43 research outputs found

    The effect produced by sodium salicylate, acetylsalicyclic, 2-3 dioxybenzoic and 2-3 diacetoxybenzoic acids on the blood clotting system and elimination of heparin (Russian)

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    Tests conducted on rabbits demonstrated that with a long term parenteral introduction (in amounts of 200 mg/kg, twice a day for 10 days) of 2-3 diacetoxybenzoic acid, sodium salicylate and acetylsalicylic acid, these compounds depress the coagulation potential of the blood, 2-3 diacetoxybenzoic acid also displaying a hypocoagulation action even with its single administration in a dose of 400 mg/kg. The mentioned substances raise the level of the endogenous blood heparin and reinforce the anticoagulative action of heparin; 2-3 dioxybenzoic acid lowers somewhat the concentration and the anticlotting effect of heparin

    Adaptive reactions of students from mountain and plain regions of Latin America to conditions of middle Russia [Osobennosti adaptivnykh reaktsii studentov iz gornykh i ravninnykh raionov Latinskoi Ameriki k usloviiam srednei polosy Rossii.]

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    This article contains results of the comparative study of the functional state of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of almost healthy students (man) of age 19-22, inhabitants of mountain and plain regions of Latin America during their adaptation to the conditions of middle Russia. We have established that there are reliable distinctions in the functional state of cardio-respiratory system of students from mountain and plain regions of Latin America. So for representatives of mountain regions of LA were typical higher indicators of vital capacity, permeability of large and medium bronchial tubes, stroke volume, lower indicators of heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, myocard tension index, but higher coefficient of myocard efficiency than for inhabitants the plain. Considerable distinctions have been observed also in the intercommunication between different indicators. There have been marked considerable correlation connections between small bronchial tubes permeability and cardiovascular system indicators for plain inhabitants. For mountain regions inhabitants almost every indicator of bronchial tubes permeability correlate reliably with vital capacity, but didn't correlate with hemodynamics indicators

    Effect of sodium salicylate, acetylsalicylic and 2,3 dioxybenzoic acids and 2,3 diacetoxybenzoic acids on the blood clotting system and heparin elimination

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    Tests on rabbits showed that on long term enteral administration (at doses of 200 mg/kg, twice daily for 10 days), 2,3 diacetoxybenzoic acid, sodium salicylate and 2,3 diacetobenzoic acid inhibit the coagulation potential of blood. 2,3 Diacetoxybenzoic acid exerted also a hypocoagulational action following a single administration at a dose of 400 mg/kg. All of the test compounds raised the level of endogenous heparin and potentiated the anti coagulation activity of heparin. 2,3 Dioxybenzoic acid reduced slightly the concentration and the anti clotting effect of exogenic heparin

    Adaptive reactions of students from mountain and plain regions of Latin America to conditions of middle Russia [Osobennosti adaptivnykh reaktsii studentov iz gornykh i ravninnykh raionov Latinskoi Ameriki k usloviiam srednei polosy Rossii.]

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    This article contains results of the comparative study of the functional state of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of almost healthy students (man) of age 19-22, inhabitants of mountain and plain regions of Latin America during their adaptation to the conditions of middle Russia. We have established that there are reliable distinctions in the functional state of cardio-respiratory system of students from mountain and plain regions of Latin America. So for representatives of mountain regions of LA were typical higher indicators of vital capacity, permeability of large and medium bronchial tubes, stroke volume, lower indicators of heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, myocard tension index, but higher coefficient of myocard efficiency than for inhabitants the plain. Considerable distinctions have been observed also in the intercommunication between different indicators. There have been marked considerable correlation connections between small bronchial tubes permeability and cardiovascular system indicators for plain inhabitants. For mountain regions inhabitants almost every indicator of bronchial tubes permeability correlate reliably with vital capacity, but didn't correlate with hemodynamics indicators


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    This article is the result of research conducted by teachers and researchers of the RUDN University. (Frolova et al, 2017) It presents a general description of the most significant reforms of civil and arbitration procedural law of Australia in 2014-2018. Emphasis is placed on the study of changes in the Civil Dispute Resolution Act, 2011 and the Evidence Act 1995. It indicates that at the end of 2018 - the beginning of 2019, the Australian Law Reform Commission plans to adopt some regulations related to the legal regulation of third-party financing of legal proceedings by the so-called. judicial sponsors. and lawyers. It is emphasized that in Australia there is a double legislative regime that regulates international and domestic commercial arbitration. The procedure for international arbitration is defined in the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) (IAA). Domestic arbitration is governed by state and territory laws. The laws of the states and territories on domestic arbitration, other than the 1986 Law of the Australian Capital Territory, are relatively new - adopted in 2010-2013. Until 1984, there was no uniformity in the states and territories of Australia in the field of regulations governing the arbitration. It is concluded that the evolution of Australian civil procedural law is largely based on similar reforms of the former metropolis - the United Kingdom, as Australian scholars explicitly state. However, the federal government of the country makes its adjustments. Reforms of the Australian civil procedure occur under the direct control of the Australian Law Reform Commission, which: 1) formulates proposals for specific areas of improvement of existing legislation; 2) publishes the specified proposals for extensive public discussion; 3) summarises public discussions. In the area of arbitration law, international arbitration practice and modern international standards of arbitration are of great importance for Australia. Currently, arbitration proceedings in Australia, both in domestic and international arbitration, are governed per the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 as amended in 2006. The exception is the Australian Capital Territory, which has an outdated law on domestic arbitration in 1986, created on the model of the English arbitration law of 1979. This research may be useful for researchers of Australian Civil Law as well as students from continental law countries


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    The article deals with the course "Civil Procedure in Foreign Countries", taught at PFUR (RUDN University), where the lecturers conduct research and thoroughly monitor civil proceedings, arbitration and mediation reforms in foreign countries. This article is the result of such research. (Dudin et al., 2017) It presents a general description of the most significant reforms of civil procedural law in Canada in 2010-2018. The tendency to reduce the procedural rights of parties and other participants in civil disputes is emphasized: since 2010, a number of Canadian provinces (including Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec) have made significant amendments to their civil procedural codes aimed at facilitating the resolution of civil disputes spending less time and being less complicated. These reforms include: 1) reducing the number of documents considered by the court in the process of proving; 2) a reduction of the time allowed for oral hearings; 3) the mandatory consideration of the principle of proportionality in the procedure for disclosing evidence; 4) granting the court the right of expanded control when drawing up a plan for the conduct of the proceedings; 5) an increase in the amount that can be filed in cases with a small amount of the claim. To be able to make conclusions, the authors studied the 2015 Quebec CPC, which focuses on alternative (private) methods of preventing and resolving disputes and extending the court's powers to control the movement of cases; New Alberta Civil Procedure Law 2010 ed. 2018, which are focused on the creation of two separate litigation management systems; New Rules of Civil Procedure of the Province of Ontario ed. 2018; New rules for civil litigation in the province of British Columbia ed. 2016 and others. Conclusions are made that the reform of civil proceedings in Canada in 2010-2018 was aimed at resolving civil disputes in a less costly, time-consuming and complicated way. We shall underline that all the innovations listed above contribute to the acceleration and simplification of providing the administration of justice in civil cases. However, will the primary goal of the administration of justice - the achievement of equity - be preserved in this case? (Frolova et al, 2017) The answer to this question is not apparent. So far there is no data on how the Canadian society has taken the provisions of the reforms