26 research outputs found

    The Effect of Axis Values on Electrocardiography in Prediction of Congenital Heart Diseases in Children without a Known History of Heart Disease

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    Aim: In this study,the predictive value of electrocardiography(ECG) axis measurements at diagnosis of congenital heart diseases(CHD) were evaluated in children.Materials and Methods: The children between 1 month and 16 years of age without a known history of CHD who applied to pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic were included in the study.Pathology at physical examination,P,QRS,T axis and QRS-T angle values and the diagnosis of a CHD at echocardiography were evaluated.Results were evaluated statistically.Results: Two hundred and sixty cases were evaluated during the study period.Median age was 24 months(1-160months).The 45% of the patients were evaluated as normal at cardiovascular system examination.Murmur was present in 40% of the patients and other pathologic findings additionally to the murmur were found in another 15% of the patients.ECG evaluations revealed abnormal P axis in 5 patients,left axis deviation in 23 patients,right axis deviation in 29 patients, superior axis in 3 patients,abnormal T axis in 18 patients and pathologic QRS-T angle in 32 patients.Echocardiographic stuies revealed CHD at 68 patients.The pathology at physical examination did not effect the ECG axis values and the abnormal changes at QRS-T angle(p>0.05)but signicantly increasing the frequency of CHD diagnosis at echocardiography(p<0.05).The presence of CHD was not found different in terms of P,QRS and T axis.Congenital heart disease was found significantly higher in patients especially with left axis deviation,QRS-T angle pathology and abnormal T axis(p<0.05).Conclusion: Children with pathological auscultation findings at the cardiovascular system examination, left axis deviation or pathological QRS-T angle at ECG should be evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography

    The Retrospective Evaluation of the Patients in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of Cardiac Surgery Center

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    Introduction:In this study, demographic and epidemiologic features, clinic and prognosis of patients admitted to the pediatric cardiac intensive care (PCICU) unit of a cardiac surgery center were analysed retrospectively.Methods:Patients followed in the PCICU between January 2017 and January 2018 were included in the study. Patient files were analysed for medical data. The patients were divided into 4 major categories as postoperative patients (group 1), patients followed after cardiac catheterization (group 2), patients followed due to arrythmias (group 3), and others (myocarditis, pneumonia, tamponade) (group 4). The demographic variables, such as age and gender, echocardiographic diagnosis, kind and condition of the transfer, reason for PCICU follow-up, and discharge status were evaluated in detail.Results:Eighty hundred ninety five patients were followed in the PCICU during the study period.The median age was 5.5 months (1 day-18 years). 53% of patients (n=474) were male and 47% (n=421) were female. The ortanca weight of the patients was 7.2 kg (1.8-80 kg). 16% of the patients were younger than 1 month of age and 54% of the patients were under the age of 6 months. 12% (n=107) of the patients had a diagnosis of a genetic condition such as Down syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, etc. 40% of the patients were non-residents. 25% was transferred by air ambulance or ground ambulance. 22% of the patients were foreigners. There were 610 patients in group 1, 130 patients in group 2, 55 patients in group 3, and 100 patients in group 4. The RACHS-1 scores in group 1 were as follows: 0.8% undetermined, 11.2% category 1, 42.9% category 2, 29.6% category 3, 12.6% category 4,(-) category 5, and 2.6% category 6. Overall mortality was 5.9% (n=53) and morbidity was 22% (n=197).Conclusion:We believe that by the means of this kind of epidemiological studies, we may detect the types of cardiac problems in children who needed intensive care follow-up and help to decrease mortality and morbidity in childhood due to congenital cardiac diseases in our country

    Sensor-integrated Tap Holder for Process Uncertainty Detection Based on Tool Vibration and Axial Length Compensation Sensors

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    The tapping process is one of the most widespread manufacturing processes for internal threads, usually carried out at the end of the value chain. Any non-compliance with required quality standards or even the destruction of the thread due to process uncertainty in the tapping process is therefore subjected to high rework costs. Possible process uncertainties in the tapping process can be triggered by synchronization errors between feed rate and spindle speed, axis offset, faulty core holes and wear of the tapping tool. In order to detect process uncertainties during tapping and thus provide a basis for initiating countermeasures, a sensor-integrated tap holder was developed. This paper presents the realized concept of a rotating telemetry unit for signal processing, data acquisition and wireless data transmitting via WiFi standard on basis of low-cost embedded systems. Furthermore, two unique sensor concepts for measuring close-to-tool vibrations and the axial length compensation of the tapping tool are shown. Based on the sensor data in combination with feature engineering methods, process uncertainty during tapping are detected

    A Neonate with Cantrell Syndrome

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    An Implementational Concept of the Autonomous Machine Tool for Small-Batch Production

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    The increasing demand for customized and complex products with small batch sizes confronts the manufacturing industry with new challenges, which can only be handled by flexible and dynamic manufacturing processes. As a major part of the process chain, autonomous machine tools can contribute to satisfying these requirements. Although there are many contributions on autonomous machine tools in research, the development of a self-learning, autonomous AI-integrated machine tool has been implemented neither in the industry nor in research. This paper proposes an industry-oriented concept of a self-learning machine tool. The system architecture consists of the existing CAD, CAM and CNC process chain and extends it with a knowledge base and an intelligent CAPP system for domain knowledge representation and decision making. Process knowledge is represented by using a continual learning process simulation approach for small-batch production

    Süt çocuğunda kalp yetersizliği ile başvuran dilate kardiyomiyopatinin düzeltilebilir bir nedeni: ALCAPA sendromu

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    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery arising from pulmonary artery ALCAPA syndrome is a rare congenital heart disease seen in children. If untreated, it may lead to congestive heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), ischemic and arrhythmic complications may lead to patient’s death. ALCAPA is diagnosed with echocardiography; in the patients of suspected diagnosis, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac catheterization are used for further testing. Surgically correctable ALCAPA syndrome must be considered as etiology of DCM in children. In this report, we presented the case of an infant that was referred to our center with the diagnosis of DCM, who was echocardiographically diagnosed with ALCAPA syndrome and successfully treated with surgery, as well as a review of recent literature.Sol koroner arterin pulmoner arterden çıkış anomalisi olarak tanımlanan ALCAPA sendromu, çocuklarda nadir görülen bir konjenital kalp hastalığıdır. Tedavi edilmediği zaman konjestif kalp yetmezliği, dilate kardiyomiyopati (DKM), iskemik ve aritmik komplikasyonlarla hasta kaybedilebilir. Tanı ekokardiyografi bulgularıyla koyulur, tanıdan şüphelenilen olgularda bilgisayarlı tomografi, manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ve kalp kateterizasyonu gibi ileri tetkiklerden faydalanılabilir. Çocukluk çağında DKM tanısı alan hastalarda etiyolojide, cerrahi olarak düzeltme şansı olan ALCAPA sendromu mutlaka düşünülmelidir. Bu yazıda, merkezimize DKM tanısıyla sevk edilen, ekokardiyografi ile ALCAPA sendromu tanısı konulup, başarılı cerrahi tamir yapılan hasta olgu sunumu yapıldı ve son literatür gözden geçirildi