321 research outputs found


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    Istanbul is a fairly unique city whose structure has survived many centuries. At present, the city is undergoing extensive change due to the burst of the economic bubble at the start of the 21st century, which led to an exponential increase in immigration of people with middle and upper incomes. These demographics spurred the interest of public and private investors, who initiated numerous development projects in the city, often involving the construction of gated communities. Such communities, with their artificial concepts or grouped apartment blocks, have thus become a major issue in urban planning. Current housing policy allows many different types of large-scale projects that are not integrated into the urban fabric of Istanbul. More importantly, companies are starting to invest in projects with the aim of creating new behavioral patterns and an identity for each community. Venice-Istanbul is just one example of branding of a gated community: its architectural footprint is taken exactly from Venice. The project claims to offer a living experience similar to that of Venice; however, the problem is that the identity of the community becomes a brand and is thus transformed into a marketing strategy. Such a branding strategy dilutes the social and physical sustainability of the city, which is based on the recollection of the previous image of the city with its citizens and its rich history. Gated communities enclose a physical and social structure, thereby forming an identity that is independent of the rest of the city. This paper aims to explore the identity of such gated communities by considering their sustainability in the case of the Atakent neighborhood of Istanbul. We thus address the question of whether branded gated communities are sustainable

    John Jefferson, The Holy Wars of King Wladislas and Sultan Murad. The Ottoman-Christian Conflict from 1438-1444, vol.76

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    Osmanlılara ve Hussitlere karşı sürdürdüğü mücadelelerle bilinen, Macaristan (1387), Almanya (1411) ve Bohemya (1419) tacını giyen ve nihaye tinde Kutsal Roma İmparatoru (1433) olan, Lüksemburg Hanedanı üyesi Sigismund’un (1387-1437) hayatını kaybetmesi Macaristan Krallığı’nda siyasî karışıklıkların baş gösterdiği bir dönemin başlangıcı olur


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    Fetih hareketleriyle birlikte İslam toprakları genişlemiş, farklı kültür ve milletten birçok kimse müslüman olup İslam toplumuna katılarak din dili olan Arapça'ya yönelmişlerdir. Bunun sonucunda Arapça lahn/yanlış okunma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya kalınıştrr. Bu durumu gören o "dönemin alimleri de koruma amaçlı olarak Arapça'nın temel prensiplerini tespit etmek için çeşitli çalışmalar yapmışlardır. Zamanla bu çalışmalar genişleyerek Arap dili bağlamında Basra ve Kfıfe olmak üzere iki ana ekol oluşmuştur. Bu ekoller benimserlikleri metot ve ilkelere bağlı olarak birçok konuda ihtilafa düşmüşlerdir. Biz de bu makalede Arapça'nın omurgasını oluşturduğu düşüncesiyle, sözünü ettiğimiz dil ekallerinin ılmillere ilişkin görüşlerini, delilleriyle birlikte ele alarak detaylı bir şekilde incelenmeye çalıştık


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    Çağdaş Arap edebiyatının ilk dönemlerinin önemli edebiyatçı ve tarihçilerinden olan Corci Zeydan, yazdığı birçok tarihi roman ile Arap milli uyanışına önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Sahip olduğu yenilikçi bakış açısını, hem tarih hem de edebiyat alanında kaleme aldığı eserlerine belirgin bir şekilde yansıtmıştır. Bu tarihi romanlarından biri olan İstibdâdu’l-Memalik’te, 18. Yy. sonlarında Mısır’da, küçük bir ailenin başından geçen dramatik bir ayrılış öyküsünü zulüm, haksızlık ve hasret ana temasıyla işlemiştir. Romanda dönemin siyasal, kültürel ve dini hayatına da referanslarda bulunmuştur. Bu makalede roman, tema ve yapı bakımından tahlil edilecek, ayrıca dil, üslup ve anlatılış yönleriyle incelenecektir. Roman tekniği açısından öne çıkan yönleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktı

    Coronary Bypass Surgery in a 105-Year-Old Patient with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Coronary artery bypass grafting is one of the routine daily surgical procedures in the current era. Parallel to the increasing life expectancy, cardiac surgery is commonly performed in octogenarians. However, literature consists of only seldom reports of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients above 90 years of age. In this report, we present our management strategy in a 105-year-old patient who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting at our institution

    Clean bed head-loss of various filter media

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    Granüler filtrasyon su arıtımında yaygın olarak kullanılan bir arıtma yöntemi olup bu prosesin tasarım ve işletmesi açısından yük kayıpları büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada laboratuvar ölçekli bir filtrasyon kolonunda sık kullanılan farklı filtre malzemeleri için temiz yatak yük kayıpları belirlenmiştir. Karışık boyutta elde edilen malzemelerin eleme işlemi ile fraksiyonlarına ayrılması sonucu 6 kum, 5 perlit, 8 garnet ve 3 kırık cam fraksiyonu elde edilmiştir. Karşılaştırma amacıyla küreler ile de deneysel çalışma yürütülmüştür. Deney düzeneği filtredeki hidrolik koşulların da etkisini incelemek amacıyla yüksek hızlarda da veri elde edilebilecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. En yüksek yük kayıpları malzemenin çapına da bağlı olarak 0.1 m/sn filtre hızında 5-6 m olarak gözlenmiştir. Filtrasyon hızı ile yük kaybının lineer olmayan bir şekilde değiştiği tüm malzeme türleri ve her bir fraksiyon için teyit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda gözeneklilik ve tanecik çapı parametrelerinin yük kaybı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Yaklaşık olarak aynı tanecik çapındaki kum, perlit ve garnet yataklarında yük kaybı oluşumu karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiş ve gözenekliliğin en düşük olduğu kum yatakta en yüksek yük kaybı elde edilmiştir. Küresellik ile ifade edilen malzeme şeklinin gözenekliliği etkileyen bir unsur olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Tane çapının yük kaybı üzerindeki etkisi kum ve garnetin farklı fraksiyonlarından oluşan kapsamlı bir aralıkta incelenmiş ve her iki malzeme türü için de tane çapı küçüldükçe yük kaybının arttığı gözlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Filtrasyon, granüler malzeme, temiz yatak, yük kaybı, gözeneklilik, küresellik.Granular filtration is a process that is widely used for removing particulate matter from water. The granular media filtration process is affected by the properties of the filter media including grain size, bed porosity and specific surface area. Especially, determination of clean bed head loss is important in the design and operation of filters. Clean bed head-loss of various common filter media obtained from several sources was determined in a laboratory scale filter column. The cylindrical column made of plexiglass was 4 cm in diameter and 2 m in height. It was connected to a water tank through a series of pipes and valves. The water tank was filled with tap water and served as a water reservoir for the filtration column. A constant speed centrifugal pump drew water from the tank and pumped it to the top of the column. In addition, the system allowed the water to flow upwards in the column to achieve various porosity ranges as well as to fluidize the media and bleed any residual air. In the filtration cycle the water travelled down the filter column through a bed of media and was then returned to the water tank. A cartridge filter was used to trap possible suspended solids thus ensuring the recirculated water remained clean. To measure the head-loss across the media bed as water passed through it, piezometer taps at the top and bottom of the media were connected to a water-air manometer, as well as a mercury manometer and a differential pressure transducer. Flow rate of the equipment being used determined the choice of the instrument. Flow rate was measured by an electromagnetic flow meter across the range of 0.17-17L/min. Because the density and dynamic viscosity of the fluid changes with temperature, a Pt-100 thermometer was installed on the column and temperature was monitored continuously. Once the media had been loaded in the column, the filter was operated in the down flow mode and the flow rate was gradually increased and then decreased to a minimum value prior to head-loss measurements. As such the compaction of the media during the experiment was prevented. The porosity of the filter bed was determined separately for each run using the weight of the filter media introduced to the column, the height of the filter bed, the inside diameter of the filter column and the specific gravity of the media. The media which were normally composed of different grain sizes were sieved and 6 fractions of sand, 5 fractions of perlite, 8 fractions of garnet and 3 fractions of crushed glass were obtained. Experiments were also conducted on using glass beads for comparison. Experimental set-up was designed so as to obtain data at high filtration rates in order to evaluate the hydraulic behavior in the column. The maximum head-loss was measured as 5-6 m for 0.1 m/s filter rate. Head-loss measurements were made? for a minimum of three porosities for each medium. These porosities corresponded to the maximum compaction that could be obtained by directly tapping on the column, gradual shut off of backwash water and an intermediate value between these. For each type of medium and fraction it was confirmed with literature that there exists a non-linear relationship between filter rate and head-loss. Besides, effect of porosity and grain size on head-loss was assessed. As the bed consists of uniform particles when a sieved fraction of medium is used instead of its mixed form, more robust evaluations were possible. The sensitivity of head-loss to porosity was examined via extensive experiments. The head-loss occurrence in beds of sand, perlite and garnet of approximately same grain size were compared to each other. The highest head-loss was observed for the bed composed of sand due to the lowest porosity value. Also, experiments were conducted with approximately same size of sand and glass beads separately but at the same porosity. It was noticed that sand caused higher head-losses, which were more easily observed at higher filter rates. Different porosities were achieved by directly tapping to the column or gradual shutoff of the backwash water. Also, it was verified that grain shape defined by sphericity affected the porosity. The sphericity of crushed glass being an angular medium was found to be around 0.5. The porosity range obtained with this media showed to be higher than other filter media. To evaluate the effect of grain size on head-loss, several fractions of sand and garnet were compared and an inversely proportional relation was observed independent of the type of the medium. Keywords: Filtration, granular material, clean bed, head-loss, porosity, sphericity