45,809 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Indoor Localization Using Mobile Phone-Based Sensors

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of localizing a mobile device based on readings from its embedded sensors utilizing machine learning methodologies. We consider a real-world environment, collect a large dataset of 3110 datapoints, and examine the performance of a substantial number of machine learning algorithms in localizing a mobile device. We have found algorithms that give a mean error as accurate as 0.76 meters, outperforming other indoor localization systems reported in the literature. We also propose a hybrid instance-based approach that results in a speed increase by a factor of ten with no loss of accuracy in a live deployment over standard instance-based methods, allowing for fast and accurate localization. Further, we determine how smaller datasets collected with less density affect accuracy of localization, important for use in real-world environments. Finally, we demonstrate that these approaches are appropriate for real-world deployment by evaluating their performance in an online, in-motion experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Beyond a=ca=c: Gravitational Couplings to Matter and the Stress Tensor OPE

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    We derive constraints on the operator product expansion of two stress tensors in conformal field theories (CFTs), both generic and holographic. We point out that in large NN CFTs with a large gap to single-trace higher spin operators, the stress tensor sector is not only universal, but isolated: that is, TTO=0\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle=0, where OT{\cal O}\neq T is a single-trace primary. We show that this follows from a suppression of TTO\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle by powers of the higher spin gap, Δgap\Delta_{\rm gap}, dual to the bulk mass scale of higher spin particles, and explain why TTO\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle is a more sensitive probe of Δgap\Delta_{\rm gap} than aca-c in 4d CFTs. This result implies that, on the level of cubic couplings, the existence of a consistent truncation to Einstein gravity is a direct consequence of the absence of higher spins. By proving similar behavior for other couplings TO1O2\langle T{\cal O}_1{\cal O}_2\rangle where Oi{\cal O}_i have spin si2s_i\leq 2, we are led to propose that 1/Δgap1/\Delta_{\rm gap} is the CFT "dual" of an AdS derivative in a classical action. These results are derived by imposing unitarity on mixed systems of spinning four-point functions in the Regge limit. Using the same method, but without imposing a large gap, we derive new inequalities on these three-point couplings that are valid in any CFT. These are generalizations of the Hofman-Maldacena conformal collider bounds. By combining the collider bound on TTTT couplings to spin-2 operators with analyticity properties of CFT data, we argue that all three tensor structures of TTT\langle TTT\rangle in the free-field basis are nonzero in interacting CFTs.Comment: 42+25 pages. v2: added refs, minor change

    Hard, soft or lean? Planning on medium size construction projects

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    In a paper presented to the 11th Annual ARCOM Conference, Johansen examined the way that managers and planners in medium sized construction projects plan in a flexible manner. This was termed "soft planning" and contrasted with the textbook approach which was termed "hard" planning. The fundamental components of hard planning are firm dates and critical activities. The reality was found to be quite different from the textbook approach. (Johansen, 1996a) The conclusion then, was that methods of soft planning methodologies should be developed to support what was actually happening. Here this conclusion is revised in the light of lean production concepts. After defining these concepts, the authors consider how they can affect the development of planning theories in construction; in particular, how concepts such as “shielding”, “lookahead planning” and “last planner” can allow managers to overcome the barriers to hard planning

    A complex structure on the moduli space of rigged Riemann surfaces

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    The study of Riemann surfaces with parametrized boundary components was initiated in conformal field theory (CFT). Motivated by general principles from Teichmueller theory, and applications to the construction of CFT from vertex operator algebras, we generalize the parametrizations to quasisymmetric maps. For a precise mathematical definition of CFT (in the sense of G. Segal), it is necessary that the moduli space of these Riemann surfaces be a complex manifold, and the sewing operation be holomorphic. We report on the recent proofs of these results by the authors

    Giant gravitons and the emergence of geometric limits in β\beta-deformations of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM

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    We study a one parameter family of supersymmetric marginal deformations of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM with U(1)3U(1)^3 symmetry, known as β\beta-deformations, to understand their dual AdS×XAdS\times X geometry, where XX is a large classical geometry in the gYM2Ng_{YM}^2N\to \infty limit. We argue that we can determine whether or not XX is geometric by studying the spectrum of open strings between giant gravitons states, as represented by operators in the field theory, as we take NN\to\infty in certain double scaling limits. We study the conditions under which these open strings can give rise to a large number of states with energy far below the string scale. The number-theoretic properties of β\beta are very important. When exp(iβ)\exp(i\beta) is a root of unity, the space XX is an orbifold. When exp(iβ)\exp(i\beta) close to a root of unity in a double scaling limit sense, XX corresponds to a finite deformation of the orbifold. Finally, if β\beta is irrational, sporadic light states can be present.Comment: 1 Tabl