5 research outputs found

    CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> peak information.

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    <p>CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> peak information.</p

    CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> mislocalization does not depend on H2A.Z<sup>Htz1</sup> incorporation.

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    <p>(A) ChIP was performed with anti-Cse4 antibody on negative control cells (SBY15924), as well as <i>pTET-CSE4</i> (SBY15903), <i>psh1Ξ” pTET-CSE4</i> (SBY15904) and <i>psh1Ξ” htz1Ξ” pTET-CSE4</i> (SBY15906) cells overexpressing CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> for six hours. As a control, we also performed a ChIP experiment with no antibody in <i>psh1Ξ” pTET-CSE4</i> cells. Input dilutions are 1:100, 1:300, 1:100 and ChIP dilutions are 1x, 1:3, 1:9. (B) ChIP-PCR of 3HA-Htz1 at the <i>RDS1</i> promoter. Strains used: negative (neg.) control (SBY3), <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12833), <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i>, <i>3HA-HTZ1 swr1Ξ”</i> (SBY12924). Input dilutions: 1:100, 1:300, 1:900. ChIP dilutions: 1:3, 1:9, 1:21. (C) Relative CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> levels were measured by quantifying the mean chromatin CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup>:H2B fold change vs. <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 HA-HTZ1</i> +/- 1 SEM using quantitative immunoblots of chromatin fraction (n = 3), p = 0.0204 (paired t-test comparing the Cse4:H2B relative ratio in <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> to <i>swr1Ξ” psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i>). Strains used were <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12832), <i>swr1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12956), <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12833) and <i>swr1Ξ” psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12924).</p

    INO80-C contributes to CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> misincorporation.

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    <p>(A) Mean chromatin CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup>:H2B fold change vs. <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 HA-HTZ1</i> strain +/- 1 SEM from quantitative immunoblots of the chromatin fraction. Strains used: <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12832), <i>nhp10Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12930), <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12833), and <i>nhp10Ξ” psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4 3HA-HTZ1</i> (SBY12959). (n = 3). p = 0.0593 (paired t-test comparing the Cse4:H2B relative ratio in <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> to <i>nhp10Ξ” psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i>). (B) Co-Immunoprecipitation (co-IP) of overexpressed 3Flag-Cse4 with either Psh1-13Myc or Ino80-13Myc from the following strains: <i>PSH1-13Myc pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY14482), <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY9540), <i>INO80-13Myc</i> (SBY14527), <i>INO80-13Myc pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY14526), <i>INO80-13Myc psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY14515). (C) Five-fold serial dilutions of strains <i>3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10419), <i>nhp10Ξ” 3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY12958), <i>psh1Ξ” 3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10484), <i>nhp10Ξ” psh1Ξ” 3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY12928), <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10425), <i>nhp10Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY12930), <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10484), and <i>nhp10Ξ” psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY12959) were plated on indicated media.</p

    Intergenic regions are the major sites of overexpressed CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> mislocalization.

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    <p>(A) Quantification of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> levels in MNase-digested chromatin in untagged (SBY3, black), <i>3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10419, blue), <i>psh1Ξ” 3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10484, pink), <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10425, green) and <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-Cse4</i> (SBY10483, orange) strains. The ratio of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup>:H2B in the chromatin in each strain was quantified relative to the CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup>:H2B ratio from the <i>3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10419) strain. Quantification is based on two biological replicates. Error bars are +/- 1 standard error of the mean (SEM) of the two biological replicates. (B) The total number of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> peaks called in the indicated strains: <i>3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10419, blue), <i>psh1Ξ” 3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10484, pink), <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10425, green) and <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> (SBY10483, orange). (C) A representative region of the CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> ChIP-seq coverage on Chromosome 4 between 429,000 base pairs (bp) and 470,000 bp is shown. The CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> ChIP-seq coverage for the strains in (B) is normalized to the coverage at the centromeres after subtracting the input. Peaks are shown as lines below each coverage signal (the cutoff is the average minimum coverage at the centromere in the <i>3Flag-CSE4</i> strain). The scale of the normalized coverage is from 0–20,000 for all strains. (D) The percentage of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> peak centers in each type of genomic region is graphed for each strain, as in (B). The percentage of each feature in the genome is: genes (68.23%), intergenic (27.04%), pericentromeres (2.62%), telomeres (1.16%), origins (0.92%) and centromeres (0.02%).</p

    CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> mislocalization to promoters alters transcription.

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    <p>(A) Graph of the number of transcripts significantly increased or decreased compared to the WT strain by RNA-seq of <i>psh1Ξ”</i> and <i>htz1Ξ”</i> cells at t = 2 hours. Differential expression analysis statistics were performed using edgeR [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005930#pgen.1005930.ref078" target="_blank">78</a>]. (B) Graph of the number of transcripts significantly increased or decreased at t = 2 hours compared to t = 0 in <i>pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i>, <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i>, and <i>pGAL-H3</i> that are not also changed at t = 2 hours compared to t = 0 in the WT strain. (C) TSS and TTS profiles of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> enrichment based on the measured transcriptional changes by RNA-seq in the <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> strain. (D) Proportional Venn diagram of genes up-regulated in <i>psh1Ξ” pGAL-3Flag-CSE4</i> at t = 2 hours and genes up-regulated in <i>htz1Ξ”</i> at t = 2 hours. p = 2.699x10<sup>-24</sup> (p-value from a cumulative hypergeometric distribution test, which represents the probability of the number of genes overlapped or greater between the two strains.) (E) Model: At chromosome arms, INO80-C-mediated full nucleosome turnover may lead to CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> deposition and H2A.Z<sup>Htz1</sup> removal. Psh1 blocks stable CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> promoter incorporation by ubiquitylating mislocalized CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> and targeting it for degradation. Mislocalization of CENP-A<sup>Cse4</sup> to promoters leads to misregulation of a subset of downstream genes, which could affect survival of these cells.</p