174 research outputs found

    Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Use and Blood Lead Levels in a Cohort of Young Women

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    BACKGROUND: Injectable contraceptive use is common, with 74 million users worldwide. Use of the injectable contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is associated with bone mineral density loss. We hypothesize that increased bone resorption with DMPA use allows for mobilization of the toxic metal lead stored in bone to blood, presenting users with increased systemic exposure to lead. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the association between current DMPA use and blood lead concentrations. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis using enrollment data from the Study of Environment, Lifestyle & Fibroids (SELF), a cohort of 1,693 African-American women who were 23-35 years of age. Data on DMPA use were collected by computer-assisted telephone interview. Blood lead concentrations were measured in whole blood samples among 1,548 participants (91% of cohort). We estimated the adjusted percent difference in blood lead concentrations and 95% confidence intervals (CI) between current DMPA users and nonusers using multivariable linear regression. RESULTS: Geometric mean blood lead concentration was 0.69 ΞΌg/dL (95% CI: 0.67, 0.71). After adjustment, current DMPA users (7% of cohort) had blood lead concentrations that were 18% higher than those of nonusers (95% CI: 8%, 29%). Similar associations were observed with additional analyses to assess for potential bias from smoking, DMPA-induced amenorrhea, use of estrogen-containing contraceptives, having given birth in the prior year, and history of medical conditions or current medication use associated with bone loss./ DISCUSSION: Our results indicate that current DMPA use is associated with increased blood lead concentrations. Further research, particularly in populations highly exposed to lead, is warranted to consider tradeoffs between the adverse effects of lead on human health and the importance of DMPA as a contraceptive option to prevent unintended pregnancy. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP7017

    Biomarkers of chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity: toward precision prevention using extracellular vesicles

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    Detrimental side effects of drugs like doxorubicin, which can cause cardiotoxicity, pose barriers for preventing cancer progression, or treating cancer early through molecular interception. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are valued for their potential as biomarkers of human health, chemical and molecular carcinogenesis, and therapeutics to treat disease at the cellular level. EVs are released both during normal growth and in response to toxicity and cellular death, playing key roles in cellular communication. Consequently, EVs may hold promise as precision biomarkers and therapeutics to prevent or offset damaging off-target effects of chemotherapeutics. EVs have promise as biomarkers of impending cardiotoxicity induced by chemotherapies and as cardioprotective therapeutic agents. However, EVs can also mediate cardiotoxic cues, depending on the identity and past events of their parent cells. Understanding how EVs mediate signaling is critical toward implementing EVs as therapeutic agents to mitigate cardiotoxic effects of chemotherapies. For example, it remains unclear how mixtures of EV populations from cells exposed to toxins or undergoing different stages of cell death contribute to signaling across cardiac tissues. Here, we present our perspective on the outlook of EVs as future clinical tools to mitigate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity, both as biomarkers of impending cardiotoxicity and as cardioprotective agents. Also, we discuss how heterogeneous mixtures of EVs and transient exposures to toxicants may add complexity to predicting outcomes of exogenously applied EVs. Elucidating how EV cargo and signaling properties change during dynamic cellular events may aid precision prevention of cardiotoxicity in anticancer treatments and development of safer chemotherapeutics

    Haploinsufficiency of SIRT1 Enhances Glutamine Metabolism and Promotes Cancer Development

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    SIRT1, the most conserved mammalian NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase, plays a vital role in the regulation of metabolism, stress responses, and genome stability. However, the role of SIRT1 in the multi-step process leading to transformation and/or tumorigenesis, as either a tumor suppressor or tumor promoter, is complex and maybe dependent upon the context in which SIRT1 activity is altered, and the role of SIRT1 in tumor metabolism is unknown. Here we demonstrate that SIRT1 dose-dependently regulates cellular glutamine metabolism and apoptosis, which in turn differentially impact cell proliferation and cancer development. Heterozygous deletion of Sirt1 induces c-Myc expression, enhancing glutamine metabolism and subsequent proliferation, autophagy, stress resistance and cancer formation. In contrast, homozygous deletion of Sirt1 triggers cellular apoptotic pathways, increases cell death, diminishes autophagy, and reduces cancer formation. Consistent with the observed dose-dependence in cells, intestine-specific Sirt1 heterozygous mice have enhanced intestinal tumor formation, whereas intestine-specific Sirt1 homozygous knockout mice have reduced development of colon cancer. Furthermore, SIRT1 reduction but not deletion is associated with human colorectal tumors, and colorectal cancer patients with low protein expression of SIRT1 have a poor prognosis. Taken together, our findings indicate that the dose-dependent regulation of tumor metabolism and possibly apoptosis by SIRT1 mechanistically contributes to the observed dual roles of SIRT1 in tumorigenesis. Our study highlights the importance of maintenance of a suitable SIRT1 dosage for metabolic and tissue homeostasis, which will have important implications in SIRT1 small molecule activators/inhibitors based therapeutic strategies for cancers

