123 research outputs found

    Pilotage des activités de conception par l'Ingénierie Système (IS).

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    Dans le contexte de la mondialisation de l'économie, les entreprises occidentales devront faire face durablement à la concurrence exacerbée des pays à faibles coûts de main d'oeuvre dont le niveau de compétence croît de manière significative. Les défis à relever portent donc essentiellement sur les activités à forte valeur ajoutée telles que la conception innovante ou les niches de production faisant appel à des technologies de pointe

    Unification of the a priori inconsistencies checking among assembly constraints in assembly sequence planning.

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    International audienceSequence planning generation is an important problem in assembly line design. A good assembly sequence can help to reduce the cost and time of the manufacturing process. This paper focuses on assembly sequence planning (ASP) known as a hard combinatorial optimization problem. Although the ASP problem has been tackled via even more sophisticated optimization techniques, these techniques are often inefficient for proposing feasible assembly sequences that satisfy the assembly planners' preferences. This paper presents an approach that makes easier to check the validity of operations in assembly process. It is based on a model of the assembly planners' preferences by means of strategic constraints. It helps to check a priori the consistency of the assembly constraints (strategic an operative constraints) given by the assembly system designers before and while running an assembly plan generation algorithm. This approach reduces the solution space significantly

    A priori checking inconsistencies among strategic constraints for assembly plan generation.

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    International audienceThis paper is related to the field of assembly plan generation. It describes a new approach to a priori check the consistency of an assembly strategy that is given by the assembly system designers before running an assembly plan generation algorithm. The aim of this work is to improve the assembly plan designer's efficiency by reducing the research space while proving the existence of acceptable solutions. The assembly strategy combined with the product's model implies a set of constraints on the assembly processes. The proposed method determines whether the given assembly strategy produces possible assembly processes. In case of inconsistencies among the strategic constraints, the method will help the designer to identify the contradictory constraints. The set of constraints can be expressed by a Boolean equation. First we present the key concepts and models related to the product, processes and added values in the field of assembly plan generation. Second we define existing strategic constraints, and propose three new ones and a classification of strategic assembly constraints. The originality of the proposed method consists in defining an elementary strategic constraint that is used to describe every other constraint. The proposed method leads to model an assembly strategy by a single Boolean equation that is used to check the inconsistencies. An industrial case study is provided to highlight and to demonstrate the interests of this approach

    Design core competence diagnosis : A case from the automotive industry.

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    International audience1990's have been marked by significant changes both in the strategic management field, with the development of competence-based management and the use of the concept of valuecreating network, and in the design management field, with the diffusion of matrix-based tools that help to manage the interdependencies between three domains of design projects: product, process, and organization. Few researchers have helped to link these two fields. However, design managers need to use these fields closely together in order to enhance the firm's sustainable competitiveness. Indeed specialists of engineering management have already underlined that design organizations are responsible for the development of lines of products that have to satisfy distinctive stakeholders' requirements. Thus, design organizations strongly contribute to the firm's core competence. In this paper, we outline a method for diagnosing design core competence. We intend to couple strategic management concepts and design management concepts to represent and evaluate design core competence in relation to the product, process, and organizational architectures. The proposed method aims to highlight crucial design organizations, which should require particular managerial attention. The method has been researched and constructed in collaboration with a car design office, and applied in the case of a new robotized gearbox design

    Démarche de modélisation d'une situation de conception collaborative.

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    Le caractère collectif des activités de conception nécessite le développement de méthodes et d'outils pour la maîtrise des processus de conception et des activités collaboratives. Le groupe de travail est assimilé à un système constitué d'entités en interactions de différentes natures et régi par des mécanismes de régulation et de coordination. Nous nous intéressons ici à la modélisation d'une situation collaborative. Après une définition de la situation et la description de différentes perceptions de ce concept, nous proposons un modèle de situation dans lequel nous caractérisons les entités de différentes natures qui sont en interactions. Une classification des relations entre ces entités est proposée. Les perspectives de ce travail sont de contribuer à l'amélioration d'outils permettant de supporter une situation de conception collaborative et de capitaliser ces connaissances en vue d'une réutilisation efficace

    Formalisation and use of competencies for industrial performance optimisation : a survey.

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    For many years, industrial performance has been implicitly considered as deriving from the optimisation of technological and material resources (machines, inventories,...), made possible by centralized organisations. The topical requirements for reactive and flexible industrial systems have progressively reintroduced the human workforce as the main source of industrial performance. Making this paradigm operational requires the identification and careful formalisation of the link between human resource and industrial performance, through concepts like skills, competencies or know-how. This paper provides a general survey of the formalisation and integration of competence-oriented concepts within enterprise information systems and decision systems, aiming at providing new methods and tools for performance management

    De la modélisation des situations de travail à la caractérisation des compétences : Une approche par logique floue.

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    National audienceTo cope with the fast change of the technological and organizational context design managers nedd tools to help them to improve competence management. Our contribution aims at supporting the task of competence characterization that is considered as the first step of the competence management process. The proposed characterization approach involves two stages. The first stage concerns the qualifications of the working situation characteristics. The second stage is realized by a fuzzy logic system which converts the result of the step of "qualification" into an estimated value of the components of the associated competence. The application of the method in an industrial cas confirms the possibility of using this "principle of solution" to provide a dynamic characterization of competencies

    A fuzzy array-based clustering method in team building.

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    International audienceAn array-based approach is proposed as an effective mean for providing an alternative solution in team building problem. The proposed approach generates a systematic formation of task and team member families by sequencing the rows and the columns of a task-personnel incidence matrix. To obtain the task-personnel incidence matrix, a fuzzy sets approach will be proposed to combine two fundamental incidence matrices : the task-discipline and personnel-discipline incidence matrices. The proposed method is demonstrated by applying to an example in team building problem

    A method to manage the co-evolution of product an organization architectures.

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    International audienceComplex systems design and especially automotive design is facing continuous technological evolution that needs stronger integration. To tackle this issue, a method for modeling products and organizations architectures is presented. This method will be completed by a "management by uncertainty" tool to help managers anticipate the co-evolutions of project domains and properly structure these domains

    Architecture des systèmes complexes : modélisation et pilotage par l'incertitude.

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    National audienceLa conception des systèmes complexes et plus précisément la conception de l'automobile fait face à des évolutions technologiques continues qu'il faut savoir intégrer et adapter. Dans cet article, nous proposons une méthode pour modéliser l'architecture des produits et des organisations et nous présentons brièvement ce que pourrait être un outil, basé sur pilotage par l'incertitude, permettant de faire coévoluer l'organisation et le produit dans le but d'atteindre un niveau de prestation donné
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