire filled out by the parents of the respondents to determine student characteristic data and calculate BMI by measuring height and weight to measure the nutritional status of students. Nutritional status is divided into malnutrition, underweight, normal, overweight and obese based on anthropometric standard with BMI/U indicator. The data showed that underweight nutritional status as the highest value were 153 people (38,3%), followed by normal nutritional status were 145 orang (36,3%), malnutrition nutritional status were 94 people (23,5%), overweight nutritional status were 7 people (1,8%) and obesity nutritional status were 1 people (0,3%). The conclusion of this studyis the average of the nutritional status of children has malnutrition nutritional the age group 6-9 years, male gender, education level of parents is elementary, the amount of revenue 2

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kadar Gula Darah Puasa pada Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Riau

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    The Incidence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia tends to increase inlast 10 years. This has become a more serious problem especially since diabetesis often undiagnosed due to severe complications occur on long period enough(undiagnosed DM). Because of that screening for blood glucose levels isnecessary to detect diabetes mellitus. On the other hand several studies foundthat Body Mass Index (BMI) also has correlation too with blood glucose levels.Civil servants is a group of people at high risk of developing obesity, whereobesity itself is one of risk factor for increased level of blood glucose. Themeasurements of fasting blood glucose with enzymatic method and body massindex in 43 civil servans of Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Riau which whom neverdiagnosed as diabetes mellitus has been tested. And the correlation between theBMI and fasting blood glucose has been computed. Spearman test result the Pscores is 0.276 (P>0.05) and therefore concludes that there is no correlationbetween Body Mass Index and Fasting Blood Glucose in this researc

    Profil Status Gizi Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau Angkatan 2012 dan 2013 Berdasarkan Indeks Massa Tubuh, Waist Hip Ratio dan Lingkar Pinggang

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    Nutritional status is the standard about person's body condition that can be seen from the food consumed and the nutrients used by the body. The problems of nutritional status are undernutrition and overnutrition. Most of people in the city had overnutrition status. Nutritional status can be measured by antropometry. This research were done to figure out the nutritional profile of medical Faculty University of Riau students class 2012 and 2013 based on body mass index, waist hip ratio and waist circumference. This research was designed using descriptive cross sectional methode that amounted 238 students. The result were found age group 19 years old as many as 117 students (49,2%), mostly female as many as 192 students (80,7%). Based on body mass index showed 49,2% students include normal category, obesity 23,9%, overweight 16,0% and underweight 10,9%. Based on waist hip ratio showed 55,9% were found not obese and 44,1% include obesity and based on waist circumference showed 80,3% were found not obese and 19,7% include obesity

    Gambaran Status Gizi dan Asupan Zat Gizi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai

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    School-age children need a good nutrition to support learning activities at school. Nutritional intake will affect the concentration of power and intelligence of the child in receiving and absorbing the knowledge gained in school. The purpose of this study was to describe the nutritional status and nutrient intake in children of primary school in Sungai Sembilan, Dumai City. This research is a descriptive study with cross-sectional design. Respondents in this research were 153 boys and 192 girls were calculated BMI by measuring height and weight. Dietary intake assessment done by asking parents to fill the food record. Nutritional status is divided into very thin, thin, normal, obese and very obese, based on anthropometric indices while food intake consists of energy intake, carbohydrate, protein and fat. Children with very poor nutritional status of 3,5%, children with malnutrition status of 3,5%, obese children with nutritional status of 16.5%, the nutritional status of children with very fat 2,6% The majority of children receive the intake deficit Energy 36.5%, 52.2% less carbohydrates, less protein and less fat 41.7 43.5%

    Hubungan Higien Personal dengan Infestasi Soil Transmitted Helminths pada Ibu Hamil di Kelurahan Sri Meranti Daerah Pesisir Sungai Siak Pekanbaru

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    Intestinal worm infestation is still one of the public health problems reported in low-income and middle-income countries including Indonesia. Personal higiene and environment are important factors influencing the transmission of this desease. The objective of this research was to analyse the relationship between personal hygiene and Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) infestation on pregnant women in the kelurahan Sri Meranti of coastal area Sungai Siak Pekanbaru. This analytic study using cross sectional approachment. Samples were taken by total sampling method, as many as 30 people. Bivariate analysis was conducted by using chi square test and Fisher test with the confidence interval of 95%. The result showed that of 8 of 30 respondents had infested STH (26,7%) with Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiur. There conformation were collected, it the was relations between personal hygiene and STH, with collected information such as footwere used, toilet utilization, soap utilization habit right before meal and after defecation, cutting hails habit and wash vegetables before comsumption.Key work: personal Hygiene, soil transmitted helminthes infestatio