1,122 research outputs found

    A situação prisional das mulheres do CRESF/PR em agosto de 2014: uma breve reflexão

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    A I Semana Acadêmica de Relações Internacionais foi realizada em outubro de 2016, na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), nas dependências do campus do Parque Tecnológico de Itaipu (PTI)O presente artigo aborda e problematiza a situação prisional feminina na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, no Centro de Reintegração Feminino - CRESF, em agosto de 2014, sendo esse o único local que abriga as mulheres presas na cidade. A partir da análise dos dados levantados busca-se traçar um perfil da mulher presa na região, avaliando especificidades e incongruências. O conhecimento acerca da população prisional faz-se necessário para que as políticas públicas possam ter maior aderência e efetividade, além disso, a região de fronteira traz em si especificidades que podem diversificar os dados regionais em comparação àqueles nacionais (política, economia e relações de socialidade próprias da fronteira)Centro Interdisciplinar de Integração e Relações Internacionais - CIIRI ; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Integração Contemporânea na América Latina - PPGICAL

    A Tecnociência: como caminho para o interesse científico

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)Este projeto visa sobretudo a transferência de conhecimento gerado na universidade federal para a sociedade, fortalecendo a relação intrínseca entre as instituições de ensino superior e a comunidade no campo amplo da cultura, da ciência e da tecnologia. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho propõe-se constituir alianças junto às escolas públicas que integram o Núcleo Regional de Educação de Foz do Iguaçu (N.R.E), realizando conjuntamente com o corpo docente e alunos da escola e acadêmicos de graduação da UNILA atividades de ciência (i.e, feira de ciência) com o objetivo de criar e estimular nos alunos o interesse pelas diferentes áreas da ciência como matemática, física, química, biologia, e entre outras áreas de interesse próprias do estudante. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foram apresentados atividades cientificas nas dependências da escola, sugestões de possíveis ideias de experimentos científicos, auxilio nas inscrições on-line dos grupos e/o alunos interessados em participar da feira de ciências, assistência aos professores orientadores dos alunos participantes, orientação aos líderes de cada grupo sobre metodologia cientifica e instruções gerais sobre o evento, e acompanhamento no desenvolvimento dos experimentos pelos alunos participantes no laboratório de ciências da escola. Os resultados parciais mostraram o envolvimento dos alunos e professores nas áreas de ciências da vida, exatas e humanas, via submissão de trabalhos científicos com enfoques em conscientização ambiental, energia limpa, construção, saúde, fatos históricos e entre outros. Finalmente, o presente projeto espera efetivar a importância da ciência e tecnologia tanto no cotidiano como na vida acadêmica e laboral nos estudantes das escolas públicas que compõe o N.R.EÀ Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), via PROEX, pelo apoio financeiro na concessão de uma bolsa, pelo qual foi possível a realização com sucesso do presente projeto de extensã

    The use of lean tools to improve the performance of an elevators company

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    This paper presents a project developed in an elevators company, in the framework of a master thesis at University of Minho. The main objective of this work was to analyse the production system of one assembly section of the company and to implement some proposals that would improve its performance. This objective was achieved by applying Lean Production tools and techniques namely, 5S, Visual Management and Standard Work. With the proposed improvements it was possible to increase the shop floor area, to reduce errors and nonconformities, to reduce the number of required operators and to improve the organization of the production system. These results promoted the reduction of energy and material consumption, mainly due to the decrease of defects and reduction of rework, which are some of the requisites for a company to become eco-efficient

    An industrial application of the SMED methodology and other lean production tools

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    This paper describes the improvement of the setup process of a mechanical press machine in the metal-mechanic area of an elevators company. The work results from a master thesisc project conducted during a period of five months. The Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology and other Lean Production tools (5S, Visual Management and Standard Work) were applied to reduce the setup times observed at the beginning of the project. With the developed solutions it was possible to reduce setup times, work-in-process (WIP) and distances travelled by operators. Additionally, the setup operations were standardized and consequently the process has become more fast and intuitive for the operators. These improvements allowed the reduction of energy and materials consumption and, consequently, a decrease on the Greenhouse Gases’ emissions

