8 research outputs found

    Application of service robots in rehabilitation and support of patients

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    Jedan od ključnih faktora razvoja servisne robotike su identificirani trendovi stanovništva treće dobi. U svijetu postoji trend porasta radnika koji odlaze u mirovinu i starije populacije stanovništva. Servisna robotika pred sobom ima izazov i priliku da nađe rješenja koja će zadovoljiti tu populaciju stanovništva sa stanovišta njihove zdravstvene, socijalne pomoći te im pružiti kompletnu pomoć i njegu. U radu su prikazani primjeri aplikacije servisnih robota i robotiziranih sustava koji pomažu bolesnicima, hendikepiranim osobama pri obavljanju svakodnevnih poslova i pri rehabilitaciji. Cilj robotske tehnologije razviti je servisne robote koji će imati interaktivnu komunikaciju s bolesnikom, pružiti mu pomoć u obavljanju svakodnevnih poslova, njegov život učiniti kvalitetnijim i sadržajnijim bez stresa.One of the main factors that influenced in service robotic development is identified in aging of human population in various countries. In the world is increased number of retired and aged population. Designers of service robotics has a challenge and chance to find solution which will satisfy these population in regards of social and health care and provide them complete help and support. In this paper application of service robots and robotized systems examples are given which helps to patients, persons with handicaps in performing daily tasks and support in rehabilitation. Aim of robotic technology is developing of service robots which will have interactive communication with patients, give them support in performing daily tasks, make life quality and fulfill without stress

    Industrial robot applications in manufacturing process in Asia and Australia

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    Da bi smo vidjeli ulogu industrijskog robota u proizvodnom procesu, u kojim proizvodnim procesima je najveća primjena industrijskih robota, analizirali smo primjenu industrijskih robota u Aziji/Australiji. Automatizaciju i modernizaciju proizvodnog procesa u bilo kojoj industrijskoj grani nije moguće zamisliti bez upotrebe industrijskih robota, što su shvatili prije toliko godina u Aziji, a što će pokazati i ova analiza. Godišnja i ukupna primjena industrijskih robota analizirana je u sljedećim proizvodnim procesima: operacije rukovanje materijalima, zavarivanje, montaža, obrade, pakovanje i ostalo/neodređeno gdje nismo robote mogli svrstati u proizvodni proces. Analizirana je primjena industrijskih robota u vodećim zemljama Azije, u kojima je razvijena industrija ili se razvija industrija te gdje se vrši automatizacija i modernizacija proizvodnih procesa. U radu je data komparativana analiza u zadnje tri godine primjene industrijskih robota kako na godišnjoj razini tako i ukupni broj primjenjenih industrijskih robota. Dan je postotni omjer primjene industrijskih robota u raznim industrijskim granama u 2010. U analizu su uzeta predviđanja primjene industrijskih robota u narednom razdoblju do 2014. godine.In order to see the role of industrial robot in a manufacturing process and to see which manufacturing processes have the highest industrial robot application, industrial robot application in Asia/Australia has been analysed. Automation and modernization of a manufacturing process in any industrial branch is impossible without industrial robot application. In Asia, it has been known for years, and this paper will prove it. Annual and total industrial robot application has been analysed in the following manufacturing processes: handling material operations, welding, assembly, processing, dispensing and the other/ undefined, where robots could not be classified in the manufacturing process. Industrial robot application of the leading Asian countries has been analysed, those with the developed industry and others with industry in the developing stages, where the automation and modernization of the manufacturing process is performed. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the industrial robot application in the last three years, at the annual level and the total number (operational stock) of the industrial robot applications. The percentage reference is given of the industrial robot applications in different industrial branches in 2010. It also provides the prediction analysis of the industrial robot applications in the following period till 2014

    Inverse kinematics of a redundant manipulator robot using constrained optimization

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    Redundant manipulative robots are characterized by greater manipulability improving performance but complicating inverse kinematics, on the other hand, optimization techniques allow solving complex problems in robotics applications with greater efficiency. This paper presents the inverse kinematics of a redundant manipulative robot with four degrees of freedom to track a desired trajectory, and considering constraint in manipulability. The optimization problem is proposed using the quadratic position errors of the operative end and the constraint is established by a manipulability index, for this the kinematic model of the robot is determined. The results show the points of singularity of the robot and the performance of the proposal implemented, observing the positional errors and the manipulability for each point of the trajectory. In addition, the optimization is evaluated for two desired manipulability values. Finally, it is concluded that the implemented method optimizes the inverse kinematics to track the desired path while constraining the manipulability. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020