157 research outputs found

    Investigating the association between ınternet addiction, depression, social phobia, social anxiety and psychiatric disorders among secondary education students in Turkey

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    Introduction: The purpose of the study is to identify the prevalence of Internet addiction (IA) among students and evaluate the association of IA with depression, social phobia, social anxiety and psychiatric disorders. Materials and Methods: A total of 297 students aged 9-14 years and studying at a private school in Gölbaşı/Ankara province were included in the study. The study was conducted between November 2015 and May 2016. The student’s depression inventory; social phobia scale for student and adolescents; social anxiety scale for student-revised and strength and difficulties questionnaire were used as data collection tools. According to the Internet dependency scale, student were classified into 4 groups as non-addicted group, threshold group, risk group and addicted group. Results: According to the Internet dependency scale, the majority (258/86.9%) of the students were not Internet addicts. Twenty seven (9.1%) students were in the threshold group and 12 (4%) student were in the risk group. Compared with the depressed mood, the likelihood of having depression in the risk group was higher (p=0.001). The risk group and the threshold group had higher social phobia and social anxiety scores at a statistically significant level than the non-dependent group (p?0.05). Conclusion: Internet use is an indispensable element for the lives of generation-Z student. However Internet addiction, which is directly related to this condition, causes many psychological and social problems for student at an alarming level. These problems cannot be ignored and can be avoided by rational use of the internet. © 2022, Galenos Publishing House. All rights reserved.Finansal Destek: Yazarlar tarafından finansal destek almadıkları bildirilmiştir

    Sleep stage and obstructive apneaic epoch classification using single-lead ECG

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polysomnography (PSG) is used to define physiological sleep and different physiological sleep stages, to assess sleep quality and diagnose many types of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. However, PSG requires not only the connection of various sensors and electrodes to the subject but also spending the night in a bed that is different from the subject's own bed. This study is designed to investigate the feasibility of automatic classification of sleep stages and obstructive apneaic epochs using only the features derived from a single-lead electrocardiography (ECG) signal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>For this purpose, PSG recordings (ECG included) were obtained during the night's sleep (mean duration 7 hours) of 17 subjects (5 men) with ages between 26 and 67. Based on these recordings, sleep experts performed sleep scoring for each subject. This study consisted of the following steps: (1) Visual inspection of ECG data corresponding to each 30-second epoch, and selection of epochs with relatively clean signals, (2) beat-to-beat interval (RR interval) computation using an R-peak detection algorithm, (3) feature extraction from RR interval values, and (4) classification of sleep stages (or obstructive apneaic periods) using one-versus-rest approach. The features used in the study were the median value, the difference between the 75 and 25 percentile values, and mean absolute deviations of the RR intervals computed for each epoch. The k-nearest-neighbor (kNN), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), and support vector machines (SVM) methods were used as the classification tools. In the testing procedure 10-fold cross-validation was employed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>QDA and SVM performed similarly well and significantly better than kNN for both sleep stage and apneaic epoch classification studies. The classification accuracy rates were between 80 and 90% for the stages other than non-rapid-eye-movement stage 2. The accuracies were 60 or 70% for that specific stage. In five obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients, the accurate apneaic epoch detection rates were over 89% for QDA and SVM.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study, in general, showed that RR-interval based classification, which requires only single-lead ECG, is feasible for sleep stage and apneaic epoch determination and can pave the road for a simple automatic classification system suitable for home-use.</p

    Fournier's Gangrene: Conventional Dressings versus Dressings with Dakin's Solution

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    Purpose. Fournier's gangrene is a fulminant and destructive inflammation of the scrotum, penis, and perineum. The objective of this study was to compare 2 different approaches to wound management after aggressive surgical debridement. Methods. Data from 14 patients with Fournier's gangrene were retrospectively collected (2005–2011). Once the patients were stabilized following surgery, they were treated with either daily antiseptic (povidone iodine) dressings (group I, n = 6) or dressings with dakin's solution (sodium hypochloride) (group II, n = 8). Results. The mean age of the patients was 68.2 ± 7.8 (55–75) years in group I and 66.9 ± 10.2 (51–79) years in group II. Length of hospital stay was 13 ± 3.5 (7–16) days in group I and 8.9 ± 3.0 (4–12) days in group II (P < 0.05). The number and rate of mortality was 1/6 (16.7%) in group I, and 1/8 (12.5%) in group II. Conclusions. The hospitalization time can be reduced with the use of dakin's solution for the dressings in the treatment of FG. Also, dressings with dakin's solution seems to have favorable effects on morbidity and mortality. Consequently dakin's solution may alter the treatment of this disastrous disease by reducing cost, morbidity and mortality

