19 research outputs found

    Fertility in men with spinal cord injury

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    Young men comprise the overwhelming majority of men with spinal cord injury (SCI), the incidence of which has been growing over the years. Due to advances in physical medicine and rehabilitation, remarkable improvements in survival rates have been reported, leading to life expectancies similar to those of the general population. However, many sexual and reproductive functions may be impaired due to erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction and semen abnormalities, characterised by low-sperm motility or viability in SCI males who have not become parents yet. Nevertheless, fatherhood is still possible through the introduction of specialised medical management, by using various medical, technical and surgical methods for sperm retrieval in combination with assisted reproductive techniques. Erectile dysfunction can be managed by the use of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, intracavernosal injections, vacuum devices and penile prostheses. Semen can be obtained from the vast majority of anejaculatory men by medically assisted ejaculation through the use of penile vibratory stimulation or electroejaculation and via prostate massage or surgical procedures. Despite impaired sperm parameters, reasonable pregnancy rates similar to those in able-bodied subfertile cohorts have been reported. However, future research should focus on the optimisation of semen quality in these men and on improving natural ejaculation

    Suvremene prevencijske strategije porasta predovulacijskog progesterona tijekom stimulacije jajnika u postupku izvantjelesne oplodnje

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    The purpose of this review is to present contemporary measures for preventing the increase in preovulatory progesterone (P) and its adverse effects on ovarian stimulation in in vitro fertilization (IVF). For the last 20 years, the increase of preovulatory P has been a topic of numerous discussions because its role is not fully understood in terms of its impact on pregnancy outcome after IVF. Some studies failed to establish a connection between the preovulatory P increase and successful IVF outcome regardless of the level of P, while, conversely, most other studies have reported on adverse effects of elevated P concentrations. Current strategies to prevent the increase in preovulatory P include an individualized approach with the use of mild stimulation protocols and early application of human chorionic gonadotropin for ovulation induction among good responders, delay in the transfer of fresh embryos from 3rd to 5th day, and cryopreservation of all embryos with the thawed embryo transfer in the natural cycle. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to confirm the current preventive methods or enable the application of new strategies in order to lower or eliminate the detrimental effects of preovulatory P rise during ovarian stimulation in IVF.Svrha ovoga preglednog članka je prikazati suvremene mjere za prevenciju porasta predovulacijskog progesterona (P) i njegovih nepovoljnih učinaka kod stimulacije jajnika u postupku izvantjelesne oplodnje. Unatrag 20-ak godina porast predovulacijskog P tema je brojnih rasprava, jer njegova uloga nije u potpunosti razjaÅ”njena u pogledu utjecaja na ishod trudnoće nakon postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje. Neka istraživanja nisu utvrdila nikakvu povezanost između porasta predovulacijskog P u odnosu na uspjeÅ”nost postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje neovisno o razini P, dok nasuprot tome, većina drugih istraživanja izvjeŔćuje o nepovoljnim učincima poviÅ”ene koncentracije P. Suvremene strategije u prevenciji porasta predovulacijskog P uključuju individualizirani pristup primjenom blažih stimulacijskih protokola te raniju primjenu humanog korionskog gonadotropina za indukciju ovulacije kod bolesnica koje dobro reagiraju na stimulaciju, odgodu prijenosa svježih zametaka s 3. na 5. dan i krioprezervaciju svih zametaka uz transfer odmrznutih embrija u prirodnom ciklusu. Neophodna su daljnja istraživanja koja će potvrditi postojeće prevencijske metode ili omogućiti primjenu novih strategija, sa svrhom onemogućavanja nepovoljnog utjecaja porasta predovulacijskog P na ishod trudnoće nakon postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje

    Combined ovulation triggering with GnRH agonist and hCG in IVF patients

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    The aim of the review is to analyse the combination of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist with a human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) trigger, for final oocyte maturation in in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. The concept being a ''dual trigger'' combines a single dose of the GnRH agonist with a reduced or standard dosage of hCG at the time of triggering. The use of a GnRH agonist with a reduced dose of hCG in high responders demonstrated luteal phase support with improved pregnancy rates, similar to those after conventional hCG and a low risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The administration of a GnRH agonist and a standard hCG in normal responders, demonstrated significantly improved live-birth rates and a higher number of embryos of excellent quality, or cryopreserved embryos. The concept of the ''double trigger" represents a combination of a GnRH agonist and a standard hCG, when used 40 and 34ā€‰h prior to ovum pick-up, respectively. The use of the ''double trigger" has been successfully offered in the treatment of empty follicle syndrome and in patients with a history of immature oocytes retrieved or with low/poor oocytes yield. Further prospective studies are required to confirm the aforementioned observations prior to clinical implementation

