1,017 research outputs found

    Toleransi dalam Perspektif Piagam Madinah

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    Effectiveness of the Concept of the Concept of the Material of the Rutinity of Islam\u27s Religious Ways in the Grade VI Students with Handling the Simulation of Right Pesantren Activities in SD Negeri 29 Koto Panjang 2015/2016

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    This research was conducted to grade 6 students of SD Negeri 29 Koto Panjang Kecamatan Ranah Pesisir Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Lesson Year 2015/2016. The method used in this research is classroom action research method, data collection through observation, interview and test or assignment, while data analysis is done with interactive model. While the activity is done in an interactive form with the process of collecting data as a cycle process. The results showed that through the method of simulation can improve the activity and learning outcomes of Islamic religious education students Class VI SD Negeri 29 Koto Panjang year 2015/2016 lessons. Student learning activity from initial condition of second cycle there is improvement for improvement. &nbsp

    Latihan Menganalisis Kasus Olahraga Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Biokimia Mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep biokimia mahasiswa ilmu keolahragaan melalui model siklus latihan menganalisis kasus olahraga. Seratus tujuh orang mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari matakuliah biokimia olahraga dipilih menjadi sampel secara acak bertingkat. Dengan menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen: pretest-posttest control group, mahasiswa tersebut dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji-t untuk membandingkan skor gain kedua kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan menguasai konsep-konsep biokimia mahasiswa kelompok eksperimen lebih baik daripada mahasiswa kelompok kontrol. Latihan menganalisis kasus olahraga lebih efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa daripada model konvensional. This study aims to enhance the biochemical concepts mastering of sport science students through cycles model of sport cases analysis training. One hundred and seven students whom were studying of sport biochemistry were selected as sample by using stratified random sampling. Then, they were divided into two groups, in term of experimental and control groups respectively. Data that have been collected analyzed by using t test in comparing the gain-scored of both groups. The result showed that students' ability of mastering biochemical concepts from experimental group was better than other. It was found that sport cases analysis training more effective than conventional model to enhance students achievement

    Peran Fkub dan Pendirian Rumah Ibadat di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Religious conflicts tends to occur due radical-extreme and fundamental to the doctrine os subjective religious afilation. While external factors caused by attitude bedonitas and opportunity with the name of religion as a commodity interest. This attitude has made a prolonged humanitarian catastrophe. Disharmonitas these factors need to be reviewed in the relevance of religious relations in Indonesia. This is based on a framework of thinking, that one of the step to reduce conflicts was to determine this sources of the conflict itself, including the issue of the establishment of the synagogue, which authorized for the people of Religious Harmony foru

    Chinese Taukeh, Labourer, and State Control Case Study of Panglong in Eastern Region of Sumatra (1890-1930)

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    Recently the flow of labour from China to Indonesia has fuelled many discussions but is not a new phenomenon. It can be traced back to the eighteenth century and continued until the twentieth century. In colonial Indonesia, the Chinese labour force was recruited to work in the economic sectors of mining, plantations, fisheries and forestry. Unfortunately, previous studies about Chinese society in Indonesia more focused on economic and political elites rather than the social history of the Chinese contract coolies. This article attempts to look at the labour history of the Chinese coolie in the forest exploitation companies, known as panglong. By focusing on the ways in which they were treated in the recruitment process and workplace, this article shows that changes for the better did take place in the appalling working conditions of the labourers. Until the second decade of the twentieth century, recruitment, food, and health care were rife with manipulations, exacerbated by arduous working conditions and insecurity in the workplace, abuse of power by mandors and forms of non-economic coercion like the use of opium. All these factors were meant to ensure that the Chinese contract labourers could not break loose from their indentures, a modern form of slavery. Hampered by budgetary restrictions, lack of personnel, and marine transport facilities, the state colonial officials were hamstrung. But in the second decade of twentieth century, when the abysmal working conditions of the Chinese coolies were debated on a higher level by politicians and bureauracts state control was tightened. More effectual control by the state had a positive effect on improving of the working and living conditions

    Pengawasan Kepala Desa terhadap Kinerja Rt 06/rw 03 Desa Rambah Jaya Kecamatan Bangun Purba Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2015-2016

