697 research outputs found

    The age of the Dinaride Ophiolite Belt: Derived olistostrome melange at the northern slope of Moračka Kapa (Montenegro)

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    This paper presents the first results of a palynological investigation of the Dinaride Ophiolite Belt - derived olistostrome melange at the northern slope of Moračka Kapa (Montenegro). The analysis of microfloral association provided a reconstruction of the Late Jurassic sedimentation conditions and depositional environment in the Morača Kapa Unit. The samples (8) collected from the different parts of ophiolite matrix yielded palynomorph assemblages (fossil spores, pollen grains and dinoflagellates) of the Upper Jurassic age. The uppermost part of the ophiolite suite on the presented palynomorphs could also indicate the lowermost Lower Cretaceous. These palynological results provide a very interesting framework of these widespread, but poorly stratigraphically understood sediments. The paleoecological results suggest humid and subtropical conditions in the hinterland

    Banking System Compliance With MIFID II Regulation: Consequences and Challenges

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    MIFID II represents overall financial market reforms in trading and processing of financial instruments. Major influence of new regulatory framework in banking industry is related with pricing, trading, reporting of banking products and financial institutions classifications. New financial markets infrastructure roles is providing more protection for banking clients including the significantly increasing a market transparency. Banks are obliged to demonstrate to the client the best execution price at related trading venues, transaction costs and market behaviour. Regulation is adjusted with other financial market regulation of over the counter markets and market abused protection to avoid regulatory overlap. New regulation is asking full compliance process of banking industry on the European Union banking system. Banks are faced with significant costs in internal processes reorganization, new technological support and opportunity costs of absence of extra profit in competitive and transparency markets. Major benefit of the MIFID II regulation will be traded by non qualified counterparts which will be fully reported in ex ante and ex post trading activities. Banks and other financial institutions which can not exploit the economy of scale will reduced activities and product offer to the clients in the period on regulatory framework adoption. MIFID II is significant challenge to management in positioning banking firm on demanding global financial market

    Fault-tolerant computer study

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    A set of building block circuits is described which can be used with commercially available microprocessors and memories to implement fault tolerant distributed computer systems. Each building block circuit is intended for VLSI implementation as a single chip. Several building blocks and associated processor and memory chips form a self checking computer module with self contained input output and interfaces to redundant communications buses. Fault tolerance is achieved by connecting self checking computer modules into a redundant network in which backup buses and computer modules are provided to circumvent failures. The requirements and design methodology which led to the definition of the building block circuits are discussed

    Banking System Adjustment to Regulatory Capital Requirements

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    The main objective of this paper is to explore the adjustment of bank business activities to new regulatory capital requests using panel data analyses of the European banking system. The research hypothesis assumes that the increase in capital requirements affects the banksā€™ balance sheet adjustment and bank lending to the non-financial sector. The banks can maintain the higher regulatory capital ratio by increasing the volume of share capital or by decreasing the risk-weighted assets and bank lending activities. The high equity premium upon a new equity issue due to asymmetric information about the bankā€™s net worth discourages the current shareholder to issue additional capital, which has resulted in bank lending constraints and has increased non-risk bank assets. Banksā€™ response to new capital requirements can announce a long-term negative impact to real economy and bank depending borrowers. The model of empirical analysis of the banking sector adjustment to new capital requirements will be demonstrated on the sample of publicly listed banking firms in the European Union in the period 2000ā€“2016 using dynamic panel-data estimation with the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) in one-step

    Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Complex Domain : Complex E-Method

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    The E-method, introduced by Ercegovac, allows efficient parallel solution of diagonally dominant systems of linear equations in real domain using simple and highly regular hardware. Since the evaluation of polynomials and certain rational functions can be achieved by solving the corresponding linear systems, the E-method is an attractive general approach for function evaluation. We generalize the E-method to complex linear systems, and show some potential applications such as the evaluation of complex polynomials and rational functions

    Glazbene preferencije studenata: uloga glazbenog obrazovanja, karakteristika glazbe i značajki osobnosti