    Medikamentna prevencija sindroma hiperstimulacije jajnika

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    The purpose of this review is to analyze current medical strategies in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) during ovarian stimulation for in vitrofertilization. Owing to contemporary preventive measures of OHSS, the incidence of moderate and severe forms of the syndrome varies between 0.18% and 1.40%. Although none of medical strategies is completely effective, there is high-quality evidence that replacing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists after GnRH antagonists and moderate-quality evidence that GnRH antagonist protocols, dopamine agonists and mild protocols reduce the occurrence of OHSS. Among various GnRH agonists, buserelin 0.5 mg, triptorelin 0.2 mg and leuprolide acetate (0.5-4 mg) have been mostly utilized. Although GnRH trigger is currently regarded as the best tool for OHSS prevention, intensive luteal support with exogenous administration of estradiol and progesterone or low-dose hCG on the day of oocyte retrieval or on the day of GnRH agonist trigger are required to achieve optimal conception rates due to early luteolysis. Among currently available dopamine agonists, cabergoline, quinagolide and bromocriptine are the most common drugs that should be used for prevention of both early and late OHSS. Mild stimulation protocols offer attractive option in OHSS prevention with satisfactory pregnancy rates.Svrha ovoga rada bila je analizirati danaÅ”nje medikamentne strategije u prevenciji sindroma hiperstimulacije jajnika za vrijeme stimulacije ovulacije u postupku izvantjelesne oplodnje. Zahvaljujući suvremenim metodama prevencije pojavnost sindroma hiperstimulacije se kreće od 0,18% do 1,40%. Premda se nijedna prevencijska strategija nije pokazala u potpunosti djelotvornom, postoje čvrsti dokazi da zamjena humanog korionskog gonadotropina gonadotropnim otpuÅ”tajućim hormonom nakon antagonista gonadotropnog otpuÅ”tajućeg hormona te umjereni dokazi da protokoli antagonista gonadotropnog otpuÅ”tajućeg hormona, agonisti dopamina i blagi protokoli smanjuju pojavnost sindroma hiperstimulacije. Između nekoliko agonista gonadotropnog otpuÅ”tajućeg hormona najčeŔće se koriste buserelin 0,5 mg, triptorelin 0,2 mg i leuprolid (0,5-4 mg). Premda se danas smatra da je gonadotropni otpuÅ”tajući hormon najuspjeÅ”niji u prevenciji sindroma hiperstimulacije jajnika, zbog rane luteolize potrebna je intenzivna potpora žutom tijelu primjenom estradiola i progesterona ili sniženim dozama humanog korionskog gonadotropina na dan aspiracije jajnih stanica da bi se postigle optimalne stope zanoÅ”enja. Između danas dostupnih agonista dopamina kabergolin, kinagolid i bromokriptin su lijekovi koji se najčeŔće primjenjuju i koje bi trebalo primjenjivati u prevenciji ranog i kasnog oblika sindroma hiperstimulacije. Blagi stimulacijski protokoli predstavljaju privlačan izbor u prevenciji sindroma hiperstimulacije sa zadovoljavajućim stopama trudnoće

