70 research outputs found

    Nanocarbons And Quantum Dots Formation In New Hybrid Materials

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    We present technique of obtaining complex hybrid structures combining the multi-walled carbon nanotubes or multi-layer graphene and luminescent hydrophobic semiconductor core/shell quantum dots CdSe/ZnS. As a result, a formation of quantum dot decorated carbon nanotubes and graphene films is evidenced by 2D microluminescence and micro-Raman mapping of quantum dots and nanocarbons, respectively, where a spatial correlation between the luminescence and Raman signals is found. © 2014 SPIE.912612-02-00938; RFBR; Russian Foundation for Basic Research; 12-02-01263; RFBR; Russian Foundation for Basic ResearchKalantar-Zadeh, K., (2008) Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors, p. 490. , K. Kalantar-zadeh, B. Fry. New York.: Springer Science & Business Media(1955) Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, , Ed. B. Bhusha.-New York.: Springer Science & Business Media, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-02524-2Cattanach, K., Kulkarni, R.D., Kozlov, M., Manohar, S.K., Flexible carbon nanotube sensors for nerve agent simulants (2006) Nanotechnology, 17, pp. 4123-4128Peng, S., O'Keeffe, J., Wei, C., Cho, K., Kong, J., Chen, R., Franklin, N., Dai, H., Carbon nanotube chemical and mechanical sensors (2001) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 1-8. , USA, September 17-19, 2001, Stanford University, StanfordSnow, E.S., Perkins, F.K., Houser, E.H., Badescu, S.C., Reinecke, T.L., (2005) Science, 307, pp. 1942-1945. , Chemical detection with a single-walled carbon nanotube capacitorStar, A., Joshi, V., Skarupo, S., Thomas, D., Gabriel, J.-C.P., Gas sensor array based on metal-decorated carbon nanotubes (2006) J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, pp. 21014-21020Xu, Z., Gao, H., Guoxin, H., Solution-based synthesis and characterization of a silver nanoparticle-graphene hybrid film Carbon, 49 (14), pp. 4731-4738Cao, A., Liu, Z., Chu, S., Wu, M., Ye, Z., Cai, Z., Chang, Y., Liu, Y., A facile one-step method to produce graphene-cds quantum dot nanocomposites as promising optoelectronic materials (2010) Adv. Mater, 22, pp. 103-106Yang, Y.-K., He, Ch.-E., He, W.-J., Yu, L.-J., Peng, R.-G., Xie, X.-L., Wang, X.-B., Mai, Y.-W., Reduction of silver nanoparticles onto graphene oxide nanosheets with N,Ndimethylformamide and SERS activities of GO/Ag composites (2011) J Nanopart. Res, 13, pp. 5571-5581Lightcap, V., Kamat, P.V., Fortification of cdse quantum dots with graphene oxide. Excited state interactions and light energy conversion (2012) J. Am. Chem. Soc, 134, pp. 7109-7116Ghosh, A., Rao, K.V., Voggu, R., George, S.J., Non-covalent functionalization, solubilization of graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes with aromatic donor and acceptor molecules (2010) Chemical Physics Letters, 488, pp. 198-201Kim, Y.-T., Han, J.H., Hong, B.H., Kwon, Y.-U., Electrochemical synthesis of cdse quantum-dot arrays on a graphene basal plane using mesoporous silica thin-film templates (2010) Adv. Mater, 22, pp. 515-518Konstantatos, G., Badioli, M., Gaudreau, L., Osmond, J., Bernechea, M., Arquer De Garcia, F.P., Gatti, F., Koppens, L.F.H., Hybrid graphene-quantum dot phototransistors with ultrahigh gain (2012) Nature Nanotechnology, 7, pp. 363-368Wang, Y., Yao, H.-B., Wang, X.-H., Yu, Sh.-H., One-pot facile decoration of CdSe quantum dots on graphene nanosheets: Novel graphene-CdSe nanocomposites with tunable fluorescent properties (2011) J. Mater. Chem, 21, pp. 562-566Murray, C.B., Gaschler, W., Sun, S., Doyle, H., Betley, T.A., Kagan, C.R., Colloidal synthesis of nanocrystals and nanocrystal superlattices IBM J. Res. & Dev., 45 (1), pp. 47-56Ermakov, V.A., Alaferdov, A.V., Vaz, A.R., Baranov, A.V., Moshkalev, S.A., Nonlocal laser annealing to improve thermal contacts between multi-layer graphene and metals (2013) Nanotechnology, 24 (15), p. 15530110Bogdanov, K., Fedorov, A., Osipov, V., Enoki, T., Takai, K., Hayashi, T., Ermakov, V., Moshkalev A, S., Annealing-induced structural changes of carbon onions: High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman studies Baranov Carbon, , 02/201


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    The purpose of the study is to prove the fact that the former French colonies are not de facto independent, but remain under the control of France as a neo-colony, and to formulate proposals for improving approaches to economic development in these countries in the digital economy. France's economic and political influence is absolute. Local elites are raised in a Francophone spirit and are completely controlled. Monetary policy is also under the complete dictate of France.Цель исследования - доказать тот факт, что бывшие французские колонии не являются де-факто независимыми, а остаются под контролем Франции как неоколонии и сформулировать предложения по совершенствованию подходов к экономическому развитию в этих странах в условиях цифровой экономики. Экономическое и политическое влияние Франции абсолютное. Местные элиты выращиваются во франкофонском духе и полностью контролируемы. Денежно-кредитная политика также находится под полным диктатом Франции

    The Relationship Between Early Warning System and Smart Organization Principles in Smart Organizations

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    The problem of the study focuses on the main questions about having a correlation effect between two variables: “Early Warning System” and “Smart Organization”. Our research results can be summarized in three points. First, there are the principles of smart organization in those organizations that adopt elements of an early warning system. Second, an early warning system is linked to the significant and positive correlation relationship with all of the principles of smart organization. There are also significant effects of the early warning system in each of the principles of smart organization. Third, the researched organizations tend to be in the present time to adopt all three principles of smart organization. The adoption depends on the availability of the components of the early warning system

    The Relationship Between Early Warning System and Smart Organization Principles in Smart Organizations

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    The problem of the study focuses on the main questions about having a correlation effect between two variables: “Early Warning System” and “Smart Organization”. Our research results can be summarized in three points. First, there are the principles of smart organization in those organizations that adopt elements of an early warning system. Second, an early warning system is linked to the significant and positive correlation relationship with all of the principles of smart organization. There are also significant effects of the early warning system in each of the principles of smart organization. Third, the researched organizations tend to be in the present time to adopt all three principles of smart organization. The adoption depends on the availability of the components of the early warning system. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG