17 research outputs found

    Sistem Monitoring Rental Mobil Berbasis Android Menggunakan GPS

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    Kurangnya pemantauan atau memonitoring saat penyewaan rental mobil mengakibatkan tidak dapat mengetahui keberaadaan mobil yang disewakan. Dengan begitu kerap kali usaha rental mobil mengalami kerugian seperti kehilangan mobil dan tidak mengembalikan mobil tepat waktu. Untuk dapat mengetahui keberadaan mobil saat disewakan dan menimalisir kejahatan, sistem penyewaan rental mobil berbasis android untuk mendapatkan informasi pelacakan posisi kendaraan dan keluar masuknya mobil dengan menggunakan GPS. Pada kajian ini penerapan aplikasi android untuk system penyewaan rental mobil dapat memonitoring dan dapat mempermudah mengetahui keberadaan mobil

    Penerapan Aplikasi Mobile Untuk Mencari dan Memberikan Pertolongan Terhadap Kerusakan Pada Kendaraan Berdasarkan Lokasi Terdekat

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    For motor vehicles and cars, each year always causes an increase in the number of motor vehicle problems such as leaky tires, running out of gas or breaking down and the number of problems always increases. Where when these problems occur drivers always have difficulty in finding the nearest workshop or help. To seek help for problems with vehicles in the city of Padang, through mobile devices becomes very important considering vehicle users who find it difficult to find help. In this study the author tries to resolve the above problems by creating an Android-based system that makes it easy for motorists and cars to find help with the problems they are experiencing later. In the study of this mobile application the author will utilize GPS on existing smartphones so that they can search for other people who are around the location to make it easier to find the nearest aid provider. The study was conducted from the stages of needs analysis, design, implementation, until testing

    Kajian Penerapan Pendaftaran Calon Siswa Baru Berbasis Mobile Andorid

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    The development of information and communication technology is rapidly increasing, giving a very big influence for the world of information and telecommunications technology. One of them is used to facilitate the registration of prospective new students. During this time the process of registering new students in various schools is still manual. In this study the author tries to resolve the above problems by utilizing an information system based on Android mobile for the registration system of prospective new students based on Android mobile to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of the school system. In the study of android applications used in the development of systems where new learners can input data through mobile phones. The study was conducted from the stages of needs analysis, design, implementation, to system testing. The purpose of this application is so that it can facilitate prospective new students in registering and the School in conducting and managing new student registration data

    Kajian Penggunaan Aplikasi Android Sebagai Platform Untuk Menghitung Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT)

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    Body Mass Index or BMI is an indicator used to measure body weight whether classified as ideal or not. A person's BMI determines by comparing body weight and height which then predicts the standard body value category from the results of renewal. BMI is often used as a measurement tool for the body in carrying out daily diet programs. However, BMI is also often used as a reference for health risks, as a determinant of coronary heart disease or as a measurement tool for diets for people with diabetes mellitus. Using a smartphone that continues to increase over time can be used for ease in calculating a person's BMI. With various methods of making existing systems, such as manual, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or image processing. The manual method requires weight and height data input which is not necessarily the same every time. While BLE requires an external device other than a smartphone to calculate weight and height. From the studies conducted, the image processing method is the most effective. The image processing method takes the data needed to calculate the BMI through the inputted image without the need to manually input data or use an external device other than a smartphone. &nbsp

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pemesanan Travel Antar Kota Di Sumatera Barat Berbasis Android

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    The development in the field of technology is currently growing rapidly, one of the technological developments at this time is the internet. Then what is obtained by using the internet can also be utilized in the field of transportation, namely by making an Android mobile-based travel ticket booking information system using a smartphone. Travel is a type of transportation service that serves passengers with a door to door or pickup system at the booking address, then delivered to the destination address. However, the process of booking travel tickets today is still done traditionally by coming to the counter or branch office of travel so it takes a lot of time and is inefficient, and there are also several other ways to call a travel agent, sometimes such methods are not effective because of the occurrence of a pile of tickets without accurate data. Therefore this study aims to facilitate travel passengers in searching or booking Travel tickets in the West Sumatra Region by designing an Android mobile application. Apart from that in providing location information to the drivers of the traveling fleet to pick up passengers at certain locations by using Google Maps, and application features such as travel schedules, ticket checks, ticket reservations, and account registration