    Mechanisms Underlying Latent Disease Risk Associated with Early-Life Arsenic Exposure: Current Research Trends and Scientific Gaps

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    BackgroundMillions of individuals worldwide, particularly those living in rural and developing areas, are exposed to harmful levels of inorganic arsenic (iAs) in their drinking water. Inorganic As exposure during key developmental periods is associated with a variety of adverse health effects, including those that are evident in adulthood. There is considerable interest in identifying the molecular mechanisms that relate early-life iAs exposure to the development of these latent diseases, particularly in relationship to cancer.ObjectivesThis work summarizes research on the molecular mechanisms that underlie the increased risk of cancer development in adulthood that is associated with early-life iAs exposure.DiscussionEpigenetic reprogramming that imparts functional changes in gene expression, the development of cancer stem cells, and immunomodulation are plausible underlying mechanisms by which early-life iAs exposure elicits latent carcinogenic effects.ConclusionsEvidence is mounting that relates early-life iAs exposure and cancer development later in life. Future research should include animal studies that address mechanistic hypotheses and studies of human populations that integrate early-life exposure, molecular alterations, and latent disease outcomes.CitationBailey KA, Smith AH, Tokar EJ, Graziano JH, Kim KW, Navasumrit P, Ruchirawat M, Thiantanawat A, Suk WA, Fry RC. 2016. Mechanisms underlying latent disease risk associated with early-life arsenic exposure: current research trends and scientific gaps. Environ Health Perspect 124:170–175; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.140936

    Cadmium Induces p53-Dependent Apoptosis in Human Prostate Epithelial Cells

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    Cadmium, a widespread toxic pollutant of occupational and environmental concern, is a known human carcinogen. The prostate is a potential target for cadmium carcinogenesis, although the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Furthermore, cadmium may induce cell death by apoptosis in various cell types, and it has been hypothesized that a key factor in cadmium-induced malignant transformation is acquisition of apoptotic resistance. We investigated the in vitro effects produced by cadmium exposure in normal or tumor cells derived from human prostate epithelium, including RWPE-1 and its cadmium-transformed derivative CTPE, the primary adenocarcinoma 22Rv1 and CWR-R1 cells and LNCaP, PC-3 and DU145 metastatic cancer cell lines. Cells were treated for 24 hours with different concentrations of CdCl2 and apoptosis, cell cycle distribution and expression of tumor suppressor proteins were analyzed. Subsequently, cellular response to cadmium was evaluated after siRNA-mediated p53 silencing in wild type p53-expressing RWPE-1 and LNCaP cells, and after adenoviral p53 overexpression in p53-deficient DU145 and PC-3 cell lines. The cell lines exhibited different sensitivity to cadmium, and 24-hour exposure to different CdCl2 concentrations induced dose- and cell type-dependent apoptotic response and inhibition of cell proliferation that correlated with accumulation of functional p53 and overexpression of p21 in wild type p53-expressing cell lines. On the other hand, p53 silencing was able to suppress cadmium-induced apoptosis. Our results demonstrate that cadmium can induce p53-dependent apoptosis in human prostate epithelial cells and suggest p53 mutation as a possible contributing factor for the acquisition of apoptotic resistance in cadmium prostatic carcinogenesis

    Molecular Mechanisms of Cytotoxicity of NCX4040, the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory NO-Donor, in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells

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    NCX4040, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory-NO donor, is cytotoxic to several human tumors, including ovarian tumor cells. We have found that NCX4040 is also cytotoxic against both OVCAR-8 and its adriamycin resistant (NCI/ADR-RES) tumor cell lines. Here, we have examined mechanism(s) for the cytotoxicity of NCX4040 in OVCAR-8 and NCI/ADR-RES cell lines. We found that NCX4040 induced significant apoptosis in both cell lines. Furthermore, NCX4040 treatment caused significant depletion of cellular glutathione, causing oxidative stress due to the formation of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). Significantly more ROS/RNS were detected in OVCAR-8 cells than in NCI/ADR-RES cells which may have resulted from increased activities of SOD, glutathione peroxidase and transferases expressed in NCI/ADR-RES cells. NCX4040 treatment resulted in the formation of double-strand DNA breaks in both cells; however, more of these DNA breaks were detected in OVCAR-8 cells. RT-PCR studies indicated that NCX4040-induced DNA damage was not repaired as efficiently in NCI/ADR-RES cells as in OVCAR-8 cells which may lead to a differential cell death. Pretreatment of OVCAR-8 cells with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) significantly decreased cytotoxicity of NCX4040 in OVCAR-8 cells; however, NAC had no effects on NCX4040 cytotoxicity in NCI/ADR-RES cells. In contrast, FeTPPS, a peroxynitrite scavenger, completely blocked NCX4040-induced cell death in both cells, suggesting that NCX4040-induced cell death could be mediated by peroxynitrite formed from NCX4040 following cellular metabolism
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