19 research outputs found

    Two Loci Contribute to Age-Related Hearing Loss Resistance in the Japanese Wild-Derived Inbred MSM/Ms Mice

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    Yasuda S.P., Miyasaka Y., Hou X., et al. Two Loci Contribute to Age-Related Hearing Loss Resistance in the Japanese Wild-Derived Inbred MSM/Ms Mice. Biomedicines 10, 2221 (2022); https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10092221.An MSM/Ms strain was established using Japanese wild mice, which exhibit resistance to several phenotypes associated with aging, such as obesity, inflammation, and tumorigenesis, compared to common inbred mouse strains. MSM/Ms strain is resistant to age-related hearing loss, and their auditory abilities are sustained for long durations. The age-related hearing loss 3 (ahl3) locus contributes to age-related hearing in MSM/Ms strain. We generated ahl3 congenic strains by transferring a genomic region on chromosome 17 from MSM/Ms mice into C57BL/6J mice. Although C57BL/6J mice develop age-related hearing loss because of the ahl allele of the cadherin 23 gene, the development of middle- to high-frequency hearing loss was significantly delayed in an ahl3 congenic strain. Moreover, the novel age-related hearing loss 10 (ahl10) locus associated with age-related hearing resistance in MSM/Ms strain was mapped to chromosome 12. Although the resistance effects in ahl10 congenic strain were slightly weaker than those in ahl3 congenic strain, slow progression of age-related hearing loss was confirmed in ahl10 congenic strain despite harboring the ahl allele of cadherin 23. These results suggest that causative genes and polymorphisms of the ahl3 and ahl10 loci are important targets for the prevention and treatment of age-related hearing loss

    Two Loci Contribute to Age-Related Hearing Loss Resistance in the Japanese Wild-Derived Inbred MSM/Ms Mice

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    An MSM/Ms strain was established using Japanese wild mice, which exhibit resistance to several phenotypes associated with aging, such as obesity, inflammation, and tumorigenesis, compared to common inbred mouse strains. MSM/Ms strain is resistant to age-related hearing loss, and their auditory abilities are sustained for long durations. The age-related hearing loss 3 (ahl3) locus contributes to age-related hearing in MSM/Ms strain. We generated ahl3 congenic strains by transferring a genomic region on chromosome 17 from MSM/Ms mice into C57BL/6J mice. Although C57BL/6J mice develop age-related hearing loss because of the ahl allele of the cadherin 23 gene, the development of middle- to high-frequency hearing loss was significantly delayed in an ahl3 congenic strain. Moreover, the novel age-related hearing loss 10 (ahl10) locus associated with age-related hearing resistance in MSM/Ms strain was mapped to chromosome 12. Although the resistance effects in ahl10 congenic strain were slightly weaker than those in ahl3 congenic strain, slow progression of age-related hearing loss was confirmed in ahl10 congenic strain despite harboring the ahl allele of cadherin 23. These results suggest that causative genes and polymorphisms of the ahl3 and ahl10 loci are important targets for the prevention and treatment of age-related hearing loss

    Rapid Evolution of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Genes in Primates Generates New Disease Alleles in Humans via Hitchhiking Diversity

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    A plausible explanation for many MHC-linked diseases is lacking. Sequencing of the MHC class I region (coding units or full contigs) in several human and nonhuman primate haplotypes allowed an analysis of single nucleotide variations (SNV) across this entire segment. This diversity was not evenly distributed. It was rather concentrated within two gene-rich clusters. These were each centered, but importantly not limited to, the antigen-presenting HLA-A and HLA-B/-C loci. Rapid evolution of MHC-I alleles, as evidenced by an unusually high number of haplotype-specific (hs) and hypervariable (hv) (which could not be traced to a single species or haplotype) SNVs within the classical MHC-I, seems to have not only hitchhiked alleles within nearby genes, but also hitchhiked deleterious mutations in these same unrelated loci. The overrepresentation of a fraction of these hvSNV (hv1SNV) along with hsSNV, as compared to those that appear to have been maintained throughout primate evolution (trans-species diversity; tsSNV; included within hv2SNV) tends to establish that the majority of the MHC polymorphism is de novo (species specific). This is most likely reminiscent of the fact that these hsSNV and hv1SNV have been selected in adaptation to the constantly evolving microbial antigenic repertoire