16 research outputs found

    Analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in axolotl using cell markers and transplantation

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    We have examined the ability of normal and heterotopically transplanted neural crest cells to migrate along cranial neural crest pathways in the axolotl using focal DiI injections and in situ hybridization with the neural crest marker, AP-2. DiI labeling demonstrates that cranial neural crest cells migrate as distinct streams along prescribed pathways to populate the maxillary and mandibular processes of the first branchial arch, the hyoid arch and gill arches 1-4, following migratory pathways similar to those observed in other vertebrates. Another neural crest marker, the transcription factor AP-2, is expressed by premigratory neural crest cells within the neural folds and migrating neural crest cells en route to and within the branchial arches. Rotations of the cranial neural folds suggest that premigratory neural crest cells are not committed to a specific branchial arch fate, but can compensate when displaced short distances from their targets by migrating to a new target arch. In contrast, when cells are displaced far from their original location, they appear unable to respond appropriately to their new milieu such that they fail to migrate or appear to migrate randomly. When trunk neural folds are grafted heterotopically into the head, trunk neural crest cells migrate in a highly disorganized fashion and fail to follow normal cranial neural crest pathways. Importantly, we find incorporation of some trunk cells into branchial arch cartilage despite the random nature of their migration. This is the first demonstration that trunk neural crest cells can form cartilage when transplanted to the head. Our results indicate that, although cranial and trunk neural crest cells have inherent differences in ability to recognize migratory pathways, trunk neural crest can differentiate into cranial cartilage when given proper instructive cues

    Developmental origins and evolution of jaws: new interpretation of “maxillary” and “mandibular”

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    AbstractCartilage of the vertebrate jaw is derived from cranial neural crest cells that migrate to the first pharyngeal arch and form a dorsal “maxillary” and a ventral “mandibular” condensation. It has been assumed that the former gives rise to palatoquadrate and the latter to Meckel's (mandibular) cartilage. In anamniotes, these condensations were thought to form the framework for the bones of the adult jaw and, in amniotes, appear to prefigure the maxillary and mandibular facial prominences. Here, we directly test the contributions of these neural crest condensations in axolotl and chick embryos, as representatives of anamniote and amniote vertebrate groups, using molecular and morphological markers in combination with vital dye labeling of late-migrating cranial neural crest cells. Surprisingly, we find that both palatoquadrate and Meckel's cartilage derive solely from the ventral “mandibular” condensation. In contrast, the dorsal “maxillary” condensation contributes to trabecular cartilage of the neurocranium and forms part of the frontonasal process but does not contribute to jaw joints as previously assumed. These studies reveal the morphogenetic processes by which cranial neural crest cells within the first arch build the primordia for jaw cartilages and anterior cranium

    An Ambystoma mexicanum EST sequencing project: analysis of 17,352 expressed sequence tags from embryonic and regenerating blastema cDNA libraries

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    BACKGROUND: The ambystomatid salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl), is an important model organism in evolutionary and regeneration research but relatively little sequence information has so far been available. This is a major limitation for molecular studies on caudate development, regeneration and evolution. To address this lack of sequence information we have generated an expressed sequence tag (EST) database for A. mexicanum. RESULTS: Two cDNA libraries, one made from stage 18-22 embryos and the other from day-6 regenerating tail blastemas, generated 17,352 sequences. From the sequenced ESTs, 6,377 contigs were assembled that probably represent 25% of the expressed genes in this organism. Sequence comparison revealed significant homology to entries in the NCBI non-redundant database. Further examination of this gene set revealed the presence of genes involved in important cell and developmental processes, including cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cell-cell communication. On the basis of these data, we have performed phylogenetic analysis of key cell-cycle regulators. Interestingly, while cell-cycle proteins such as the cyclin B family display expected evolutionary relationships, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 gene family shows an unusual evolutionary behavior among the amphibians. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis reveals the importance of a comprehensive sequence set from a representative of the Caudata and illustrates that the EST sequence database is a rich source of molecular, developmental and regeneration studies. To aid in data mining, the ESTs have been organized into an easily searchable database that is freely available online

    Identification of pigment cells during early amphibian development (Triturus alpestris, Ambystoma mexicanum)

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to provide and apply a methodological manual with which the distribution, patterning and relationship of melanophores and xanthophores can be analyzed during early amphibian development. For demonstration of the methods, which include ultrastructural, histochemical and biochemical approaches, Triturus alpestris and Ambystoma mexicanum (axolotl) embryos are used. These two species differ conspicuously in their larval pigment patterns, showing alternating melanophore bands in horizontal (T. alpestris) and vertical (axolotl) arrangements. With transmission- and scanning electron microscopy melanophores and xanthophores were distinguished by their different pigment organelles and surface structures. The presence of phenol oxidase (tyrosinase) was used to reveal externally invisible or faintly visible melanophores by applying an excess of 3,4 dihydroxy-phenylalanine (dopa). Xanthophores were made visible in fixed and living embryos by demonstrating their pterin fluorescence. In addition, pterins were analyzed by HPLC in embryos before and after pigmentation was visible. © 1988 Springer-Verlag

    Neural crest does not contribute to the neck and shoulder in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum).