    Utjecaj muŔke debljine na plodnost

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    The aim of this review is to analyze current diagnostic approaches to obesity in adult men, the potential mechanisms linking obesity to infertility, and treatment options aimed at improving reproductive health. Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic with the estimated prevalence increasing from 28.8% to 36.9% between 1980 and 2013. In terms of diagnosis, numerous simple techniques have been developed including body mass index, waist to hip ratio, waist circumference, bioelectrical impedance analysis, ultrasound and skinfold measurements. Additionally, several other less available but more accurate techniques have been suggested, such as air displacement plethysmography, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition to cardiovascular and other disorders, male obesity can negatively affect the male reproductive potential through abnormal reproductive hormone levels, reduced semen quality, increased release of adipose-derived hormones and adipokines, as well as thermal, genetic and sexual mechanisms. In the management of obesity related male infertility, natural weight loss is the cornerstone and regular exercise the first-line treatment. Although bariatric surgery results in greater improvements in weight loss outcomes when compared to non-surgical interventions, further research is required to clarify its overall influence on male fertility.Svrha ove studije bila je analizirati danaÅ”nje dijagnostičke metode debljine kod odraslih muÅ”karaca, potencijalne mehanizme koji povezuju debljinu s neplodnoŔću i mogućnosti liječenja s ciljem poboljÅ”anja reprodukcijskog zdravlja. Debljina je Å”irom svijeta poprimila epidemijski karakter s procijenjenom pojavnoŔću u porastu od 28,8% do 36,9% između 1980. i 2013. godine. U pogledu dijagnoze pretilosti razvijene su brojne jednostavne tehnike uključujući indeks tjelesne mase, omjer struka i kukova, opseg struka, analiza biolektričnog otpora, ultrazvuk i mjerenje kožnih nabora. Uz to, postoji nekoliko drugih rjeđe dostupnih no preciznijih tehnika kao Å”to su pletizmografija na temelju istiskivanja zraka, apsorciometrija s dva izvora zračenja, kompjutorizirana tomografija i magnetska rezonancija. Uz kardiovaskularne i druge bolesti pretilost muÅ”karca može se nepovoljno odražavati na njegovu fertilnu sposobnost poremećajem razine reprodukcijskih hormona, smanjenom kvalitetom sjemena, pojačanim lučenjem hormona i masnog tkiva i adipokina, a isto tako kroz toplinske, genetske i spolne mehanizme. Pri vođenju neplodnosti muÅ”karca povezane s pretiloŔću odlučujuće je prirodno smanjenje tjelesne težine, a redovite tjelovježbe predstavljaju prvu liniju liječenja. Premda su kirurÅ”ki zahvati na želucu i crijevima znatno uspjeÅ”niji glede ishoda smanjenja tjelesne težine u odnosu na neoperacijske metode, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja za razjaÅ”njenje njihovog utjecaja na plodnost muÅ”karca

    Efekti antiagregacijske i antikoagulacijske terapije trombofilija u trudnoći

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    Uvod: Trombofilija povećava rizik od ponovnog pobačaja i drugih ozbiljnih opstetričkih komplikacija kao Å”to je preeklampsija, abrupcija posteljice i zastoj u rastu fetusa. Cilj: istražiti učinkovitost antiagregacijske i antikoagulacijske terapije u odnosu na: pojavu i težinu opstretičkih komplikacija i ishod trudnoće. Ispitanice i metode: Multicentrična retrospektivno/prospektivna studija. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju 2018-2021. godine na područiju Zeničko-dobojske županije, Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine. Laboratorijske analize obavljene su u Kantonalnoj bolnici Zenica (GinekoloÅ”ko-akuÅ”erski odjel) i Općoj bolnici TeÅ”anj (GinekoloÅ”ko-akuÅ”erski odjel). U istraživanje je uključeno 180 ispitanica. Formirane su dvije osnovne skupine: radna (skupina ispitanica) i kontrolna skupina. Radnu skupinu činilo je ukupno 120 ispitanica (N=120). Kontrolnu skupinu činilo je ukupno 60 ispitanica (N=60). Rezultati:Primjena antikoagulacijske terapije u profilaktičkim i terapijskim dozama utjecala je na smanjenje učestalosti i težine komplikacija, pozitivan učinak u postizanju terminske trudnoće, te pozitivan učinak u profilaksi tromboembolijskih bolesti. Primjenom antiagregacijske terapije postignut je pozitivan učinak profilakse tromboze, ali ne i smanjenje broja komplikacija. Zaključak:Utvrđen je bolji učinak antikoagulacijske u odnosu na antiagregacijsku terapiju u postizanju terminske trudnoće, smanjenja broja komplikacija i tromboze

    PoboljÅ”anje spolne i reprodukcijske funkcije u muÅ”karaca s oÅ”tećenjem kralježnične moždine