    ADAMTS4, 5, 9, and 15 expressions in the autopsied brain of patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A preliminary immunohistochemistry study

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    Objective: Recent studies performed in the central nervous system highlight the pathophysiological relevance of A disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) genes and their protein products. The determination of alterations in expression profiles of ADAMTS family genes in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients may contribute to the explanation of tissue pathology and also new ideas for remedial approaches for this incurable but preventable disease. Therefore, the goal of this study was to describe and identify the distribution, characteristics, and any changes in the expression, in other words, immunoreactivity, for aggrecanases (ADAMTS4, 5, 9, and 15) proteins in AD brain. Methods: Nine cases that were autopsied in the Council of Forensic Medicine, Bursa Morgue Department in 2013, were selected. All of the cases were sent for autopsy to the institution within 8 hours after death. At autopsy, tissue samples were obtained for histopathological examination of organs for determining the cause of death. Out of these, two cases were diagnosed with AD by neurologists when they were alive. Immunohistochemical staining was performed on the brain slides by using relevant primary and secondary antibodies against aggrecanase proteins. All images were acquired using a X200 objective of a microscope (Olympus BX53) and evaluated by the staining intensity using a semi-quantitative scoring system. Results: ADAMTS4 and 5 were slightly under-expressed in the brains from autopsied AD cases compared to those of control brains and suggested that extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation was not endorsed in AD brain. On the other hand, ADAMTS9 and 15 aggrecanases were not found to be expressed in correspondent brain sections of AD and control cases. Conclusion: The current study demonstrated that some aggrecanases were found to be under-expressed in AD brains. Additional studies in which all ADAMTS enzymes will be studied in terms of mRNA and protein levels are needed to understand the relative contributions of ADAMTS genes and proteins in AD brains

    Age-related histopathological changes in the cardiac conducting system in the Turkish population: An evaluation of 202 autopsy cases

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    Background: Histopathological features of the cardiac conducting system (CCS) in the Turkish population have not been investigated previously. Material and methods: We examined CCS of 202 autopsy heart specimens dissected between the years 2004 and 2005 in Bursa Forensic Medicine Institution. Of the 202 cases from all age groups, 154 were males and 48 were females. Results: In our cases, an increase in fibrous and adipose tissue concordant with age, indicating an age-related nature, were detected. Fibrous and fatty tissue infiltration appeared at the age of 35. Fatty infiltration started between the ages 20 and 34 years at the sinoatrial node (SAN). There was no relationship between obesity and fatty tissue infiltration in SAN and atrioventricular node (AVN). In 4 cases calcification and in 19 cases inflammation was observed. Amyloid accumulation was not present. In 7 cases myocardial infarction not involving CCS was seen. In 1 case fibroelastoma was detected. Conclusions: In the Turkish population age-related fibrosis and fatty infiltration in CCS appeared at the age of 35 years and increased with age. Fatty infiltration in the SAN started at a younger age than that reported in the literature. In cases where the cause of death could not be determined, we could not detect lethal pathological features. However, we think that examination of the CCS will improve the quality of autopsy diagnosis

    The role of ADAMTS1 and versican in human myocardial infarction: A postmortem study

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    Objective: To determine the role of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif (ADAMTS1) and fragmented versican in the myocardial infarction (MI) process in humans and to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of ADAMTS1 for postmortem diagnosis of MI. Methods: Thirty autopsied individuals were allocated into 2 groups, namely, a study group of individuals who died of myocardial infarction (n = 20), and a control group who died of trauma (n = 10). We performed standard immunohistochemical staining on myocardial tissue specimens, studying anti-ADAMTS1, anti-versican, and anti-versican C terminal peptide sequence (DPEAAE) fragments. Results: Strong, diffuse staining was observed throughout myocardial tissue for ADAMTS1 in the 2 groups. However, in the study group, we observed no expression for ADAMTS1 around fibrotic areas but detected slight staining in coagulative and necrotic zones. Conclusion: Similar localizations of ADAMTS and fragmented versican in human heart tissue indicate that versican presumably is cleaved by ADAMTS1. Hence, ADAMTS1 can be regarded as a new marker for postmortem differential diagnosis of MI

    Role of terracing and reforestation efforts on improving soil properties in degraded steep lands

