6 research outputs found

    Iron status among blood donors deferred due to low haemoglobin level

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    Uvod/Cilj. Određivanje nivoa hemoglobin (Hb) je rutinski deo selekcije dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi. Prethodno publikovane studije pokazale su da se nedostatak gvožđa javlja kod redovnih davalaca krvi. Cilj ove prospektivne studije je bio da se utvrdi status gvožđa kod davalaca kod kojih je pre davanja utvrđen nizak nivo Hb i da se proceni stepen korelacije kapilarnih metoda, sa referentnom metodom određivanja Hb iz venske krvi, kao i sa i nivoom feritina. Metode. U periodu od februara 2017. do decembra 2018. godine, bilo je uključeno 200 dobrovoljnih davalaca sa niskim nivoima Hb, starosne dobi 19-64 godine (medijana 39 godina). Hb je određivan primenom metode bakar sulfat, kapilarnom metodom "HemoCue", i iz venske krvi u sklopu određivanja kompletne krvne slike (KKS). Nivo feritina određivan je primenom turbodimetrijske metode. Rezultati. Nizak nivo feritina utvrđen je kod 42,7% muÅ”karaca i 57,3% žena (p = 0,008). U odnosu na nivo feritina lt 12 mg/L, odnosno gt 50 mg/L, zabeležena je značajna razlika između polova (p = 0,023, odnosno p = 0,022). Poređenje vrednosti Hb dobijenih kapilarnim metodama u odnosu na referentne vrednosti Hb, određene iz KKS, pokazalo je da metoda s bakar sulfatom daje lažno niske vrednosti Hb kod 10,5% slučajeva (p lt 0,001). Vrednosti Hb dobijene metodom "HemoCue-a" značajno su korelirale sa vrednostima Hb iz KKS, dok korelacija između nivoa feritina i Hb, određenog pomoću obe kapilarne metode, nije uočena. Zaključak. Kod 51,5% naÅ”ih davalaca krvi koji su vraćeni zbog niskih vrednosti Hb utvrđen je snižen nivo feritina. Na osnovu ovih rezultata neophodno je odrediti algoritam za detekciju nedostatka gvožđa, dok je kapilarna metoda (HemoCue) pogodnija metoda za testiranje Hb pre davanja krvi.Background/Aim. Haemoglobin (Hb) determination is a routine part of the blood donor selection process. Previously reported studies have revealed that iron deficiency is common in frequent donors. This prospective investigation was aimed at examining iron status among blood donors with low circulating Hb and evaluating correlation between Hb values determined by capillary methods and those obtained by reference method from venous blood count (BC), as well as ferritin level. Methods. Between February 2017 and December 2018, 200 consecutively recruited regular blood donors with low Hb, aged 19 to 64 years (median 39), were included. Hb level was determined using the copper sulphate method, the HemoCue capillary method, and also from venous blood within the complete blood count (CBC) test. Plasma ferritin was determined turbidimetrically. Results. In 42.7% of men and 57.3% of women, ferritin concentration was low (p = 0.008). The relative numbers of males and females, with levels lt 12 mg/L (p = 0.023) or gt 50 mg/L (p = 0.022), differed. Comparison of the values obtained with the capillary methods with reference Hb levels obtained from the CBC test showed that the copper sulphate procedure gave false fails in 10.5% of cases (p lt 0.001). Hb values from HemoCue were significantly correlated with Hb values from the CBC test, but no correlation was observed between ferritin levels and Hb levels determined by both capillary method. Conclusion. Low ferritin was observed in 51.5% of Serbian blood donors deferred due to low Hb. Based on our results, the determination of the algorithm in the iron deficiency detection is necessary, while the capillary method (HemoCue) represents a more convenient method for Hb testing prior to blood donation

    Asthma and periodontal health in children

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    Background/Aim. Oral health is an important part of overall health. Good oral health is important for oral diseases prevention and health maintenance of respiratory system. The aim of the study was to evaluate oral hygiene and periodontal health parameters of asthmatic children and to compare them with children without asthma as well as to evaluate those parameters according to type of used medications and time of taking medications in children with asthma. Methods. This epidemiological study included 68 children with asthma and 68 children without asthma or any other chronic disease aged from 6 to 16 years. Parameters used in this study were Greene-Vermillion index, Lƶe-Silness gingival index and Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Results. Good oral hygiene (31.1%) was more present in children without asthma whereas poor hygiene (20.0%) was more frequent in children with asthma (p < 0.001). Healthy gingiva was more frequent in children without asthma (25%) while mild (58.8%) and moderate gingival inflammation (5.9%) were more frequent in the group of children with asthma (p < 0.01). Mean CPI values were higher in children with asthma (p < 0.001). Mean values of Plaque Index, Gingival Index and CPI did not show statistically significant difference in relation to type of administered medication. However, taking medications in the afternoon was related to higher mean values of Plaque Index and Gingival Index (p < 0.05) within the group of children with asthma. Conclusion. Children with asthma had poorer oral hygiene and were diagnosed with greater values of oral hygiene and periodontal indices compared with the group of children without asthma. For this reason, it is necessary to promote oral health and establish good oral hygiene habits in asthmatic children

    Morphometric analysis of the patterns of calcaneal facets for the talus in Serbian population.

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    Literature describes different patterns of calcaneal facets for the talus in terms of whether some calcaneal facets are connected or separated from each other or completely absent. The aim of this study was to establish the patterns of calcaneal facets for the talus, to calculate their total area, and to analyse the data with respect to gender. The study involved 59 calcanei which were photographed. The patterns of calcaneal facets noted in this study were compared with the patterns from the literature. ImageJ program was used to measure different parameters on calcanei. The pattern 1 was the most commonly found in the study sample (45.76%), then the pattern 2 (40.68%), and finally the pattern 3 (13.56%). That order of frequencies is the same in both sexes. The patterns 1 and 2 have a larger contact surface for the talus in comparison to the pattern 3. Male bones have a larger contact surface for the talus than female bones. The sum of the pattern 1 and pattern 3 frequencies was high. Knowing the frequency of different patterns of calcaneal facets for the talus in a certain population is important for orthopaedic surgeons when performing foot osteotomy

    Does bronchial asthma influences dental health of the diseased children?

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    Background/Aim. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disorder. The effect of asthma drugs on oral health is still the subject of debate among researchers in dentistry. The aim of this study was t o e valuate dental status in asthmatic children and evaluate the possible effect of drugs treating asthma on dental health. Methods. Study participants were divided into two groups: the asthma (AG) and the non-asthma (NAG) group. Based on the symptoms of asthma and the possibility for effective control of the disease, the AG group was divided into two subgroups. The oral examination of the teeth was per-formed using a probe and mouth mirror under artificial light in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Saliva analysis was carried out by the GC Saliva-Check Buffer, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Results. The study included 136 children aged 6 to 16 years (10.5 Ā± 3.3). The mean of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (dmft/DMFT) of the children in the AG group (6.0 Ā± 4.0/3.3 Ā± 4.4) was higher than in the NAG group (4.8 Ā± 4.4/2.5 Ā± 3.4), but significant differences were not observed between the groups. Salivary pH values were found to be similar in both groups, but the quantity and buffering capacity of the stimulated saliva were found to be significantly lower in the AG group (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Conclusion. Although the prevalence of dental caries in the AG group was similar to that of the NAG group in this study, decreased quantity and buffering capacity of the stimulated saliva in the A G group may contribute to higher values of dental caries in asthmatic children in the future