    Optimizing communication and computation for multi-UAV information gathering applications

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    Typical mobile agent networks, such as multi-UAV systems, are constrained by limited resources: energy, computing power, memory and communication bandwidth. In particular, limited energy affects system performance directly, such as system lifetime. Moreover, it has been demonstrated experimentally in the wireless sensor network literature that the total energy consumption is often dominated by the communication cost, i.e. the computational and the sensing energy are small compared to the communication energy consumption. For this reason, the lifetime of the network can be extended significantly by minimizing the communication distance as well as the amount of communication data, at the expense of increasing computational cost. In this work, we aim at attaining an optimal trade-off between the communication and the computational energy. Specifically, we propose a mixed-integer optimization formulation for a multihop hierarchical clustering-based self-organizing UAV network incorporating data aggregation, to obtain an energy-efficient information routing scheme. The proposed framework is tested on two applications, namely target tracking and area mapping. Based on simulation results, our method can significantly save energy compared to a baseline strategy, where there is no data aggregation and clustering scheme

    Transcriptome analyses of the human retina identify unprecedented transcript diversity and 3.5 Mb of novel transcribed sequence via significant alternative splicing and novel genes

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    Background: The retina is a complex tissue comprised of multiple cell types that is affected by a diverse set of diseases that are important causes of vision loss. Characterizing the transcripts, both annotated and novel, that are expressed in a given tissue has become vital for understanding the mechanisms underlying the pathology of disease. Results: We sequenced RNA prepared from three normal human retinas and characterized the retinal transcriptome at an unprecedented level due to the increased depth of sampling provided by the RNA-seq approach. We used a non-redundant reference transcriptome from all of the empirically-determined human reference tracks to identify annotated and novel sequences expressed in the retina. We detected 79,915 novel alternative splicing events, including 29,887 novel exons, 21,757 3′ and 5′ alternate splice sites, and 28,271 exon skipping events. We also identified 116 potential novel genes. These data represent a significant addition to the annotated human transcriptome. For example, the novel exons detected increase the number of identified exons by 3%. Using a high-throughput RNA capture approach to validate 14,696 of these novel transcriptome features we found that 99% of the putative novel events can be reproducibly detected. Further, 15-36% of the novel splicing events maintain an open reading frame, suggesting they produce novel protein products. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first application of RNA capture to perform large-scale validation of novel transcriptome features. In total, these analyses provide extensive detail about a previously uncharacterized level of transcript diversity in the human retina

    Transcriptome analyses of the human retina identify unprecedented transcript diversity and 3.5 Mb of novel transcribed sequence via significant alternative splicing and novel genes

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    Background: The retina is a complex tissue comprised of multiple cell types that is affected by a diverse set of diseases that are important causes of vision loss. Characterizing the transcripts, both annotated and novel, that are expressed in a given tissue has become vital for understanding the mechanisms underlying the pathology of disease. Results: We sequenced RNA prepared from three normal human retinas and characterized the retinal transcriptome at an unprecedented level due to the increased depth of sampling provided by the RNA-seq approach. We used a non-redundant reference transcriptome from all of the empirically-determined human reference tracks to identify annotated and novel sequences expressed in the retina. We detected 79,915 novel alternative splicing events, including 29,887 novel exons, 21,757 3′ and 5′ alternate splice sites, and 28,271 exon skipping events. We also identified 116 potential novel genes. These data represent a significant addition to the annotated human transcriptome. For example, the novel exons detected increase the number of identified exons by 3%. Using a high-throughput RNA capture approach to validate 14,696 of these novel transcriptome features we found that 99% of the putative novel events can be reproducibly detected. Further, 15-36% of the novel splicing events maintain an open reading frame, suggesting they produce novel protein products. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first application of RNA capture to perform large-scale validation of novel transcriptome features. In total, these analyses provide extensive detail about a previously uncharacterized level of transcript diversity in the human retina