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    The Rokan Hulu District Government seeks to recreate a participatory RT and RW organization that is mobilized by the community itself. With this regional regulation, the Rokan Hulu government tries to create democracy in the smallest scope of neighborhoods of RT and RW while providing legitimacy to the elected head of RT and RW. This research intends to examine the issues of Performance RT 06 / RW 03 Desa Rambah Jaya from the point of view, the implementation of supervision and evaluation.This study aims to determine the implementation of Village Head supervision on the performance of RT 06 / RW 03 Village Rambah Jaya District Bangun Purba Rokan Hulu District. In addition, this study aims to determine the factors that affect the implementation of supervision of Village Head on Performance RT 06 / RW 03 Village Rambah Jaya District Bangun Purba Rokan Hulu District. This research uses the supervision theory by Dharma Setiawan Salam. The type of research used is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Methods of data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation.The results of this study showed that the Head of Rambah Jaya Village conducted Intensive Communication, Head of Rambah Jaya Village conducted supervision in the form of accountability and Head of Rambah Jaya Village conducted supervision in Democratic Participatory Creation and Head of Rambah Jaya Village to conduct transparency supervision. The factors influencing the implementation of Village Head supervision on the performance of RT 06 / RW 03 Rambah Jaya Village is the Resource Factor, the absence of regulations / regulation from the Village Government related to the Village Head's supervision on RT / RW Performance and Member Errors /deviations RT 06 / RW 03 requires supervision from Rambah Jaya Village Head

    Relasi Antar Kelembagaan Desa dalam Pembangunan Insfratruktur di Desa Mayang Pongkai Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2016

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    In the administration of village governance, in Indonesia it is often experienced problems that arise related to the relationship. As well as coordination between village head and village institution in Mayang Pongkai village Kampar Kiri district Kampar regency. So far the coordination between the village head and the Village Institution is well established but there are some issues that are problematic in the coordination between the village head and the Village Institution in the village such as the problems that have occurred in Mayang Pongkai village. Where the Village Institution has little active role in carrying out its duties and functions, the Village Institution is only an approved institution. Never even supervise the village apparatus, this leads to the inconsistency between the Village Institution and the Village Head.Problems related to the synchronous partnership system established between the village head and the Village Institution in order to establish a good and prosperous working relationship it is necessary to find the right relationship partnership model for it in this study conducted in-depth research in the village of Mayang Pongkai Kampat Kiri Kampar Kiri regency.Development in the village mayang pongkai still far behind in the appeal of villages in the middle campar district. Development planning made by the village government apparatus has not been able to answer the aspirations of the community and not synergize with the vision of the village mission.The purpose of this research is to know the relation of existing village institution in Mayang Pongkai Village in construction of insfratuktur in the village.The concept of theory that researchers use is Relation and development This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method. In data collection, researchers used interview techniques, documentation and observation.The result of this research is the relation of village institution in Mayang Pongkai village has not run well, it is influenced by several things such as lack of membership, lack of participation of society and especially bad relationship between institutions in Mayang Pongkai Village

    Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (Kip) Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Tahun 2011-2015

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    This research have to know about Implementation of Openess Public Information ( OPI) in Meranti Islands Regency. As for the background of this research is still so many Society although Caretaker Public Organization didn\u27t know and understand purpose of the birth of The Law Openess Public Information (OPI) so for some people who need the information from public bodies have difficulty obtaining Public Information for Various reason. This research applied the Theory of Implementation, so the methode used is the research methode with a qulitative approach. The data obtained by the interview and documentation data analyze for analyze with Descriptive analyze methode.This research shows that related to the role of the public relations of the Meranti District Secetariat as the Information and Documentation managing officials in the government of Meranti Islands, basically has been going on according to the provision that has been mandated in the constitution No 14 Year 2008 about the Opennes of Public Of Information. Even it there are several obsticles during the implementation that is related to fascilities and budget but everything still goes on according to the expectations. This is also supported by the releasing of the rule by the head of district of Meranti Islands No 21 Year 2012 about the guidelines of working information and documentation at The Environment of Meranti Island Government so the workflow and rsponsibility becomes clear
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