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    The aim of the review is to establish sexual and reproductive functions in men with spinal cord lesion (SCL). Many sexual and reproductive dysfunctions may be found in these patients including individualā€™s low self-esteem, delay of orgasm, erectile or ejaculatory disorder and abnormalities of semen, which are characterized by lower sperm motility or viability. Owing to improvements in physical medicine and rehabilitation, the focus has been shifted from keeping patients alive towards ensuring the quality of life and improvements of sexual dysfunctions and later reproduction. Erectile dysfunction can be treated by using phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, intracavernosal injections, vacuum devices and penile prostheses. Semen can be retrieved from anejaculatory patients by medically assisted methods utilizing penile vibratory stimulation, electroejaculation, prostate massage, or surgically. Although there is low chance for pregnancy in natural way in most of SCL patients, fatherhood is possible through the introduction of assisted medical management. By use of various medical, technical and surgical procedures for sperm retrieval combined with assisted reproductive methods, high pregnancy rates have been reported comparable to those in able-bodied subfertile patients. Nevertheless, future studies are needed to improve semen quality and methods of assisted ejaculation in patients with SCL.Svrha ovoga preglednog članka je analizirati spolne i reprodukcijske funkcije u muÅ”karaca s oÅ”tećenjem kralježnične moždine (OKM). Mnoge spolne i reprodukcijske funkcije u ovih bolesnika mogu biti oÅ”tećene uključujući vlastitu podcjenjenost, nedostatak spolnog zadovoljstva, erekcijsku i ejakulacijsku disfunkciju te nepravilnosti spermiograma koje karakteriziraju slabija pokretljivost i vijabilnost. Zahvaljujući napretku u fizikalnoj medicini i rehabilitaciji pomiče se glavna usmjerenost na omogućavanje preživljenja takvih bolesnika prema osiguranju kvalitete života, poboljÅ”anju spolne disfunkcije i kasnije reprodukcije. Erekcijska disfunkcija može se liječiti primjenom inhibitora fosfodiesteraze-5, intrakavernoznih injekcija, vakumskih uređaja i proteza za penis. U većine muÅ”karaca s anejakulacijom sjeme se može dobiti postupkom medicinski pomognute ejakulacije primjenom vibracijske stimulacije penisa, elektroejakulacije, masaže prostate ili kirurÅ”kih zahvata. Premda većina muÅ”karaca s OKM ne uspijeva postići trudnoću na prirodan način, stvaranje potomstva ipak je moguće uvođenjem specijalističkog medicinskog liječenja. Primjenom raznih medicinskih, tehničkih i kirurÅ”kih tehnika za dobivanje spermija u kombinaciji s metodama za pomognutu oplodnju postignute su zavidne stope trudnoća slično kao u subfertilnih osoba bez tjelesnih oÅ”tećenja. Ipak, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja za poboljÅ”anje kvalitete sjemena i metoda za pomognutu ejakulaciju u bolesnika s OKM

    Rizik hiperkoagulabilnosti kod sindromahiperstimulacije jajnika

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    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a rare and potentially life-threatening complication of infertility treatment occurring during either the luteal phase or early pregnancy. An increasing number of thromboembolic complications associated with the increased use of assisted reproductive techniques have been reported in the literature. Identification of the risk factors is crucial for prevention of thromboembolic events in OHSS patients. Alterations in the hemostatic system cause hypercoagulability in women affected by severe OHSS. Coexistence of inherited hypercoagulable conditions increases the risk of thromboembolism. The role of clinical parameters that can help predict development of thrombosis is controversial. Patients with a personal or family history of thrombosis undergoing infertility treatment should be considered for thrombophilia screening, while routine examination of inherited thrombophilic mutations is not indicated in infertile patients. Antithrombotic primary prevention is not indicated in healthy women undergoing assisted reproductive procedures or in women with thrombophilia. Anticoagulant therapy is indicted if there is clinical evidence of thrombosis or laboratory evidence of hypercoagulability. In this review, the risks of hypercoagulability in the OHSS are discussed.Sindrom hiperstimulacije jajnika je rijetka i za život opasna komplikacija liječenja neplodnosti koja se javlja u lutealnoj fazi menstruacijskog ciklusa ili tijekom rane trudnoće. Povećanjem zastupljenosti tehnika potpomognute oplodnje povećava se broj prijavljenih slučajeva tromboembolijskih komplikacija. U prevenciji tromboembolijskih događaja kod bolesnica sa sindromom hiperstimulacije jajnika ključno je određivanje rizičnih čimbenika. Promjene u sustavu hemostaze uzrokuju hipekoagulabilnost, a nasljedne trombofilije dodatno povećavaju rizik tromboembolije. Sporna je uloga kliničkih parametara koji mogu pomoći u predviđanju razvoja tromboze. Žene podvrgnute liječenju neplodnosti koje su preboljele tromboembolijsku bolest ili u obitelji imaju slučajeve tromboembolijske bolesti treba testirati na nasljedne trombofilije, dok se rutinsko testiranje kod neplodnih žena ne provodi. Antitrombotska terapija je indicirana samo ako su prisutni klinički znakovi tromboze ili laboratorijski dokazana hiperkoagulabilnost, a nije indicirana kod žena s nasljednom trombofilijom u postupku medicinski potpomognute oplodnje bez kliničkih i/ili laboratorijskih znakova tromboze. U ovom preglednom članku opisani su rizici hiperkoagulabilnosti u sindromu hiperstimulacije jajnika

    Kisspeptin as a promising oocyte maturation trigger for in vitro fertilisation in humans

