30 research outputs found

    Fox-Fordyce disease

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    Fox-Fordyce hastalığı nadir görülen, sporadik, apokrin ter bezi retansiyonu sonucu oluşan, kaşıntılı, foliküler papüllerle karakterize bir dermatozdur. Patogenezindeki en önemli basamak apokrin ter bezi duktuslarının tıkanması ve rüptürüdür. Bu makalede, Fox-Fordyce tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuş ve literatür ışığında klinikopatolojik özellikleri tartışılmıştır.Fox-Fordyce disease is a rare and sporadic cutaneous disorder characterized by pruritic follicular papules as a result of apocrine sweat retention. The most important step in the pathogenesis of the disease is the keratinious obstruction and rupture of apocrine ducts. Herein we report a typical case of Fox-Fordyce disease and discuss the clinicopathological features of the disorder in view of the medical literature

    Unilateral transient reactive papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma in a child

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    WOS: 000251318700025PubMed: 17958817Transient reactive papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma is a rare, acquired, reactive, and episodic disorder of the palmar skin. Herein I report on a 6-year-old child with unilateral involvement and associated with ipsilateral hyperhidrosis and pruritus. Further observations are required for unraveling the etiopathogenesis of this disorder and its accurate classification

    Darier's disease and acrokeratosis verruciformis

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    Darier hastalığı nadir görülen, otozomal dominant geçişli bir keratinizasyon bozukluğu hastalığıdır. Seboreik bölgeleri tutan simetrik keratotik papüller, el ayasında çukurcuklar ve tırnak distrofisi ile karakterizedir. Akrokeratozis verrusiformis (Hopf), el ve ayak dorsumlarında verrü planaya benzeyen poligonal papüller ve tırnak distrofisi ile seyreden, otozomal dominant nadir bir hastalıktır. Darier hastalarının bir kısmında el ve ayak dorsumlarında akrokeratozis verrusiformise benzeyen siğilimsi papüller görülebilir. Burada akrokeratozis verrusiformis benzeri akral lezyonların eşlik ettiği bir sporadik Darier hastalığı olgusu sunulmakta ve akral Darier hastalığı ile akrokeratozis verrusiformisin klinikopatolojik ayırıcı tanıları tartışılmaktadır.Darter's disease is a rare, autosomal dominantly inherited disorder of keratinisation. The disease is characterized by symmetrical keratotic papules predominantly involving the seborrheic areas, and palmar pits and a nail dystrophy. Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder of keratinisation with verruca plana-like polygonal, planar papules over dorsa of hands and feet and nail dystrophy. Some patients with Darter disease may have acral involvement with acrokeratosis veruciformis-like verrucous papules. Herein we present a case of sporadic Darier disease associated with acrokeratosis veruciformis-like acral lesions and discuss the clinicopathological differential diagnosis

    A protuberant nodule under the foot

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    WOS: 000254999300017PubMed: 18427056

    Familial urticaria pigmentosa

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    Urtikarya pigmentoza, dermiste mast hücresi infiltrasyonu ile karakterize, nadir görülen bir deri hastalığıdır. Genelde sporadik olarak görülmektedir, ancak ailesel olgular da bildirilmektedir. Burada bir anne ve kızında eş zamanda görülen bir urtikarya pigmentoza olgusu sunulmakta, hastalığın olası genetik geçişi tartışılmaktadır.Urticaria pigmentosa is a rare dermatological disease, characterized by dense mast cell infiltration in dermis. The disease is generally sporadic but there are rare reports of familial cases in the medical literature. Herein we report urticaria pigmentosa in a mother and her daughter and we discuss the probable hereditary transmission pattern of the disease

    Acute actinic cheilitis-like chemical irritant reaction following accidental contact with ethylene glycol - Favorable response to topical 1% pimecrolimus cream: A case report

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    WOS: 000257028200005PubMed: 18568894Ethylene glycol is a colorless, odorless, nonvolatile, water-soluble fluid, mainly used as automobile antifreeze and coolant. This substance is a frequent culprit in accidental and intentional poisonings. Although potentially fatal systemic consequences of ethylene glycol ingestion are well known, local adverse effects through brief skin and mucosa contact with ethylene glycol have been rarely reported. Herein we report a patient with accidental ethylene glycol contact to the lower lip, who presented with acute, manifest, actinic cheilitis-like chemical irritant reaction and favorably responded to topical pimecrolimus 1% cream

    Dermal vacuoles in two biopsies of psoriasis

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    WOS: 000259822500021PubMed: 18855793Two patients presented with cutaneous lesions clinically typical of psoriasis. The first case was a 38-year-old man and the second was a 51-year-old woman. To confirm the diagnosis, 4-mm punch biopsy samples were obtained from both patients from the lesions on the knees. Histology in both cases was in favour of psoriasis and also revealed empty vacuoles in the papillary dermis, concentrated at sites of intense lymphocyte infiltration. The empty vacuoles resembled true fat cells or fat globules. They did not reveal positive immunostaining with CD34 antigen, suggesting that they were not lined by endothelial cells. Final histological diagnosis was psoriasis associated with dermal vacuolization