15 research outputs found

    Chemerin as a marker of subclinical cardiac involvement in psoriatic patients

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    Background: Chemerin has been associated with psoriasis and inflammation, but there are no studies demonstrating an association between chemerin and subclinical cardiac involvement in psoriatic patients. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate whether psoriatic patients with increased epicardial fat tissue, impaired flow-mediated dilatation, and diastolic dysfunction have higher serum chemerin levels than a healthy control group. Methods: The study included 60 psoriatic patients and 32 healthy controls. Echocardiographic parameters, epicardial fat tissue, flow-mediated dilatation, and chemerin levels were recorded for both groups. Results: The serum levels of chemerin in the psoriatic patients were significantly higher than in the control group. The diastolic function parameters, including isovolumic contraction and relaxation time, E’/A’ (early diastolic mitral annular velocity/late diastolic mitral annular velocity), and E/E’ (early diastolic peak velocity of mitral inflow/early diastolic mitral annular velocity) values, differed significantly between the groups. Epicardial fat tissue was significantly higher and flow-mediated dilatation was significantly lower in psoriatic patients than in the controls. Chemerin was significantly positively correlated with age, body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, waist circumference, E/E’, and epicardial fat tissue. Serum chemerin was significantly negatively correlated with E’, E’/A’, and flow-mediated dilatation. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that chemerin was independently correlated with E/E’. Conclusions: Psoriatic patients exhibit early subclinical atherosclerosis and diastolic dysfunction. Chemerin can be used as a marker to screen for patients with subclinical cardiac involvement

    Symptomatic Bilateral Xanthogranuloma of the Choroid Plexus

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    Xanthogranulomas (XGRs) of the choroid plexus are rare, asymptomatic, and benign lesions usually found incidentally. Here, we present a case of a 47-year-old male with bilateral XGR of the choroid plexus with periventricular edema and discuss our case in relation to a review of existing literature pertaining to the radiology of XGRs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of bilateral trigonal XGR causing brain edema without ventricular dilatation. Despite the fact that they can cause hydrocephalus, XGRs are silent and benign lesions. Although the etiopathology of XGRs remains poorly understood, enhanced imaging analyses may provide additional information regarding edema and focal white matter signal changes

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections after renal transplantation

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    The incidence of tuberculosis was found to be 5.8% (16/274) in 274 kidney graft recipients in our centre between 1986 and 1998, The kidney recipients were evaluated retrospectively. A total of 51 recipients received isoniazid prophylaxis for 6 months. The prevalence of tuberculosis was found similar (6% vs. 8,8%, p = 0.15) between recipients with prophylaxis and no prophylaxis, Eight patients were recipients of cadaveric donor kidneys and 8 were recipients of living donor kidneys. Lungs were the most frequently affected site, as in the normal population. M, tuberculosis grew in 7 patients. In 5 patients, M. tuberculosis was also detected on direct microscopy and polymerase chain reaction. In 4 patients, diagnosis was made on clinical grounds and later confirmed by positive response to therapy. In 8 patients, invasive procedures were performed for diagnosis. Five patients had miliary tuberculosis at the time of diagnosis. In 3 patients dissemination occurred during follow-up. Nine patients responded to anti-tuberculous therapy while still preserving their graft function, 1 patient rejected the graft while under treatment and returned to haemodialysis. Five patients (31%) died. Since the risk of dissemination of tuberculosis is high in these patients, anti-tuberculous therapy should be started whenever clinical findings suggestive of tuberculosis are present, even in the absence of any microbiological and/or histological evidence

    Renoprotective effects of valsartan and enalapril in STZ-induced diabetes in rats

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    Effects of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor antagonist valsartan and the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor enalapril were studied in streptozotocine (STZ)-induced diabetes in rats on the basis of microalbuminuria (Ma) and renal morphology. Five groups of Wistar rats were used, one group was the non-diabetic control, one group consisted of untreated STZ-diabetics and 3 groups of STZ-diabetics were treated with either enalapril and/or valsartan for 30 days. Blood glucose (BG) and Ma levels, body and kidney weight and glomerular size were measured. Immunohistochemical staining with an anti-transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) antibody was performed as well. In STZ-diabetics, BG and Ma levels were significantly increased when compared with the non-diabetic group. Although Ma levels in the valsartan-treated group was found to be higher than those in the non-diabetics group after 15 days of treatment, in all treated diabetic groups Ma levels were significantly decreased as compared with STZ-diabetics at the end of the experiment. Thickening of the glomerular and tubular basement membranes, increased mesangial matrix and glomerular size were found in the untreated diabetic group. All these changes were less in the treated groups. A significant increase in TGF-beta1 immunoreactivity was found in glomeruli of untreated STZ-diabetics as compared with non-diabetics. Again, TGF-beta1 expression was decreased in the treated groups as compared with untreated STZ-diabetics. We conclude that valsartan and enalapril have renoprotective effects in diabetic nephropathy. A combined therapy has an advantage because lower dosages of these drugs can be used. Their beneficial effects are related to a blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and a decrease in TGF-beta1 expression in glomeruli

    Systemic fungal infections after renal transplantation

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    In a retrospective evaluation. the incidence of systemic fungal infections (SFIs) in 296 kidney graft recipients admitted to our center between 1986 and 1999 was found to be 4%. Eighteen percent of 28 recipients transplanted in India and 8% of 12 recipients transplanted in Russia developed SFI. In contrast, SFI was encountered in only 2% of recipients transplanted at our center. The median time of diagnosis of SFI was 5 months after transplantation. The lungs and central nervous system were the most frequently affected sites. The most common etiologic agent was Aspergillus fumigatus (n=7) but Candida spp. (n = 1), Rhizopus spp. (n = 1) and Cryptococcus neoformans (n = 1) were also encountered. In 2 patients, 2 different pathogens were isolated at the same time: A. fumigatus and Rhizopus spp. in I patient and Candida spp. and A. fumigatus in another. In order to determine predisposing factors for SFI, patients admitted immediately before and after those with SFI were used as controls: long-term hospitalization, long-term antibiotic use and post-transplant diabetes mellitus were found to be predisposing factors. Eight patients were treated with antifungal drugs and a good response to liposomal amphotericin B therapy was obtained in 3/5. Nine patients (75%) with SFI died. As SFIs are associated with a high mortality rate in renal transplant recipients, antifungal therapy, especially with liposomal amphotericin B, should be started whenever fungal infection is suspected, even before the results of microbiologic and/or histologic examinations are known

    Assessment of children with vascular ring

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    BackgroundVascular rings may cause pressure on the trachea and/or esophagus of varying degree, resulting in symptoms. This study assessed the presentation symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment results after surgery in children with vascular ring

    Use of inhaled nitric oxide in pediatric cardiac intensive care unit

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    Objective: Experience with administration of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) in pediatric cardiac intensive care unit was retrospectively reviewed

    Diarrhoea following renal transplantation

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    In this study, we retrospectively evaluated all attacks of diarrhoea in our renal transplant recipients that came to our medical attention between 1985 and 2000. Also, the clinical features of patients with diarrhoea were compared with the features of recipients without diarrhoea. We diagnosed 41 attacks of diarrhoea in 39 (12.6%) of 308 renal transplant recipients during this time period. An aetiology was detected in 33 (80.5%) of all diarrhoeal episodes and in seven (17.1%) of those the specific agent was diagnosed with the help of stool microscopy. The most frequent causes of diarrhoeal attacks were infectious agents (41.5%) and drugs (34%). Six (14.6%) episodes of diarrhoea were chronic and six were nosocomial. About two-thirds of diarrhoea developed within the late post-transplant period (> 6 months). When recipients with diarrhoea were compared with those without diarrhoea, it was seen that diarrhoeal patients had significantly higher creatinine and significantly lower albumin levels when compared with the latter group (p < 0.05). Also, the frequency of antibiotic usage was significantly higher in diarrhoeal patients than in the control group (p < 0.05). Four (10.2%) patients with diarrhoea died despite institution of the appropriate therapy. Two of these deaths were primarily related to diarrhoea and the aetiological agent was Clostridium difficile in both these cases. During the 15-yr study period, 3.6% of all deaths and 5.1% of infection-related deaths in transplant recipients were secondary to diarrhoea. As a result, we observed that infections and drugs were the most frequent causes for diarrhoea in our series of renal transplant recipients. Also, diarrhoea was an important cause of mortality in this patient population