23 research outputs found

    How do "invisible" stimuli influence action? : Visuomotor processing in the absence of conscious awareness

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    The goal of the current research was to examine the properties of visuomotor processing occurring in the absence of conscious awareness. Specifically, we investigated the ability of a subliminal stimulus to influence the on-line control of an action (Studies 1 and 2) and the extent to which the same subliminal stimulus could influence action when the probability of it predicting the upcoming response was manipulated (Studies 3 and 4). In order to display stimuli subliminally, stimuli were presented through the psychophysical procedure of metacontrast masking - a form of backward masking in which the visibility of a briefly displayed visual stimulus (the prime ) is greatly reduced when it is followed by a second visual stimulus (the mask ). Thus in the present research we were interested in how the primes would influence performance. Results revealed that (1) unconscious visuomotor processing can result in the modification of an overt response, such that a goal-directed movement is adjusted in response to a subliminal stimulus and (2) the visuomotor system can be modified in response to manipulations of the prime-mask sequence presented at an unconscious level. These results imply that subliminal stimuli are not processed in a conditionally automatic manner. In order to explain the ability of subliminal stimuli to influence behaviour we propose an accumulator model, in which adaptations to the state of the system arising due to task constraints are reflected at the level of response activation (i.e. at the accumulators). An "accumulator" is tuned to a specific stimulus-response mapping such that if participants are instructed to make a left or right response, two separate accumulators are established with one collecting neural evidence for stimuli mapped to the left response and the other collecting neural evidence for stimuli mapped to the right response. Both primes and masks are equally effective at driving the accumulators and a response is initiated as soon as the accumulated neural evidence for one response versus the alternative response reaches a critical threshold. The level of this threshold can be set strategically, or modified without awareness, depending on the prime-mask sequence displayed.Education, Faculty ofKinesiology, School ofGraduat

    Intermanual transfer and retention of visuomotor adaptation to a large visuomotor distortion are driven by explicit processes.

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    Reaching with a visuomotor distortion in a virtual environment leads to reach adaptation in the trained hand, and in the untrained hand. In the current study we asked if reach adaptation in the untrained (right) hand is due to transfer of explicit adaptation (EA; strategic changes in reaches) and/or implicit adaptation (IA; unconscious changes in reaches) from the trained (left) hand, and if this transfer changes depending on instructions provided. We further asked if EA and IA are retained in both the trained and untrained hands. Participants (n = 60) were divided into 3 groups (Instructed (provided with instructions on how to counteract the visuomotor distortion), Non-Instructed (no instructions provided), and Control (EA not assessed)). EA and IA were assessed in both the trained and untrained hands immediately following rotated reach training with a 40° visuomotor distortion, and again 24 hours later by having participants reach in the absence of cursor feedback. Participants were to reach (1) so that the cursor landed on the target (EA + IA), and (2) so that their hand landed on the target (IA). Results revealed that, while initial EA observed in the trained hand was greater for the Instructed versus Non-Instructed group, the full extent of EA transferred between hands for both groups and was retained across days. IA observed in the trained hand was greatest in the Non-Instructed group. However, IA did not significantly transfer between hands for any of the three groups. Limited retention of IA was observed in the trained hand. Together, these results suggest that while initial EA and IA in the trained hand are dependent on instructions provided, transfer and retention of visuomotor adaptation to a large visuomotor distortion are driven almost exclusively by EA

    Visual processing is diminished during movement execution.

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    Recent research has suggested that visual discrimination and detection may be enhanced during movement preparation and execution, respectively. The current study examined if visual perceptual processing is augmented prior to or during a movement through the use of an Inspection Time (IT) task. The IT task involved briefly presenting (e.g., 15-105 ms) a "pi" figure with differing leg lengths, which was then immediately masked for 400 ms to prevent retinal afterimages. Participants were subsequently required to choose which of the two legs was longer. In Experiment 1, participants (n = 28) completed the IT task under three movement conditions: no-movement (NM), foreperiod (FP), and peak velocity (PV). In the NM condition, participants solely engaged in the IT paradigm. In the FP condition, the IT stimulus was presented prior to movement execution when response planning was expected to occur. Finally, in the PV condition, participants made a rapid movement to a target, and the IT stimulus was presented when their limb reached peak velocity. In Experiment 2, participants (n = 18) also performed the IT task in the PV and NM condition; however, vision of the limb's motion was made available during the PV trials (PV-FV) to investigate the potential influence of visual feedback on IT performance. Results showed no significant differences in performance in the IT task between the NM and FP conditions, suggesting no enhancement of visual processing occurred due to response preparation (Experiment 1). However, IT performance was significantly poorer in the PV condition in comparison to both the NM and FP conditions (Experiment 1), and was even worse when visual feedback was provided (Experiment 2). Together, these findings suggest that visual perceptual processing is degraded during execution of a fast, goal-directed movement

    Time Course of Reach Adaptation and Proprioceptive Recalibration during Visuomotor Learning - Fig 4

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    <p>Mean changes in hand location at peak velocity and at reach endpoint for each respective task as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0163695#pone.0163695.g003" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>, for the first and final block of training in Day 1 <i>(A)</i> and in Day 2 <i>(B)</i>, relative to aligned-training baseline. Error bars represent +/- 1 standard deviation from the average. The line at zero represents baseline performance.</p