736 research outputs found

    MUSE 273.01: Woodwind Techniques - Saxophone

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    LÄga ljusintensiteters pÄverkan pÄ mjölkkors beteende

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    The animal welfare act in Sweden states that dairy cows need to have at least a dim light present at night, but there are no recommendations for what intensity the light should have. It is unknown how cows perceive and react to low light intensities and earlier studies on this topic are limited. Red light as night light has also been suggested, based on the cows’ inability to perceive red light. This have however been questioned. The aim with this study was to investigate how four different light intensities affect dairy cows behavior. The aim was also to investigate how red light affects the cows’ behavior. In the study, twelve cows’ behavior and locomotion pattern were observed at the different light intensities 0, 5, 20 and 50 lux in presence or absence of red light. The cows were asked to pass through an obstacle course and perform a novel object test (NOT) in the different treatments. The study design was following a change-over design with four groups of cows and four different light intensity treatments. The experiment prolonged for four weeks and each treatment period lasted one day. Based on results in this study, it can be concluded that dairy cows can perceive light intensities down to 5 lux. It is further hypothesized that cows may be affected of a light intensity as low as 0.2 lux. This study also show that behavior is significantly affected by a light intensity since step frequency, number of stops, time taken for passing the obstacle course as well as step length and step rate were different at 0 lux compared to 5, 2 and 50 lux. In the NOT, time taken to the first interaction with an object was prolonged at 0 lux compared to the other light intensities. The cows’ behavior was not affected by the presence of red light in light intensities at 5, 20 and 50 lux. At 0 lux with presence of red light the cows had a higher frequency of steps, interacted less with the surrounding and knocked down fewer obstacles in the obstacle course compared to the other three tested light intensities. In the NOT, time taken for the cows to first interact with the objects was longer at 0 lux accompanied by red light compared to the other light intensities and compared to 0 lux in absence of red light. It is unclear if this is a result of a light intensity of 0.2 lux emitted by the red light or due to the precipitation of red light.Enligt Sveriges djurskyddslag ska mjölkkor ha tillgĂ„ng till dĂ€mpad belysning under natten, men det finns inga rekommendationer för hur stark belysningen bör vara. Hur kor uppfattar och reagerar pĂ„ lĂ„ga ljusintensiteter Ă€r Ă€nnu inte kĂ€nt och det finns endast ett begrĂ€nsat antal studier inom omrĂ„det. Nattbelysning som ger ifrĂ„n sig ett rött sken har introducerats i flera företag, med förklaringen att kor inte uppfattar det röda ljuset. Detta har dock ifrĂ„gasatts. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fyra olika ljusintensiteter pĂ„verkar kors beteende. Syftet var Ă€ven att undersöka om röd belysning pĂ„verkar deras beteende. I studien observerades tolv kors beteenden i fyra olika ljusintensiteter, 0, 5, 20 och 50 lux i nĂ€rvarande eller frĂ„nvarande av röd belysning. Korna manades igenom en hinderbana varefter ett novel object test utfördes i de olika behandlingarna. Utformningen av studien följde en change-over design av de fyra olika behandlingarna, dĂ€r korna var indelade i fyra grupper om tre i varje. Experimentet pĂ„gick under fyra veckor, varav varje enskild behandling pĂ„gick under en dag. Slutsatsen av studien Ă€r att kor kan uppfatta ljusintensiteter ner till 5 lux och troligtvis ocksĂ„ Ă€nda ner till 0.2 lux. Deras beteende Ă€ndrades tydligt i 0 lux, jĂ€mfört med 5, 20 och 50 lux. Korna tog fler steg, stannade oftare, tog lĂ€ngre tid pĂ„ sig i hinderbanan, minskade sin steglĂ€ngd och steghastighet i hinderbanan i 0 lux jĂ€mfört med i de andra testade ljusintensiteterna. I novel object testet sĂ„ tog det lĂ€ngre tid för dem att interagera med objekten i 0 lux jĂ€mfört med i de andra testade ljusintensiteterna. Kornas beteende pĂ„verkades inte av den röda belysningen i de högre ljusintensiteterna 5, 20, och 50 lux. I röd belysning vid 0 lux tog korna fler antal steg, interagerade mindre med omgivningen, slog ner fĂ€rre hinder i hinderbanan, medan det i NOT testet tog lĂ€ngre tid för dem att interagera med objekten jĂ€mfört med i 0 lux utan röd belysning. Om detta beror pĂ„ att den röda belysningen ger ifrĂ„n sig en ljusintensitet pĂ„ 0.2 lux eller att korna uppfattar den röda belysningen gĂ„r inte att avgöra

