253 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of mono and di-vacancies in barium titanate

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    The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of mono and di-vacancy defects in cubic (para-electric) barium titanate are studied by means of density-functional theory calculations. It is determined which vacancy types prevail for given thermodynamic boundary conditions. The calculations confirm the established picture that vacancies occur in their nominal charge states almost over the entire band gap. For the dominating range of the band gap the di-vacancy binding energies are constant and negative. The system, therefore, strives to achieve a state in which under metal-rich (oxygen-rich) conditions all metal (oxygen) vacancies are bound in di-vacancy clusters. The migration barriers are calculated for mono-vacancies in different charge states. Since oxygen vacancies are found to readily migrate at typical growth temperatures, di-vacancies can be formed at ease. The key results of the present study with respect to the thermodynamic behavior of mono and di-vacancies influence the initial defect distribution in the ferroelectric phases and therefore the conditions for aging.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Formation and switching of defect dipoles in acceptor doped lead titanate: A kinetic model based on first-principles calculations

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    The formation and field-induced switching of defect dipoles in acceptor doped lead titanate is described by a kinetic model representing an extension of the well established Arlt-Neumann model [Ferroelectrics {\bf 76}, 303 (1987)]. Energy barriers for defect association and reorientation of oxygen vacancy-dopant (Cu and Fe) complexes are obtained from first-principles calculations and serve as input data for the kinetic coefficients in the rate equation model. The numerical solution of the model describes the time evolution of the oxygen vacancy distribution at different temperatures and dopant concentrations in the presence or absence of an alternating external field. We predict the characteristic time scale for the alignment of all defect dipoles with the spontanenous polarization of the surrounding matrix. In this state the defect dipoles act as obstacles for domain wall motion and contribute to the experimentally observed aging. Under cycling conditions the fully aligned configuration is perturbed and a dynamic equilibrium is established with defect dipoles in parallel and anti-parallel orientation relative to the spontaneous polarization. This process can be related to the deaging behavior of piezoelectric ceramics.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The hiphive package for the extraction of high-order force constants by machine learning

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    The efficient extraction of force constants (FCs) is crucial for the analysis of many thermodynamic materials properties. Approaches based on the systematic enumeration of finite differences scale poorly with system size and can rarely extend beyond third order when input data is obtained from first-principles calculations. Methods based on parameter fitting in the spirit of interatomic potentials, on the other hand, can extract FC parameters from semi-random configurations of high information density and advanced regularized regression methods can recover physical solutions from a limited amount of data. Here, we present the hiPhive Python package, that enables the construction of force constant models up to arbitrary order. hiPhive exploits crystal symmetries to reduce the number of free parameters and then employs advanced machine learning algorithms to extract the force constants. Depending on the problem at hand both over and underdetermined systems are handled efficiently. The FCs can be subsequently analyzed directly and or be used to carry out e.g., molecular dynamics simulations. The utility of this approach is demonstrated via several examples including ideal and defective monolayers of MoS2_2 as well as bulk nickel

    Efficient construction of linear models in materials modeling and applications to force constant expansions

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    Linear models, such as force constant (FC) and cluster expansions, play a key role in physics and materials science. While they can in principle be parametrized using regression and feature selection approaches, the convergence behavior of these techniques, in particular with respect to thermodynamic properties is not well understood. Here, we therefore analyze the efficacy and efficiency of several state-of-the-art regression and feature selection methods, in particular in the context of FC extraction and the prediction of different thermodynamic properties. Generic feature selection algorithms such as recursive feature elimination with ordinary least-squares (OLS), automatic relevance determination regression, and the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator can yield physically sound models for systems with a modest number of degrees of freedom. For large unit cells with low symmetry and/or high-order expansions they come, however, with a non-negligible computational cost that can be more than two orders of magnitude higher than that of OLS. In such cases, OLS with cutoff selection provides a viable route as demonstrated here for both second-order FCs in large low-symmetry unit cells and high-order FCs in low-symmetry systems. While regression techniques are thus very powerful, they require well-tuned protocols. Here, the present work establishes guidelines for the design of protocols that are readily usable, e.g., in high-throughput and materials discovery schemes. Since the underlying algorithms are not specific to FC construction, the general conclusions drawn here also have a bearing on the construction of other linear models in physics and materials science.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Finite-temperature properties of non-magnetic transition metals: Comparison of the performance of constraint-based semi and nonlocal functionals

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    We assess the performance of nonempirical, truly nonlocal and semi-local functionals with regard to structural and thermal properties of 3d3d, 4d4d, and 5d5d non-magnetic transition metals. We focus on constraint-based functionals and consider the new consistent-exchange van der Waals density functional version vdW-DF-cx [Phys. Rev. B 89, 035412 (2014)], the semi-local PBE [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996)] and PBEsol functionals [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 136406 (2008)] as well as the AM05 meta-functional [Phys. Rev. B 72, 085108 (2005)]. Using the quasi-harmonic approximation structural parameters, elastic response, and thermal expansion at finite temperatures are computed and compared to experimental data. We also compute cohesive energies explicitly including zero-point vibrations. It is shown that overall vdW-DF-cx provides an accurate description of thermal properties and retains a level of transferability and accuracy that is comparable to or better than some of the best constraint-based semi-local functionals. Especially, with regard to the cohesive energies the consistent inclusion of spin polarization effects in the atoms turns out to be crucial and it is important to use the rigorous spin-vdW-DF-cx formulation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 136402 (2015)]. This demonstrates that vdW-DF-cx has general-purpose character and can be used to study systems that have both sparse and dense electron distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Implications of the band gap problem on oxidation and hydration in acceptor-doped barium zirconate

