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    En el presente trabajo de investigaci贸n, se desarrolla el proceso de validaci贸n de una idea de negocio llamada Upstyle, la cual consiste en una aplicaci贸n m贸vil que ofrece la venta de prendas de vestir, que agrupa las secciones de blusas, camisas, blazers, sacos y pantalones. Este modelo de negocio est谩 dirigido a hombres y mujeres desde los 22 a帽os de sectores econ贸micos B y C que est谩n interesados en vestir formal para cualquier tipo de ocasi贸n o momento dentro de su vida cotidiana. A lo largo de la investigaci贸n, se recurri贸 a fuentes primarias y secundarias, incluyendo experimentos diversos y entrevistas mediante diversos tipos de medios para conocer las expectativas y necesidades del p煤blico objetivo, y validar los elementos que componen el Business Model Canvas del proyecto Upstyle, mediante ello, recopilando informaci贸n en gran cantidad favorables que demuestran una gran oportunidad dentro del mercado e inter茅s del p煤blico en la adquisici贸n de las prendas de vestir dentro del aplicativo. Adem谩s, se determinaron y realizaron los cambios m谩s relevantes a realizar en base a la retroalimentaci贸n brindada por una muestra representativa del p煤blico objetivo. Por 煤ltimo, se realiz贸 el plan financiero del proyecto a 3 a帽os para determinar su alcance econ贸mico en su ejecuci贸n. Para ello se tom贸 en cuenta los montos de inversi贸n inicial, costos y gastos mensuales, pron贸stico de ventas, financiamiento y otros indicadores financieros claves. Finalmente, se ha obtenido un VAN positivo, mediante el cual, corresponde que el proyecto es rentable en el largo plazo.In this research work, the validation process of a business idea called Upstyle, which consists of a mobile application that offers the sale of clothing, which groups the sections of blouses, shirts, blazers and pants. This business model is aimed at men and women from the age of 22 from economic sectors B and C who are interested in formal dress for any type of occasion or moment in their daily lives. Throughout the investigation, primary and secondary sources were used, including various experiments and interviews through various types of media to learn about the expectations and needs of the target audience, and to validate the elements that make up the Business Model Canvas of the Upstyle project, through this, compiling information in great amount favorable that demonstrate a great opportunity within the market and interest of the public in the acquisition of clothing items within the application. In addition, the most relevant changes to be made were determined and made based on the feedback provided by a representative sample of the target audience. Finally, the financial plan of the project was carried out for 3 years to determine its economic scope in its execution. For this, the initial investment amounts, monthly costs and expenses, sales forecast, financing and other key financial indicators were taken into account. Finally, a positive NPV has been obtained, through which it corresponds that the project is profitable in the long term.Trabajo de investigaci贸