    Tarmflorans pÄverkan pÄ fetma

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    Obesity is a problem that increases exponentially in humans and companion animals. It is defined as a big accumulation of fat in the body and is usually connected with several diseases. This study describes how obesity can be diagnosed, in which way the gut flora can affect obesity, if the gut flora is genetically influenced or not, and how it differs between individuals with obesity and obesity-related diseases. Conclusions of the study are that both the bacterial strains Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes probably have a connection to obesity. The intestinal flora is probably also genetically related. Probiotics contain living microorganisms and is consumed in increasingly large amount by both humans and animals. These substances also contain large amount of the bacterial strain Firmicutes, which can lead to an increased risk of weight gain at high consumption.Fetma Àr ett problem som ökar exponentiellt hos bÄde mÀnniskor och sÀllskapsdjur. Det definieras som en stor ansamling fett i kroppen och Àr ofta kopplat till flera olika sjukdomar. I denna studie redovisas hur fetma diagnostiseras, samt pÄ vilka sÀtt tarmfloran kan ha en pÄverkan pÄ fetma, om tarmflorans sammansÀttning Àr Àrftlig samt hur tarmflorans sammansÀttning skiljer sig hos individer med fetma och fetmarelaterade sjukdomar. Slutsatser som har dragits utifrÄn studien Àr att bakterierstammarna Bacterioidetes och Firmicutes troligtvis har en koppling till fetma, dÄ mÄnga tidigare studier stÀrker detta. Probiotika konsumeras i allt större utstrÀckning frÀmst av mÀnniskor och innehÄller stora mÀngder av dessa bakterier, vilket möjligen kan leda till en ökad risk för viktökning vid stor konsumtion. TarmsammansÀttningen pÄverkas Àven troligen av individens genetiska anlag

    Stackars deltidsanstÀllda - ofrivilligt deltidsanstÀllda och deras rÀtt till arbetslöshetsförsÀkringen

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    The labor market, and therefore employment conditions, has changed in recent decades. Today, flexibilisation has led to a large number of employees who work part-time or lack permanent employment. An involuntary part-time worker refers to an individual who is working part-time and states that they want to work more hours than what the employer offers. As long as the employer complies with the provisions of rotation or preferential rights to re-employment, the employer, through its management rights, has the right to determine what new employment that will be offered. In Sweden, involuntary part-time workers are offered partial unemployment insurance benefits but since the part-time unemployed received this legal right, it has been problematic for the legislature. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to investigate, describe and analyze how involuntary part-time workers in the labor market are affected by the labor law and unemployment insurance based on current law. We also want to examine the extent to which unemployment insurance compensates the involuntary part-time worker’s vulnerable position in the labor market. The hope is to identify the problems that arise and address the contributing factors. Thesis judicial investigations have led to various problems that have been identified. Legislation has made an attempted to address these problems, but our analysis shows that some problems still persist. We believe that involuntary part-time employees end up disadvantaged over both the employer and the state. This is because part-time employees do not have the opportunity to modify or control the relationship. Arbetsmarknaden och dĂ€rmed ocksĂ„ anstĂ€llningsförhĂ„llandena har förĂ€ndrats under de senaste decennierna. Dagens flexibilisering har lett till att ett stort antal arbetstagare arbetar deltid eller saknar fast anstĂ€llning. Ofrivilligt deltidsarbete avser individer som arbetar deltid och uppger att de vill arbeta fler timmar Ă€n vad arbetsgivaren erbjuder. SĂ„ lĂ€nge arbetsgivaren följer bestĂ€mmelserna om turordning eller företrĂ€desrĂ€tt till Ă„teranstĂ€llningar har arbetsgivaren genom sin företagsledningsrĂ€tt rĂ€tt att bestĂ€mma vilka nya anstĂ€llningsvillkor som ska erbjudas. I Sverige erbjuds ofrivilligt deltidsanstĂ€llda partiell ersĂ€ttning frĂ„n arbetslöshetsförsĂ€kringen, men Ă€nda sedan deltidsarbetslösa fick denna rĂ€tt har detta varit ett problem för lagstiftaren. Syfte med denna uppsats Ă€r att utifrĂ„n gĂ€llande rĂ€tt utreda, beskriva och analysera hur den ofrivilligt deltidsanstĂ€lldas situation pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden berörs av den arbetsrĂ€ttsliga regleringen och arbetslöshetsförsĂ€kringen. Vi vill Ă€ven undersöka i vilken utstrĂ€ckning som arbetslöshetsförsĂ€kringen kompenserar för de ofrivilligt deltidsanstĂ€lldas utsatta stĂ€llning i arbetslivet. Förhoppningen Ă€r att kunna identifiera de problem som uppstĂ„r och besvara vad de beror pĂ„. Uppsatsens rĂ€ttsliga utredning har lett till att olika problem kunnat identifieras. Lagstiftningen har gjort en del för att komma till rĂ€tta med problemen, men vĂ„r analys visar att en del problem fortfarande kvarstĂ„r. Vi anser att den ofrivilligt deltidsanstĂ€llda hamnar i ett underlĂ€ge bĂ„de gentemot arbetsgivaren och staten. Detta dĂ„ den deltidsanstĂ€llda inte har möjlighet att sjĂ€lv Ă€ndra eller styra förhĂ„llandet