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    Devlet Su İşleri tarafından uygulanan Çoruh Barajlar Projesi kapsamında planlanan toplam 15 büyük barajdan biri olan Deriner Barajının inşası ve yapılan yol çalışmaları sonucunda Çoruh Nehri Havzası’nda ciddi arazi tahribatları oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yol çalışmaları sonucunda tahrip olan alanlardaki erozyon kontrol ve ağaçlandırma uygulamalarında teraslama ve fidan dikimi çalışmalarının toprak özelliklerini iyileştirmede etkili olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, teraslama yapılarak yalancı akasya ve sarıçam fidanları ile ağaçlandırılmış iki erozyon kontrol alanı ile müdahale görmemiş ormanlık alandan (kontrol) alınan toplam 45 toprak örneği üzerinde tekstür, pH, organik madde, toplam azot, toplam kireç ve elektrik iletkenliği analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan istatistikî değerlendirmeler sonucunda ağaçlandırma yapılan alanlardaki toprak özelliklerinde belirli bir seviyede iyileşme gerçekleştiği ama bu iyileşmenin doğal orman örtüsü altındaki toprak özellikleri ile kıyaslandığında yeterli olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Örneğin, doğal orman alanında organik madde %3.71 ve pH 7.69 olarak tespit edilmişken, aynı özellikler, sırası ile akasya parselinde %1.13 ve 7.99, sarıçam sahasında ise %0.86 ve 7.93 olarak bulunmuştur.Serious land degradation have been occurring during the building of new roads associated with the construction of Deriner Dam, one of 15 large dams planned by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Affairs and implemented within the Coruh Dam Projects. In this study, whether terracing and planting of seedling efforts in degraded areas as a result of building new roads within erosion control and reforestation efforts have any effect on improving soil characteristics were investigated. In accordance with this purpose, parameters including soil texture, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, total lime, and electrical conductivity were determined for 45 soil samples taken from three different areas; two of which were erosion control areas where terraces built and planted with acacia and yellow pine seedlings, along an undisturbed (control) area with natural forests. After evaluating statistical analyses run on the soils data, it was determined that the reforestation efforts have resulted in improvements of soil properties at some degree but when they are compared to the soils of the undisturbed natural forest, it is clear that the degree of improvement is not sufficient yet. For example, while the organic matter of 3.71% and pH of 7.69 were determined for the forest area, same parameters were found as 1.13% and 7.99 for the acacia and 0.86% and 7.93 for the yellow pine areas, respectively

    Evaluation of paediatric head trauma patients with computed tomography; The requirement of computed tomography in children with head injury: a cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION: In this study, we aimed to reveal the cranial computed tomography (CT) results of paediatric head trauma cases taken in our hospital and what clinical variables might be related to pathology in cranial CT.   MATERIAL AND METHODS: Age, gender, glasgow coma scale (GCS), open or suspicious skull fracture, vomiting≥ 2, retrograde amnesia ≥ 30 minutes, the detailed mechanism of injury and CT findings (if CT is available)were evaluated.   RESULTS: 66 of the cases were female (35.7%) and 119 were male (64.7%). The ages of the patients vary between 0 and 16 and the average age is 6.76. 108 (58.4%) of the patients had admitted to the hospital with traumas resulted from falling. 33 (17.8%) of them were passengers of a four-wheeled vehicle and 15 (8.1%) were had been crashed with a four-wheeled vehicle.   CONCLUSIONS: In paediatric head traumas, falls and traffic accidents are in the first place and the measures taken in this regard should be increased

    The Significance of Hemosiderin Deposition in the Lungs and Organs of the Mononucleated Macrophage Resorption System in Infants and Children

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    Hemosiderin deposition is not often recognized on routine examination with hematoxylin and eosin staining; however, iron stains may be helpful in the evaluation of hemosiderin deposition in infant autopsies. This report describes the data obtained from autopsy of 86 infants and children whose deaths were investigated at the Forensic Medicine Council Bursa Morgue Department from January 2000 to January 2003. A histochemical technique was used to identify hemosiderin in lung, liver and spleen specimens, which was correlated with other descriptive variables such as the reported cause of death, postmortem interval, trauma history, gender, and age. There was a weakly positive but significant correlation between lung and liver hemosiderin scores (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, rho=0.348, p=0.001); i.e., given an increase in lung hemosiderin scores, an increase in liver hemosiderin scores was also observed. Similarly, a marked positive correlation between spleen and liver hemosiderin scores (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, rho=0.335, p=0.002) was observed. The probability of spleen hemosiderin-positive cases belonging to the age group under 6 months was found to be 4.3 times greater than those who were hemosiderin-negative (95% confidence interval, 1.6-11.8). After the major differential diagnoses were ruled out, this study demonstrated, that depending on the statistically assessed morphometric grounds, the presence of hemosiderin deposits in the liver and spleen were significantly higher in the age group under 6 months