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    Charge carrier concentrations in acceptor-doped proton-conducting perovskites are to a large extent determined by the hydration and oxidation of oxygen vacancies, which introduce protons and holes, respectively. First-principles modeling of these reactions involves calculation of formation energies of charged defects, which requires an accurate description of the band gap and the position of the band edges. Since density-functional theory (DFT) with local and semi-local exchange-correlation functionals (LDA and GGA) systematically fails to predict these quantities this can have serious implications on the modeling of defect reactions. In this study we investigate how the description of band gap and band edge positions affects the hydration and oxidation in acceptor-doped BaZrO3_3. First-principles calculations are performed in combination with thermodynamic modeling in order to obtain equilibrium charge carrier concentrations at different temperatures and partial pressures. Three different methods have been considered: DFT with both semi-local (PBE) and hybrid (PBE0) exchange-correlation functionals, and many-body perturbation theory within the G0W0G_0W_0-approximation. All three methods yield similar results for the hydration reaction, which are consistent with experimental findings. For the oxidation reaction, on the other hand, there is a qualitative difference. PBE predicts the reaction to be exothermic while the two others predict an endothermic behavior. Results from thermodynamic modeling are compared with available experimental data, such as enthalpies, concentrations and conductivities, and only the results obtained with PBE0 and G0W0G_0W_0, with an endothermic oxidation behavior, give a satisfactory agreement with experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures + supplementary material (2 pages

    A variational polaron self-interaction corrected total-energy functional for charge excitations in wide-band gap insulators

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    We conduct a detailed investigation of the polaron self-interaction (pSI) error in standard approximations to the exchange-correlation (XC) functional within density-functional theory (DFT). The pSI leads to delocalization error in the polaron wave function and energy, as calculated from the Kohn-Sham (KS) potential in the native charge state of the polaron. This constitutes the origin of the systematic failure of DFT to describe polaron formation in band insulators. It is shown that the delocalization error in these systems is, however, largely absent in the KS potential of the closed-shell neutral charge state. This leads to a modification of the DFT total-energy functional that corrects the pSI in the XC functional. The resulting pSIC-DFT method constitutes an accurate parameter-free {\it ab initio} methodology for calculating polaron properties in insulators at a computational cost that is orders of magnitude smaller than hybrid XC functionals. Unlike approaches that rely on parametrized localized potentials such as DFT+UU, the pSIC-DFT method properly captures both site and bond-centered polaron configurations. This is demonstrated by studying formation and migration of self-trapped holes in alkali halides (bond-centered) as well as self-trapped electrons in an elpasolite compound (site-centered). The pSIC-DFT approach consistently reproduces the results obtained by hybrid XC functionals parametrized by DFT+G0W0G_0W_0 calculations. Finally, we generalize the pSIC approach to hybrid functionals, and show that in stark contrast to conventional hybrid calculations of polaron energies, the pSIC-hybrid method is insensitive to the parametrization of the hybrid XC functional. On this basis, we further rationalize the success of the pSIC-DFT approach.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    A first-principles study of co-doping in lanthanum bromide

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    Co-doping of Ce-doped LaBr3_3 with Ba, Ca, or Sr improves the energy resolution that can be achieved by radiation detectors based on these materials. Here, we present a mechanism that rationalizes of this enhancement that on the basis of first principles electronic structure calculations and point defect thermodynamics. It is shown that incorporation of Sr creates neutral VBrV_\text{Br}-SrLa_\text{La} complexes that can temporarily trap electrons. As a result, Auger quenching of free carriers is reduced, allowing for a more linear, albeit slower, scintillation light yield response. Experimental Stokes shifts can be related to different CeLa_\text{La}-SrLa_\text{La}-VBrV_\text{Br} triple complex configurations. Co-doping with other alkaline as well as alkaline earth metals is considered as well. Alkaline elements are found to have extremely small solubilities on the order of 0.1 ppm and below at 1000 K. Among the alkaline earth metals the lighter dopant atoms prefer interstitial-like positions and create strong scattering centers, which has a detrimental impact on carrier mobilities. Only the heavier alkaline earth elements combine matching ionic radii with sufficiently high solubilities. This provides a rationale for the experimental finding that improved scintillator performance is exclusively achieved using Sr, Ca, or Ba. The present mechanism demonstrates that co-doping of wide gap materials can provide an efficient means for managing charge carrier populations under out-of-equilibrium conditions. In the present case dopants are introduced that manipulate not only the concentrations but the electronic properties of intrinsic defects without introducing additional gap levels. This leads to the availability of shallow electron traps that can temporarily localize charge carriers, effectively deactivating carrier-carrier recombination channels. The principles of this ... [continued]Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Physical Review
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