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    Telur merupakan salah satu bahan pokok makanan penduduk Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) didapati bahwa jumlah konsumsi telur nasional pada tahun 2018 sebanyak 2.766.760 ton. Sedangkan untuk jumlah produksi adalah sebanyak 2.968.954 ton, sehingga didapati kelebihan stok nasional sebanyak 202.195 ton. Meskipun terdapat kelebihan stok, harga dipasaran saat ini tidak stabil karena adanya pembatasan bibit, sehingga ayam lamban berpoduksi. Selain itu, cuaca di lingkungan sekitar kandang juga mempengaruhi produktivitas ayam petelur. Di peternakan ayam linda masalah yang dihadapi sama dengan permasalahan diatas, faktor cuaca mempengaruhi kesehatan dan produktivitas ayam. Jika terjadi suhu dan cuaca tidak stabil banyak ayam yang akan mengalami sakit bahkan bisa sampai mati. Dalam hal ini, peternak terkadang tidak tahu bagaimana suhu dan cuaca dikandang, sesuai atau tidak dengan yang dibutuhkan ayam. Dengan adanya sistem Kancer ini, peternak dapat memonitoring perkembangan ayam petelur dan kandang. Mulai dari aktif atau tidaknya ayam tersebut berproduksi, dan perubahan-perubahan suhu, kelembaban dan pemberitahuan jika terjadi hujan. Untuk memonitoring produktifitas tiap-tiap ayam, sistem kancer memanfaatkan qrcode yang sudah disimpan data per-ayam, kemudian melalui aplikasi kancer qrcode terseut di-scan dan aplikasi akan menampilkan data ayam mulai dari umur sampai ke jumlah telur yang dihasilkan oleh ayam tersebu

    Test Case Prioritization for Software Product Line: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Combinatorial explosion remains a common issue in testing. Due to the vast number of product variants, the number of test cases required for comprehensive coverage has significantly increased. One of the techniques to efficiently tackle this problem is prioritizing the test suites using a regression testing method. However, there is a lack of comprehensive reviews focusing on test case prioritization in SPLs. To address this research gap, this paper proposed a systematic mapping study to observe the extent of test case prioritization usage in Software Product Line Testing. The study aims to classify various aspects of SPL-TCP (Software Product Line – Test Case Prioritization), including methods, criteria, measurements, constraints, empirical studies, and domains. Over the last ten years, a thorough investigation uncovered twenty-four primary studies, consisting of 12 journal articles and 12 conference papers, all related to Test Case Prioritization for SPLs. This systematic mapping study presents a comprehensive classification of the different approaches to test case prioritization for Software Product Lines. This classification can be valuable in identifying the most suitable strategies to address specific challenges and serves as a guide for future research works. In conclusion, this mapping study systematically classifies different approaches to test case prioritization in Software Product Lines. The results of this study can serve as a valuable resource for addressing challenges in SPL testing and provide insights for future research

    Software Agent Simulation Design on the Efficiency of Food Delivery

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    Food delivery services have gained popularity since the emergence of online food delivery. Since the recent pandemic, the demand for service has increased tremendously. Due to several factors that affect how much time additional riders spend on the road; food delivery companies have no control over the location or timing of the delivery riders. There is a need to study and understand the food delivery riders' efficiency to estimate the service system's capacity. The study can ensure that the capacity is sufficient based on the number of orders, which usually depends on the number of potential customers within a territory and the time each rider takes to deliver the orders successfully. This study is an opportunity to focus on the efficiency of the riders since there is not much work at the operational level of the food delivery structure. This study takes up the opportunity to design a software agent simulation on the efficiency of riders' operations in food service due to the lack of simulation to predict this perspective, which could be extended to efficiency prediction. The results presented in this paper are based on the system design phase using the Tropos methodology. At movement in the simulation, the graph of the efficiency is calculated. Upon crossing the threshold, it is considered that the rider agents have achieved the efficiency rate required for decision-making. The simulation's primary operations depend on frontline remotely mobile workers like food delivery riders. It can benefit relevant organizations in decision-making during strategic capacity planning

    Improvement of Email And Twitter Classification Accuracy Based On Preprocessing Bayes Naive Classifier Optimization In Integrated Digital Assistant

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    This research focuses on improving the accuracy  of email and twitter classification. Spelling mistakes and lack of matches with bag of word causes the low accuracy in classifying. This research used naïve Bayes as a text classification algorithms. Text is divided into three categories: personal, work and family. To achieve maximum likelikehood value for  the category, a better preprocessing techniques is needed. It is necessary for the process to normalize the preprocessing and search for words that correspond to classes in the bag of word. So that the text can be classified by category or has a higher precision accuracy