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    BACKGROUND: A major step during the evolution of tetrapods was their transition from water to land. This process involved the reduction or complete loss of the dermal bones that made up connections to the skull and a concomitant enlargement of the endochondral shoulder girdle. In the mouse the latter is derived from three separate embryonic sources: lateral plate mesoderm, somites, and neural crest. The neural crest was suggested to sustain the muscle attachments. How this complex composition of the endochondral shoulder girdle arose during evolution and whether it is shared by all tetrapods is unknown. Salamanders that lack dermal bone within their shoulder girdle were of special interest for a possible contribution of the neural crest to the endochondral elements and muscle attachment sites, and we therefore studied them in this context. RESULTS: We grafted neural crest from GFP+ fluorescent transgenic axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) donor embryos into white (d/d) axolotl hosts and followed the presence of neural crest cells within the cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the connective tissue of muscle attachment sites of the neck-shoulder region. Strikingly, neural crest cells did not contribute to any part of the endochondral shoulder girdle or to the connective tissue at muscle attachment sites in axolotl. CONCLUSIONS: Our results in axolotl suggest that neural crest does not serve a general function in vertebrate shoulder muscle attachment sites as predicted by the "muscle scaffold theory," and that it is not necessary to maintain connectivity of the endochondral shoulder girdle to the skull. Our data support the possibility that the contribution of the neural crest to the endochondral shoulder girdle, which is observed in the mouse, arose de novo in mammals as a developmental basis for their skeletal synapomorphies. This further supports the hypothesis of an increased neural crest diversification during vertebrate evolution

    The Role of Posterior Neural Plate-Derived Presomitic Mesoderm (PSM) in Trunk and Tail Muscle Formation and Axis Elongation

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    Elongation of the posterior body axis is distinct from that of the anterior trunk and head. Early drivers of posterior elongation are the neural plate/tube and notochord, later followed by the presomitic mesoderm (PSM), together with the neural tube and notochord. In axolotl, posterior neural plate-derived PSM is pushed posteriorly by convergence and extension of the neural plate. The PSM does not go through the blastopore but turns anteriorly to join the gastrulated paraxial mesoderm. To gain a deeper understanding of the process of axial elongation, a detailed characterization of PSM morphogenesis, which precedes somite formation, and of other tissues (such as the epidermis, lateral plate mesoderm and endoderm) is needed. We investigated these issues with specific tissue labelling techniques (DiI injections and GFP+ tissue grafting) in combination with optical tissue clearing and 3D reconstructions. We defined a spatiotemporal order of PSM morphogenesis that is characterized by changes in collective cell behaviour. The PSM forms a cohesive tissue strand and largely retains this cohesiveness even after epidermis removal. We show that during embryogenesis, the PSM, as well as the lateral plate and endoderm move anteriorly, while the net movement of the axis is posterior

    Combined intrinsic and extrinsic influences pattern cranial neural crest migration and pharyngeal arch morphogenesis in axolotl

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    Cranial neural crest cells migrate in a precisely segmented manner to form cranial ganglia, facial skeleton and other derivatives. Here, we investigate the mechanisms underlying this patterning in the axolotl embryo using a combination of tissue culture, molecular markers, scanning electron microscopy and vital dye analysis. In vitro experiments reveal an intrinsic component to segmental migration; neural crest cells from the hindbrain segregate into distinct streams even in the absence of neighboring tissue. In vivo, separation between neural crest streams is further reinforced by tight juxtapositions that arise during early migration between epidermis and neural tube, mesoderm and endoderm. The neural crest streams are dense and compact, with the cells migrating under the epidermis and outside the paraxial and branchial arch mesoderm with which they do not mix. After entering the branchial arches, neural crest cells conduct an “outside-in” movement, which subsequently brings them medially around the arch core such that they gradually ensheath the arch mesoderm in a manner that has been hypothesized but not proven in zebrafish. This study, which represents the most comprehensive analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in any vertebrate, suggests a dual process for patterning the cranial neural crest. Together with an intrinsic tendency to form separate streams, neural crest cells are further constrained into channels by close tissue apposition and sorting out from neighboring tissues

    Migratory Patterns and Developmental Potential of Trunk Neural Crest Cells in the Axolotl Embryo

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    Using cell markers and grafting, we examined the timing of migration and developmental potential of trunk neural crest cells in axolotl. No obvious differences in pathway choice were noted for DiI-labeling at different lateral or medial positions of the trunk neural folds in neurulae, which contributed not only to neural crest but also to Rohon-Beard neurons. Labeling wild-type dorsal trunks at pre- and early-migratory stages revealed that individual neural crest cells migrate away from the neural tube along two main routes: first, dorsolaterally between the epidermis and somites and, later, ventromedially between the somites and neural tube/notochord. Dorsolaterally migrating crest primarily forms pigment cells, with those from anterior (but not mid or posterior) trunk neural folds also contributing glia and neurons to the lateral line. White mutants have impaired dorsolateral but normal ventromedial migration. At late migratory stages, most labeled cells move along the ventromedial pathway or into the dorsal fin. Contrasting with other anamniotes, axolotl has a minor neural crest contribution to the dorsal fin, most of which arises from the dermomyotome. Taken together, the results reveal stereotypic migration and differentiation of neural crest cells in axolotl that differ from other vertebrates in timing of entry onto the dorsolateral pathway and extent of contribution to some derivatives