63 research outputs found

    Reaction scheme of the fabrication of nanospheres with asymmetric surface chemistry (ASC) showing the partial modification of the functional groups on a nanoparticle's surface using solid-phase chemistry.

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    <p>Reaction scheme of the fabrication of nanospheres with asymmetric surface chemistry (ASC) showing the partial modification of the functional groups on a nanoparticle's surface using solid-phase chemistry.</p

    Illustration of nanospheres with two distinctive faces in terms of chemical functionality and their use as components of nano-chains.

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    <p>(a) Nanospheres with asymmetric surface chemistry (ASC) and (b) linear nano-chains assembled from spheres with ASC.</p

    TEM images reveal the asymmetric surface chemistry of iron oxide nanospheres.

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    <p>(a) TEM image (bottom panel) of an iron oxide nanosphere with an asymmetric surface chemistry displaying a controlled expression of amines and thiols on its surface. Top panel shows an illustration of a 1.4 nm gold probe (AuNP) that was used to tag the amines on the surface of the iron oxide nanosphere. using NHS-AuNP. The middle panel shows a cartoon of the iron oxide particle decorated with the AuNP tags. (b) Similarly, maleimide-AuNP was used to decorate the thiols on the surface of the iron oxide particle. Dotted line in yellow indicates the approximate location of the polymer surface with the modified functional group. Scale bar is 10 nm.</p

    Comparison of the T2 relaxivity of a nano-chain to its constituting iron oxide nanospheres.

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    <p>Comparison of the T2 relaxivity of a nano-chain to its constituting iron oxide nanospheres.</p

    Reaction scheme of the controlled assembly of linear nano-chains from ASC nanospheres using solid-phase chemistry.

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    <p>Reaction scheme of the controlled assembly of linear nano-chains from ASC nanospheres using solid-phase chemistry.</p

    TEM images of linear nano-chains assembled from iron oxide nanospheres with various sizes.

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    <p>(a) Linear chains of three 10 nm iron oxide nanospheres (NC-3×10), (b) Linear chains of three 30 nm iron oxide nanospheres (NC-3×30), and (c) Linear chains of two 30 nm iron oxide nanospheres sprinkled with 10 nm iron oxide nanospheres (NC-2×30<sub>(10)</sub>). Scale bar is 100 nm.</p
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