217 research outputs found

    QCD factorization for forward hadron scattering at high energies

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    We consider the QCD factorization of DIS structure functions at small x and amplitudes of 2->2 -hadronic forward scattering at high energy. We show that both collinear and k_T-factorization for these processes can be obtained approximately as reductions of a more general (totally unintegrated) form of the factorization. The requirement of ultraviolet and infrared stability of the factorization convolutions allows us to obtain restrictions on the fits for the parton distributions in k_T- and collinear factorization.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures In the present version misprints found in the prevcious version are corrected and some more details are explaine

    Collisions of low-energy antiprotons with molecular hydrogen: ionization, excitation and stopping power

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    A time-dependent coupled-channel approach was used to calculate ionization, excitation, and energy-loss cross sections as well as energy spectra for antiproton and proton collisions with molecular hydrogen for impact energies 8 keV < E < 4000 keV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conference LEAP0

    Matching NLO parton shower matrix element with exact phase space: case of W -> l nu (gamma) and gamma^* -> pi^+pi^-(gamma)

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    The PHOTOS Monte Carlo is often used for simulation of QED effects in decay of intermediate particles and resonances. Momenta are generated in such a way that samples of events cover the whole bremsstrahlung phase space. With the help of selection cuts, experimental acceptance can be then taken into account. The program is based on an exact multiphoton phase space. Crude matrix element is obtained by iteration of a universal multidimensional kernel. It ensures exact distribution in the soft photon region. Algorithm is compatible with exclusive exponentiation. To evaluate the program's precision, it is necessary to control the kernel with the help of perturbative results. If available, kernel is constructed from the exact first order matrix element. This ensures that all terms necessary for non-leading logarithms are taken into account. In the present paper we will focus on the W -> l nu and gamma^* -> pi^+ pi^- decays. The Born level cross sections for both processes approach zero in some points of the phase space. A process dependent compensating weight is constructed to incorporate the exact matrix element, but is recommended for use in tests only. In the hard photon region, where scalar QED is not expected to be reliable, the compensating weight for gamma^* decay can be large. With respect to the total rate, the effect remains at the permille level. It is nonetheless of interest. The terms leading to the effect are analogous to some terms appearing in QCD. The present paper can be understood either as a contribution to discussion on how to match two collinear emission chains resulting from charged sources in a way compatible with the exact and complete phase space, exclusive exponentiation and the first order matrix element of QED (scalar QED), or as the practical study of predictions for accelerator experiments.Comment: 24 page

    Small-x Dipole Evolution Beyond the Large-N_c Limit

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    We present a method to include colour-suppressed effects in the Mueller dipole picture. The model consistently includes saturation effects both in the evolution of dipoles and in the interactions of dipoles with a target in a frame-independent way. When implemented in a Monte Carlo simulation together with our previous model of energy--momentum conservation and a simple dipole description of initial state protons and virtual photons, the model is able to reproduce to a satisfactory degree both the gamma*-p cross sections as measured at HERA as well as the total p-p cross section all the way from ISR energies to the Tevatron and beyond

    Resummation of double logarithms in electroweak high energy processes

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    At future linear e+ee^+e^- collider experiments in the TeV range, Sudakov double logarithms originating from massive boson exchange can lead to significant corrections to the cross sections of the observable processes. These effects are important for the high precision objectives of the Next Linear Collider. We use the infrared evolution equation, based on a gauge invariant dispersive method, to obtain double logarithmic asymptotics of scattering amplitudes and discuss how it can be applied, in the case of broken gauge symmetry, to the Standard Model of electroweak processes. We discuss the double logarithmic effects to both non-radiative processes and to processes accompanied by soft gauge boson emission. In all cases the Sudakov double logarithms are found to exponentiate. We also discuss double logarithmic effects of a non-Sudakov type which appear in Regge-like processes.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, Latex2

    Markovian MC simulation of QCD evolution at NLO level with minimum k_T

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    We present two Monte Carlo algorithms of the Markovian type which solve the modified QCD evolution equations at the NLO level. The modifications with respect to the standard DGLAP evolution concern the argument of the strong coupling constant alpha_S. We analyze the z - dependent argument and then the k_T - dependent one. The evolution time variable is identified with the rapidity. The two algorithms are tested to the 0.05% precision level. We find that the NLO corrections in the evolution of parton momentum distributions with k_T - dependent coupling constant are of the order of 10 to 20%, and in a small x region even up to 30%, with respect to the LO contributions.Comment: 32 pages, 9 pdf figure

    A Catching Trap for All Antiproton Seasons

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    We describe the origin, development, and status of the Los Alamos antiproton catching trap. Originally designed for the antiproton gravity experiment, it now is clear that this device can be a source of low-energy antiprotons for a wide range of physics, both on site, at CERN, and also off site.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures available upon request, In honor of Herbert Walthe

    SORL1 mutation in a Greek family with Parkinson's disease and dementia

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    Whole exome sequencing and linkage analysis were performed in a three generational pedigree of Greek origin with a broad phenotypic spectrum spanning from Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s disease dementia to dementia of mixed type (Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia). We identified a novel heterozygous c.G1135T (p.G379W) variant in SORL1 which segregated with the disease in the family. Mutation screening in sporadic Greek PD cases identified one additional individual with the mutation, sharing the same 12.8Mb haplotype. Our findings provide support for SORL1 mutations resulting in a broad range of additional phenotypes and warrants further studies in neurodegenerative diseases beyond AD

    Small x behavior of parton distributions. A study of higher twist effects

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    Higher twist corrections to the structure function F_2 at small x are studied for the case of a flat initial condition for the twist-two QCD evolution in the next-to-leading order approximation. We present an analytical parameterization of the contributions from the twist-two and higher twist operators of the Wilson operator product expansion. Higher twist terms are evaluated using two different approaches, one motivated by BFKL and the other motivated by the renormalon formalism. The results of the latter approach are in very good agreement with deep inelastic scattering data from HERA.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figures, typeset using REVTeX. Misprints corrected, new results, discussions, references and acknowledgements added, 2 pictures replaced. The conclusions remain unchange

    Theoretical issues of small xx physics

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    The perturbative QCD predictions concerning deep inelastic scattering at low xx are summarized. The theoretical framework based on the leading log 1/x1/x resummation and ktk_t factorization theorem is described and some recent developments concerning the BFKL equation and its generalization are discussed. The QCD expectations concerning the small xx behaviour of the spin dependent structure function g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) are briefly summarized and the importance of the double logarithmic terms which sum contributions containing the leading powers of αsln2(1/x)\alpha_s ln^2(1/x) is emphasised. The role of studying final states in deep inelastic scattering for revealing the details of the underlying dynamics at low xx is pointed out and some dedicated measurements, like deep inelastic scattering accompanied by an energetic jet, the measurement of the transverse energy flow etc., are briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, LATEX, 7 uuencoded eps figures include