639 research outputs found

    Quasi-Localization of Gravity by Resonant Modes

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    We examine the behaviour of gravity in brane theories with extra dimensions in a non-factorizable geometry. We find that for metrics which are asymptotically flat far from the brane there is a resonant graviton mode at zero energy. The presence of this resonance ensures quasi-localization of gravity, whereby at intermediate scales the gravitational laws on the brane are approximately four dimensional. However, for scales larger than the lifetime of the graviton resonance the five dimensional laws of gravity will be reproduced due to the decay of the four dimensional graviton. We also present a simple classification of the possible types of effective gravity theories on the brane that can appear for general non-factorizable background theories.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures included. Requires JHEP.cls. Typos fixed, note and references added. Added expression for width of resonanc

    How Well Does AdS/QCD Describe QCD?

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    AdS/QCD is an extra-dimensional approach to modeling hadronic physics, motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence in string theory. AdS/QCD models are often more accurate than would have been expected at energies below a few GeV. We address the question of why these models are so successful, and respond to some of the criticisms that have been waged against these models.Comment: To appear in proceedings of Crossing the Boundaries: Gauge Dynamics at Strong Coupling (Shifmania), Minnesota, May 14-17, 2009. 12 pages, 2 eps figure

    Genome-wide screen for heavy alcohol consumption

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    BACKGROUND: To find specific genes predisposing to heavy alcohol consumption (self-reported consumption of 24 grams or more of alcohol per day among men and 12 grams or more among women), we studied 330 families collected by the Framingham Heart Study made available to participants in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 (GAW13). RESULTS: Parametric and nonparametric methods of linkage analysis were used. No significant evidence of linkage was found; however, weak signals were identified in several chromosomal regions, including 1p22, 4q12, 4q25, and 11q24, which are in the vicinity of those reported in other similar studies. CONCLUSION: Our study did not reveal significant evidence of linkage to heavy alcohol use; however, we found weak confirmation of studies carried out in other populations

    Conformal Symmetry and the Three Point Function for the Gravitational Axial Anomaly

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    This work presents a first study of a radiative calculation for the gravitational axial anomaly in the massless Abelian Higgs model. The two loop contribution to the anomalous correlation function of one axial current and two energy-momentum tensors, , is computed at an order that involves only internal matter fields. Conformal properties of massless field theories are used in order to perform the Feynman diagram calculations in the coordinate space representation. The two loop contribution is found not to vanish, due to the presence of two independent tensor structures in the anomalous correlator.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, RevTex, Minor changes, Final version for Phys. Rev.

    Seiberg-Witten Description of the Deconstructed 6D (0,2) Theory

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    It has recently been suggested that, in a large N limit, a particular four dimensional gauge theory is indistinguishable from the six dimensional CFT with (0,2) supersymmetry compactified on a torus. We give further evidence for this correspondence by studying the Seiberg-Witten curve for the "deconstructed" theory and demonstrating that along the reduced Coulomb branch of moduli space (on the intersection of the Higgs and Coulomb branches) it describes the low energy physics on a stack of M5-branes on a torus, which is the (0,2) theory on a torus as claimed. The M-theory construction helps to clarify the enhancement of supersymmetry in the deconstructed theory at low energies, and demonstrates its stability to radiative and instanton corrections. We demonstrate the role of the theta vacuum in the deconstructed theory. We point out that by varying the theta parameters and gauge couplings in the deconstructed theory, the complex structure of the torus can be chosen arbitrarily, and the torus is not metrically S^1 x S^1 in general.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Self-bound dense objects in holographic QCD

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    We study a self-bound dense object in the hard wall model. We consider a spherically symmetric dense object which is characterized by its radial density distribution and non-uniform but spherically symmetric chiral condensate. For this we analytically solve the partial differential equations in the hard wall model and read off the radial coordinate dependence of the density and chiral condensate according to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We then attempt to describe nucleon density profiles of a few nuclei within our framework and observe that the confinement scale changes from a free nucleon to a nucleus. We briefly discuss how to include the effect of higher dimensional operator into our study. We finally comment on possible extensions of our work.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, figures replaced, minor revision, to appear in JHE

    N=1 Supersymmetric Product Group Theories in the Coulomb Phase

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    We study the low-energy behavior of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with product gauge groups SU(N)^M and M chiral superfields transforming in the fundamental representation of two of the SU(N) factors. These theories are in the Coulomb phase with an unbroken U(1)^(N-1) gauge group. For N >= 3, M >= 3 the theories are chiral. The low-energy gauge kinetic functions can be obtained from hyperelliptic curves which we derive by considering various limits of the theories. We present several consistency checks of the curves including confinement through the addition of mass perturbations and other limits.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, minor changes. Eqs. (20) and (42) correcte

    Positivity Constraints on Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The relation between the trace and R-current anomalies in supersymmetric theories implies that the U(1)RF2(1)_RF^2, U(1)R(1)_R and U(1)R3(1)_R^3 anomalies which are matched in studies of N=1 Seiberg duality satisfy positivity constraints. Some constraints are rigorous and others conjectured as four-dimensional generalizations of the Zamolodchikov cc-theorem. These constraints are tested in a large number of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in the non-Abelian Coulomb phase, and they are satisfied in all renormalizable models with unique anomaly-free R-current, including those with accidental symmetry. Most striking is the fact that the flow of the Euler anomaly coefficient, aUVaIRa_{UV}-a_{IR}, is always positive, as conjectured by Cardy.Comment: latex, 36 page

    Interpolating between low and high energy QCD via a 5D Yang-Mills model

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    We describe the Goldstone bosons of massless QCD together with an infinite number of spin-1 mesons. The field content of the model is SU(Nf)xSU(Nf) Yang-Mills in a compact extra-dimension. Electroweak interactions reside on one brane. Breaking of chiral symmetry occurs due to the boundary conditions on the other brane, away from our world, and is therefore spontaneous. Our implementation of the holographic recipe maintains chiral symmetry explicit throughout. For intermediate energies, we extract resonance couplings. These satisfy sum rules due to the 5D nature of the model. These sum rules imply, when taking the high energy limit, that perturbative QCD constraints are satisfied. We also illustrate how the 5D model implies a definite prescription for handling infinite sums over 4D resonances. Taking the low energy limit, we recover the chiral expansion and the corresponding non-local order parameters. All local order parameters are introduced separately.Comment: Corresponds to published version, with some typos correcte