6 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Particle-induced Background of XMM-Newton EPIC-pn: Short- and Long-term Variability

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    The particle-induced background of X-ray observatories is produced by galactic cosmic ray (GCR) primary protons, electrons, and He ions. Events due to direct interaction with the detector are usually removed by onboard processing. The interactions of these primary particles with the detector environment produce secondary particles that mimic X-ray events from celestial sources, and are much more difficult to identify. The filter-wheel closed data from the XMM-Newton EPIC-pn camera in small window mode (SWM) contains both the X-ray-like background events, and the events due to direct interactions with the primary particles. From this data, we demonstrate that X-ray-like background events are spatially correlated with the primary particle interaction. This result can be used to further characterize and reduce the non-X-ray background in silicon-based X-ray detectors in current and future missions. We also show that spectrum and pattern fractions of secondary particle events are different from those produced by cosmic X-rays

    Mitigating the effects of particle background on the Athena Wide Field Imager

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    The Wide Field Imager (WFI) flying on Athena will usher in the next era of studying the hot and energetic Universe. Among Athena’s ambitious science programs are observations of faint, diffuse sources limited by statistical and systematic uncertainty in the background produced by high-energy cosmic ray particles. These particles produce easily identified “cosmic-ray tracks” along with less easily identified signals produced by secondary photons or x-rays generated by particle interactions with the instrument. Such secondaries produce identical signals to the x-rays focused by the optics and cannot be filtered without also eliminating these precious photons. As part of a larger effort to estimate the level of unrejected background and mitigate its effects, we here present results from a study of background-reduction techniques that exploit the spatial correlation between cosmic-ray particle tracks and secondary events. We use Geant4 simulations to generate a realistic particle background signal, sort this into simulated WFI frames, and process those frames in a similar way to the expected flight and ground software to produce a realistic WFI observation containing only particle background. The technique under study, self-anti-coincidence (SAC), then selectively filters regions of the detector around particle tracks, turning the WFI into its own anti-coincidence detector. We show that SAC is effective at improving the systematic uncertainty for observations of faint, diffuse sources, but at the cost of statistical uncertainty due to a reduction in signal. If sufficient pixel pulse-height information is telemetered to the ground for each frame, then this technique can be applied selectively based on the science goals, providing flexibility without affecting the data quality for other science. The results presented here are relevant for any future silicon-based pixelated x-ray imaging detector and could allow the WFI and similar instruments to probe to truly faint x-ray surface brightness

    Reducing the Athena WFI charged particle background: results from Geant4 simulations

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    One of the science goals of the Wide Field Imager (WFI) on ESA’s Athena X-ray observatory is to map hot gas structures in the universe, such as clusters and groups of galaxies and the intergalactic medium. These deep observations of faint diffuse sources require low background and the best possible knowledge of that background. The WFI Background Working Group is approaching this problem from a variety of directions. Here we present analysis of Geant4 simulations of cosmic ray particles interacting with the structures aboard Athena, producing signal in the WFI. We search for phenomenological correlations between these particle tracks and detected events that would otherwise be categorized as X-rays, and explore ways to exploit these correlations to flag or reject such events in ground processing. In addition to reducing the Athena WFI instrumental background, these results are applicable to understanding the particle component in any silicon-based X-ray detector in space

    Enhanced simulations on the ATHENA/WFI instrumental background

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    The Wide Field Imager (WFI) is one of two focal plane instruments of the Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics (Athena), ESA’s next large X-ray observatory, planned for launch in the early 2030’s. The current baseline halo orbit is around L2, the first Lagrangian point of the Sun-Earth system, L1 is under consideration. For both potential halo orbits the radiation environment, solar and cosmic protons, electrons and He-ions will affect the performance of the instruments. A further critical contribution to the instrument background arises from the unfocused cosmic hard X-ray background. It is important to understand and estimate the expected instrumental background and to investigate measures, like design modifications or analysis methods, which could improve the expected background level in order to achieve the challenging scientific requirement (< 5 × 10−3 cts/cm2/keV/s at 2 - 7 keV). Previous WFI background simulations1 done in Geant4 have been improved by taking into account new information about the proton flux at L2. In addition, the simulation model of the WFI instrument and its surroundings employed in GEANT4 simulations has been refined to follow the technological development of the WFI camera