    NEPA, a new fixed combination of netupitant and palonosetron, is a cost-effective intervention for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in the UK

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    Background: The objective was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of NEPA, an oral fixed combination netupitant (NETU, 300 mg) and palonosetron (PA, 0.5 mg) compared with aprepitant and palonosetron (APPA) or palonosetron (PA) alone, to prevent chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in patients undergoing treatment with highly or moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC or MEC) in the UK. Scope: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were undertaken to compare NEPA with currently recommended anti-emetics. Relative effectiveness was estimated over the acute (day 1) and overall treatment (days 1–5) phases, taking complete response (CR, no emesis and no rescue medication) and complete protection (CP, CR and no more than mild nausea [VAS scale <25 mm]) as primary efficacy outcomes. A three-health-state Markov cohort model, including CP, CR and incomplete response (no CR) for HEC and MEC, was constructed. A five-day time horizon and UK NHS perspective were adopted. Transition probabilities were obtained by combining the response rates of CR and CP from NEPA trials and odds ratios from the meta-analysis. Utilities of 0.90, 0.70 and 0.24 were defined for CP, CR and incomplete response, respectively. Costs included medications and management of CINV-related events and were obtained from the British National Formulary and NHS Reference Costs. The expected budgetary impact of NEPA was also evaluated. Findings: In HEC patients, the NEPA strategy was more effective than APPA (quality-adjusted life days [QALDs] of 4.263 versus 4.053; incremental emesis-free and CINV-free days of +0.354 and +0.237, respectively) and was less costly (£80 versus £124), resulting in NEPA being the dominant strategy. In MEC patients, NEPA was cost effective, cumulating in an estimated 0.182 extra QALDs at an incremental cost of £6.65 compared with PA. Conclusion: Despite study limitations (study setting, time horizon, utility measure), the results suggest NEPA is cost effective for preventing CINV associated with HEC and MEC in the UK

    Quality of Life and Utility in Patients with Metastatic Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma: The Sarcoma Treatment and Burden of Illness in North America and Europe (SABINE) Study

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    The aim of the study was to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among metastatic soft tissue (mSTS) or bone sarcoma (mBS) patients who had attained a favourable response to chemotherapy. We employed the EORTC QLQ-C30, the 3-item Cancer-Related Symptoms Questionnaire, and the EQ-5D instrument. HRQoL was evaluated overall and by health state in 120 mSTS/mBS patients enrolled in the SABINE study across nine countries in Europe and North America. Utility was estimated from responses to the EQ-5D instrument using UK population-based weights. The mean EQ-5D utility score was 0.69 for the pooled patient sample with little variation across health states. However, patients with progressive disease reported a clinically significant lower utility (0.56). Among disease symptoms, pain and respiratory symptoms are common. This study showed that mSTS/mBS is associated with reduced HRQoL and utility among patients with metastatic disease

    Study of an altered magnetic circuit of a permanent magnet linear generator for wave power

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    The wave energy converter (WEC) studied and developed at Uppsala University in Sweden is a point absorbing buoy connected to a linear generator (LG) on the seabed. Previous studies have improved the sustainability of the generator, changing its magnets from Nd 2 Fe 14 B-magnets to ferrites. In this paper, the magnetic circuit of the linear generator is further studied. Ferrite magnets of two different types (Y30 and Y40) are studied along with different shapes of pole shoes for the system. The finite element method (FEM) simulations in a program called Ace are performed. The results show that a linear generator including both Y30 and Y40 magnets and shortened T-shaped pole shoes can generate a similar magnetic energy in the airgap as a linear generator only containing Y40 magnets and rectangular pole shoes. This shows that the magnetic circuit can be altered, opening up sizes and strengths of magnets for different retailers, and thereby possibly lowering magnet cost and transportation. This work was previously presented as a conference at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2017 in Cork, Ireland; this manuscript has been carefully revised and some discussions, on magnet costs for example, have been added to this paper