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    The aim of this review is to analyse the effectiveness of exogenous kisspeptin administration as a novel alternative of triggering oocyte maturation, instead of currently used triggers such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, in women undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. Kisspeptin has been considered a master regulator of two modes of GnRH and hence gonadotropin secretion, pulses and surges. Administration of kisspeptin-10 and kisspeptin-54 induces the luteinising hormone (LH) surge required for egg maturation and ovulation in animal investigations and LH release during the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle and hypothalamic amenorrhoea in humans. Exogenous kisspeptin-54 has been successfully administered as a promising method of triggering oocyte maturation, following ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins and GnRH antagonists in women undergoing IVF, due to its efficacy considering achieved pregnancy rates compared to hCG and GnRH agonists. Also, its safety in patients at high risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is noteworthy. Nevertheless, further studies would be desirable to establish the optimal trigger of egg maturation and to improve the reproductive outcome for women undergoing IVF treatment

    Očuvanje plodnosti u mladih žena s ranim rakom dojke

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    Although breast cancer (BC) occurs more often in older women, it is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy in women of childbearing age. Owing to the overall advancement of modern medicine and the growing global trend of delaying childbirth until later age, we find ever more younger women diagnosed and treated for BC who have not yet completed their family. Therefore, fertility preservation has emerged as a very important quality of life issue for young BC survivors. This paper reviews currently available options for fertility preservation in young women with earlystage BC and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to fertility preservation as a very important quality of life issue for young BC survivors. Pregnancy after BC treatment is considered not to be associated with an increased risk of BC recurrence; therefore, it should not be discouraged for those women who want to achieve pregnancy after oncologic treatment. Currently, it is recommended to delay pregnancy for at least 2 years after BC diagnosis, when the risk of recurrence is highest. However, BC patients of reproductive age should be informed about the potential negative effects of oncologic therapy on fertility, as well as on the fertility preservation options available, and if interested in fertility preservation, they should be promptly referred to a reproductive specialist. Early referral to a reproductive specialist is an important factor that increases the likelihood of successful fertility preservation. Embryo and mature oocyte cryopreservation are currently the only established fertility preservation methods but they require ovarian stimulation (OS), which delays initiation of chemotherapy for at least 2 weeks. Controlled OS does not seem to increase the risk of BC recurrence. Other fertility preservation methods (ovarian tissue cryopreservation, cryopreservation of immature oocytes and ovarian suppression with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists) do not require OS but are still considered to be experimental techniques for fertility preservation.Premda se karcinom dojke čeŔće javlja u starijoj životnoj dobi, to je i najučestaliji malignitet u žena reproduktivne dobi. Zbog sveukupnog napretka moderne medicine i rastućeg globalnog trenda odgađanja rađanja djece za kasniju dob suočavamo se sa sve viÅ”e mladih žena s dijagnosticiranim i liječenim karcinomom dojke koje joÅ” nisu kompletirale obitelj. Stoga je područje očuvanja plodnosti postalo jako bitno u očuvanju kvalitete života mladih žena koje su preboljele karcinom dojke. Ovaj rad iznosi trenutno dostupne metode za očuvanje plodnosti u mladih žena s ranim karcinomom dojke i ističe važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa u očuvanju plodnosti kao bitnog čimbenika kvalitete života tih žena. Smatra se da trudnoća nakon karcinoma dojke nije povezana s poviÅ”enim rizikom od recidiva pa stoga ne treba obeshrabriti žene koje žele ostvariti trudnoću nakon provedenog onkoloÅ”kog liječenja. Danas se preporuča pričekati s trudnoćom barem 2 godine nakon postavljene dijagnoze za vrijeme kada je rizik od povrata bolesti najveći. No, isto tako bi bolesnice reproduktivne dobi trebalo obavijestiti o mogućem negativnom učinku onkoloÅ”ke terapije na plodnost te o dostupnim metodama očuvanja plodnosti i u slučaju zainteresiranosti za očuvanje plodnosti bolesnice treba žurno uputiti reproduktivnom specijalistu. Rano upućivanje reproduktivnom specijalistu je bitan čimbenik koji povećava izglede za uspjeÅ”no očuvanje plodnosti. Krioprezervacija embrija i zrelih oocita su trenutno jedine standardne metode očuvanja plodnosti koje zahtijevaju stimulaciju ovarija kojom se odgađa početak kemoterapijskog liječenja barem 2 tjedna. Smatra se da kontrolirana stimulacija ovarija ne povećava rizik od povrata karcinoma dojke. Druge metode očuvanja plodnosti (krioprezervacija tkiva jajnika, krioprezervacija nezrelih oocita, ovarijska supresija GnRH agonistima) ne zahtijevaju primjenu ovarijske stimulacije, ali se i dalje smatraju eksperimentalnim metodama za očuvanje plodnosti