1,123 research outputs found

    On the "spin-freezing" mechanism in underdoped superconducting cuprates

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    The letter deals with the spin-freezing process observed by means of NMR-NQR relaxation or by muon spin rotation in underdoped cuprate superconductors. This phenomenon, sometimes referred as coexistence of antiferromagnetic and superconducting order parameters, is generally thought to result from randomly distributed magnetic moments related to charge inhomogeneities (possibly stripes) which exhibit slowing down of their fluctuations on cooling below Tc_c . Instead, we describe the experimental findings as due to fluctuating, vortex-antivortex, orbital currents state coexisting with d-wave superconducting state. A direct explanation of the experimental results, in underdoped Y1x_{1-x}Cax_xBa2_2Cu3_3O6.1_{6.1} and La2x_{2-x}Sr%_xCuO4_4, is thus given in terms of freezing of orbital current fluctuations

    Magnetic degeneracy and hidden metallicity of the spin density wave state in ferropnictides

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    We analyze spin density wave (SDW) order in iron-based superconductors and electronic structure in the SDW phase. We consider an itinerant model for Fe-pnictides with two hole bands centered at (0,0)(0,0) and two electron bands centered at (0,π)(0,\pi) and (π,0)(\pi,0) in the unfolded BZ. A SDW order in such a model is generally a combination of two components with momenta (0,π)(0,\pi) and (π,0)(\pi,0), both yield (π,π)(\pi,\pi) order in the folded zone. Neutron experiments, however, indicate that only one component is present. We show that (0,π)(0,\pi) or (π,0)(\pi,0) order is selected if we assume that only one hole band is involved in the SDW mixing with electron bands. A SDW order in such 3-band model is highly degenerate for a perfect nesting and hole-electron interaction only, but we show that ellipticity of electron pockets and interactions between electron bands break the degeneracy and favor the desired (0,π)(0,\pi) or (π,0)(\pi,0) order. We further show that stripe-ordered system remains a metal for arbitrary coupling. We analyze electronic structure for parameters relevant to the pnictides and argue that the resulting electronic structure is in good agreement with ARPES experiments. We discuss the differences between our model and J1J2J_1-J_2 model of localized spins.Comment: reference list updated, typos are correcte

    Polaron Effects on Superexchange Interaction: Isotope Shifts of TNT_N, TCT_C, and TT^* in Layered Copper Oxides

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    A compact expression has been obtained for the superexchange coupling of magnetic ions via intermediate anions with regard to polaron effects at both magnetic ions and intermediate anions. This expression is used to analyze the main features of the behavior of isotope shifts for temperatures of three types in layered cuprates: the Neel temperatures (TNT_N), critical temperatures of transitions to a superconducting state (TCT_C), and characteristic temperatures of the pseudogap in the normal state (TT^*).Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical charge susceptibility in layered cuprates: the influence of screened inter-site Coulomb repulsion

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    The analytical expression for dynamical charge susceptibility in layered cuprates has been derived in the frame of singlet-correlated band model beyond random-phase-approximation (RPA) scheme. Our calculations performed near optimal doping regime show that there is a peak in real part of the charge susceptibility χ(q,ω)\chi({\bf q},\omega) at {\bf Q} = (π\pi, π\pi) at strong enough inter-site Coulomb repulsion. Together with the strong maximum in the Im χ(Q,ω)\chi({\bf Q},\omega) at 15 meV it confirms the formation of low-energetic plasmons or charge fluctuations. This provides a jsutification that these excitations are important and together with a spin flcutuations can contribute to the Cooper pairing in layered cuprates. Analysing the charge susceptibilitiy with respect to an instability we obtain a new plasmon branch, ωq\omega_{\bf q}, along the Brillouin Zone. In particular, we have found that it goes to zero near {\bf Q}CDW(2π/3,2π/3)_{CDW} \approx (2\pi/3, 2\pi/3)

    Spin correlations and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Cs2_2CuCl4_4

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    We report on electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of the spin relaxation in Cs2_2CuCl4_4. The main source of the ESR linewidth at temperatures T150T \leq 150 K is attributed to the uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The vector components of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are determined from the angular dependence of the ESR spectra using a high-temperature approximation. Both the angular and temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth have been analyzed using a self-consistent quantum-mechanical approach. In addition analytical expressions based on a quasi-classical picture for spin fluctuations are derived, which show good agreement with the quantum-approach for temperatures T2J/kB15T \geq 2J/k_{\rm B} \approx 15 K. A small modulation of the ESR linewidth observed in the acac-plane is attributed to the anisotropic Zeeman interaction, which reflects the two magnetically nonequivalent Cu positions

    Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the FeTe0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4} superconductor

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    We report on inelastic neutron scattering measurements that find incommensurate itinerant like magnetic excitations in the normal state of superconducting FeTe0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4} (\Tc=14K) at wave-vector Qinc=(1/2±ϵ,1/2ϵ)\mathbf{Q}_{inc}=(1/2\pm\epsilon,1/2\mp\epsilon) with ϵ\epsilon=0.09(1). In the superconducting state only the lower energy part of the spectrum shows significant changes by the formation of a gap and a magnetic resonance that follows the dispersion of the normal state excitations. We use a four band model to describe the Fermi surface topology of iron-based superconductors with the extended s(±)s(\pm) symmetry and find that it qualitatively captures the salient features of these data.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figure

    Pressure-induced electronic phase separation of magnetism and superconductivity in CrAs

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    The recent discovery of pressure induced superconductivity in the binary helimagnet CrAs has attracted much attention. How superconductivity emerges from the magnetic state and what is the mechanism of the superconducting pairing are two important issues which need to be resolved. In the present work, the suppression of magnetism and the occurrence of superconductivity in CrAs as a function of pressure (pp) were studied by means of muon spin rotation. The magnetism remains bulk up to p3.5p\simeq3.5~kbar while its volume fraction gradually decreases with increasing pressure until it vanishes at pp\simeq7~kbar. At 3.5 kbar superconductivity abruptly appears with its maximum Tc1.2T_c \simeq 1.2~K which decreases upon increasing the pressure. In the intermediate pressure region (3.5p73.5\lesssim p\lesssim 7~kbar) the superconducting and the magnetic volume fractions are spatially phase separated and compete for phase volume. Our results indicate that the less conductive magnetic phase provides additional carriers (doping) to the superconducting parts of the CrAs sample thus leading to an increase of the transition temperature (TcT_c) and of the superfluid density (ρs\rho_s). A scaling of ρs\rho_s with Tc3.2T_c^{3.2} as well as the phase separation between magnetism and superconductivity point to a conventional mechanism of the Cooper-pairing in CrAs.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Stable compounds in the CaO-Al2O3 system at high pressures

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    Using evolutionary crystal structure prediction algorithm USPEX, we showed that at pressures of the Earth's lower mantle CaAl2O4 is the only stable calcium aluminate. At pressures above 7.0 GPa it has the CaFe2O4-type structure and space group Pnma. This phase is one of prime candidate aluminous phases in the lower mantle of the Earth. We show that at low pressures 5CaO * 3Al2O3 (C5A3) with space group Cmc21, CaAl4O7 (C2/c) and CaAl2O4 (P21/m) structures are stable at pressures of up to 2.1, 1.8 and 7.0 GPa respectively. The previously unknown structure of the orthorhombic 'CA-III' phase is also found from our calculations. This phase is metastable and has a layered structure with space group P21212

    Effect of ion irradiation on the properties multi-element plasma coatings

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    The paper presents the results of the study of ion irradiation on the properties of multi-element plasma coatings. The coatings were bombarded by argon ions using heavy current ion source with a hollow cathode. After ion irradiation, the structure and physical properties of the coatings change, however, the nature of the changes is different for different coatings. To predict the behavior of the coating exposed to irradiation is virtually impossible. Therefore, structural studies and investigation of physical properties of the coatings to determine their functional characteristics are to be conducted

    Probing the Yb3+^{3+} spin relaxation in Y0.98_{0.98}Yb0.02_{0.02}Ba2_{2}Cu3_{3}Ox_{x} by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

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    The relaxation of Yb3+^{3+} in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}Ox_{x} (6<x<76<x<7) was studied using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). It was found that both electronic and phononic processes contribute to the Yb3+^{3+} relaxation. The phononic part of the relaxation has an exponential temperature dependence, which can be explained by a Raman process via the coupling to high-energy (\sim500 K) optical phonons or an Orbach-like process via the excited vibronic levels of the Cu2+^{2+} ions (localized Slonczewski-modes). In a sample with a maximum oxygen doping xx=6.98, the electronic part of the relaxation follows a Korringa law in the normal state and strongly decreases below TcT_{c}. Comparison of the samples with and without Zn doping proved that the superconducting gap opening is responsible for the sharp decrease of Yb3+^{3+} relaxation in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6.98_{6.98}. It was shown that the electronic part of the Yb3+^{3+} relaxation in the superconducting state follows the same temperature dependence as 63^{63}Cu and 17^{17}O nuclear relaxations despite the huge difference between the corresponding electronic and nuclear relaxation rates.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure