1 research outputs found

    Primary pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma located at the end of the terminal bronchiolus : Case repo

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    Pulmonar adenoid kistik karsinoma genellikle trakea ve ana bronş gibi merkezi hava yollarında yerleşik, tükrük bezi tipinde, nadir bir malign solunum yolu tümörüdür. Periferal akciğerden kaynaklanan adenoid kistik karsinoma oldukça enderdir. Burada, 52 yaşında bir kadının sağ akciğer alt lobu terminal bronşiyol distalinde gelişmiş adenoid kistik karsinomayı rapor ettik.Pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare salivary gland-type malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract that is usually located in the central airways such as trachea and main bronchus. Adenoid cystic carcinoma arising from the peripheral lung is quite rare. Here, we report adenoid cystic carcinoma that developed at the end of the terminal bronchiol of the right lung lower lobe of a 52-year-old woman