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    The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between music education and musical preferences for different tempo and tonality and to explore what personality traits of the Big five-factor model contribute to the explanation of individual differences in musical preferences. The survey included 202 female and male students of the University of Split who were selected on the basis of their music education. Music compact disc containing 16 musical excerpts, Questionnaire for testing musical preference and Questionnaire for personality traits were used. The results confirmed the significant effects of music education and music characteristics on the musical preferences. Participants with the highest degree of music education enjoy all musical examples alike, regardless of musical characteristics, while other participants reported a significantly higher degree of liking the music in major key and fast tempo. Music education was a significant predictor in explaining musical preferences for major key music in fast tempo, while openness to experience was significant in predicting preferences for the minor music in slow tempo.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između glazbenog obrazovanja i preferencija glazbe različitog tempa i tonaliteta te provjeriti koje osobine ličnosti iz petfaktorskog modela doprinose objaÅ”njenju individualnih razlika u glazbenim preferencijama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 202 studentica i studenata SveučiliÅ”ta u Splitu koji su odabrani na temelju kriterija glazbenog obrazovanja. Za potrebe istraživanja pripremljen je glazbeni nosač zvuka, Upitnik za ispitivanje glazbenih preferencija i Upitnik za ispitivanje osobina ličnosti. Rezultati potvrđuju značajne efekte glazbenog obrazovanja i glazbenih osobina na preferencije glazbe različitog tempa i tonaliteta. Sudionici s najvećim stupnjem glazbenog obrazovanja podjednako preferiraju glazbu bez obzira na njezine karakteristike, a ostali sudionici iskazuju značajno veći stupanj prefiranja durske glazbe brzog tempa. Značajnim prediktorima u objaÅ”njenju glazbenih preferencija pokazalo se glazbeno obrazovanje za dursku glazbu brzog tempa, a osobina intelekta za molsku glazbu polaganog tempa

    Explaining students\u27 test anxiety and depression: The role of family interaction quality

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    Aim: To examine the relationship between the quality of family interactions and test anxiety and depression in a sample of 4th and 7th grade primary school pupils. Methods: The Scale of Depression for Children and Adolescents (SDCA, Vulić Prtorić, 2003a), The Subscale for Test Anxiety (STA, Vulić Prtorić, 2004a), and Scale of Interaction Quality within the Family (SIQF, Vulić Prtorić, 2004b) were used. Results: Older pupils were generally more depressed and anxious compared to the younger ones. However, the increase in depression was observed only in female pupils, whereas in male pupils, the levels of depression were generally stable, regardless of age. A similar pattern was found in test anxiety. Overall satisfaction with family, as well as the quality of interactions with mother and father was higher in fourth graders, compared to seventh graders. Female pupils assessed their mothers as more accepting, whereas male pupils assessed their fathers as more accepting than girls did. Maternal rejection was independent of gender, but paternal rejection was more prominent in boys, compared to girls. Higher maternal rejection and lower paternal acceptance were shown to be significant predictors for both depression and test anxiety. Conclusion: Results confirmed our hypothesis that early-adolescents, as well as girls, have more pronounced depressive and test-anxiety symptoms, when compared to younger children and boys. (Pre)-adolescentsā€™ perceptions of family dynamics have an important role in explaining depressiveness and test anxiety, which implies their value in prevention of mental health problems in (pre)adolescents


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    The paper deals with the demographic topics of ageing, age and the elderly people in Europe. Seeing as these topics still take up marginal space in most research fields except gerontology, the aim of the paper is to deepen the thematic framework. Because of that, but also because it is difficult to reach more detailed data on generations over 65 in Europe, this paper will present the results of the research on the basic socio-demographic characteristics of elderly people in 11 European countries. The data on which this research is based comes from the last waves of census; they were harmonized and obtained in the LIS center of the University of Luxembourg. The data show the basic socio-demographic characteristics classified into three groups: where do people over 65 live, with whom do older than 65 live, how do older than 65 live. The data also show that in northern and western countries, which are economically more developed, the elderly population lives in cities more. The number of households with one elderly member in rural areas increases in Central Europe, and the highest percentage of those older than 65 in rural areas live in Greece and Serbia. The connection between certain countries and the education level of the elderly is statistically meaningful. Therefore, in northern and western countries, which are more developed, there are more highly educated elderly people than in less developed countries in Central and South Europe

    Complex Multiply-Add and Other Related Operators

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    International audienceIn this work, we present algorithms and schemes for computing common arithmetic expressions defined in the complex domain as hardware-implemented operators.The operators include Complex Multiply-Add (CMA: ab+c), Complex Sum of Producrs (CSP: ab+ce+f), Complex Sum of Squares (CSS: a^2+b^2) and complex Integer Powers. The proposed approach is to map the expression to a system of linear equations, apply a complex-to-real transform, and compute the solutions to the linear system using a digit-by-digit, the most significant digit first, recurrence method. The components of the solution vector corresponds to the expressions being evaluated. The number of digit cycles is about m for m-digit precision. The basic modules are similar to left-to-right multipliers. The interconnections between the modules are digit-wide
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