4 research outputs found

    A new cuticle scale hydrolysing protease from beauveria brongniartii

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    From a screening for the production of new proteases specific for cuticle scales, Beauveria brongniartii was selected producing an alkaline Ca++ dependent protease. The purified had a molecular weight of 27 kDa and a pI value of 8.0. Substrate specificities of model substrates (wool with partially removed cuticles treated with SDS) were analyzed by protein release, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen analysis. The C/N ratio of released material turned out to be a good parameter to determine the site of action of proteases on fibres. Compared to other enzymes, the fungal protease preferentially hydrolyzed cuticle scales and has thus a potential for antishrinking pre-treatment of wool fabrics

    Enzymatic synthesis of Tinuvin

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    Coupling of 3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid methylester to 1H-benzotriazole using a laccase from Trametes hirsuta was studied. The potentially resulting coupling product Tinuvin 1130 is an important UV-absorber used in polymer based materials. Oxidation of the phenol by the laccase led to homomolecular coupling reactions while the laccase did not attack 1H-benzotriazole. Due to the homomolecular reaction of the phenol in the presence of laccase coupling of phenol and 1H-benzotriazole was only observed when 1H-benzotriazole was applied in four-fold molar excess. The reaction was monitored by UV/vis spectroscopy, TLC and MS (ion trap) analysis. Coupling of 1H-benzotriazole took place in ortho position according to the postulated mechanism

    A New Alkali-Thermostable Azoreductase from Bacillus sp. Strain SF

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    A screening for dye-decolorizing alkali-thermophilic microorganisms resulted in a Bacillus sp. strain isolated out of the wastewater drain of a textile finishing company. An NADH-dependent azoreductase of this strain, Bacillus sp. strain SF, was found to be responsible for the decolorization of azo dyes. This enzyme was purified by a combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation and anion-exchange and affinity chromatography and had a molecular mass of 61.6 kDa and an isoelectric point at pH 5.3. The pH optimum of the azoreductase depended on the substrate and was within the range of pHs 8 to 9, while the temperature maximum was reached at 80°C. Decolorization only took place in the absence of oxygen and was enhanced by FAD, which was not consumed during the reaction. A 26% similarity of this azoreductase to chaperonin Cpn60 from a Bacillus sp. was found by peptide mass mapping experiments. Substrate specificities of the azoreductase were studied by using synthesized model substrates based on di-sodium-(R)-benzyl-azo-2,7-dihydroxy-3,6-disulfonyl-naphthaline. Those dyes with NO(2) substituents, especially in the ortho position, were degraded fastest, while analogues with a methyl substitution showed the lowest degradation rates

    Childhood cancer predisposition syndromes-A concise review and recommendations by the Cancer Predisposition Working Group of the Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology

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    Heritable predisposition is an important cause of cancer in children and adolescents. Although a large number of cancer predisposition genes and their associated syndromes and malignancies have already been described, it appears likely that there are more pediatric cancer patients in whom heritable cancer predisposition syndromes have yet to be recognized. In a consensus meeting in the beginning of 2016, we convened experts in Human Genetics and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology to review the available data, to categorize the large amount of information, and to develop recommendations regarding when a cancer predisposition syndrome should be suspected in a young oncology patient. This review summarizes the current knowledge of cancer predisposition syndromes in pediatric oncology and provides essential information on clinical situations in which a childhood cancer predisposition syndrome should be suspected