90 research outputs found

    Approche anthropologique de l’épidémie de FHV Ebola 2014 en Guinée Conakry

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    Rapport de la La mission effectuée du 26 mars au 28 avril, soit 25 jours à Guéckédou et 4 jours au retour à Conakry

    Simulation of X-ray Traverse Topographs by Means of a Computer

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    International audienceThe precision of the numerical algorithm used is the critical factor in computing traverse topographs. Thevarying-step algorithm allows such a computation. Images have been computed simulating the realexperiment, i.e. by the addition of the intensities of individual section topographs. Results are in goodagreement with experiments: it has been possible to characterize dislocations fully by the study of the finedetails of their contrast. This may be of practical interest whenever section topographs cannot be used,as, for instance, in the case of thin crystals

    Visualisation de photographies sur une imprimante rapide d'ordinateur. Application à la simulation de topographies en pose fixe par la méthode de Lang

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    Copyright © International Union of CrystallographyIn the simulation of X-ray section topographs by the means of a computer some problems occur concerning the representation of the photographic image. The grey scales used in the case of electron microscopy may not be applied to the case of X-ray topographs. We have studied a new grey scale and we have adapted the levels of intensity to the specific case of X-rays. Experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement but it is shown that quantitative measurements on photographic plates may be quite delicate

    Reconstructions et visualisation tridimensionnelles

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    National audienceNous aborderons l'imagerie tridimensionnelle sous les deux aspects suivants :- la représentation de molécules et plus généralement d'un ensemble d'atomes,- la reconstruction d'informations connues sous la forme d'un ensemble de coupes

    L’anthropologue dans la réponse aux épidémies : science, savoir-faire ou placebo ?

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    Alors que de plus en plus de chercheurs — juniors et seniors — s’interrogent sur la place de l’anthropologie dans la société, ainsi que sur les voies possibles de la professionnalisation, nous avons demandé à Alain Epelboin de nous faire part de sa réflexion en termes d’application de l’anthropologie médicale. En effet, sa participation à plusieurs missions pluridisciplinaires, à la demande de l’OMS, pour lutter contre des épidémies de fièvre hémorragique à virus Ebola et Marburg, fait assuré..

    Médecine traditionnelle et coopération internationale

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     « … leur art (celui des devins et « guérisseurs » traditionnels) n’est pas un ersatz « magique », « primitif » ou « irrationnel » de la médecine occidentale, mais bien sa part manquante qu’elle a dû refouler en dissociant – à tort et à raison scientifique – le social et le biologique. » Andras Zempleni, « La maladie et ses causes », in Causes, origines et agents de la maladie chez les peuples sans écriture, L’ Ethnographie, T. lxxxi, 1985, N˚ 96-97, pp. 13-44. « Notre rôle est aussi de « rai..

    Image treatment of synchrotron topographs

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    International audienceVarious techniques of images treatment such as Fourier filtering or maximum entropy wereused to enhance images of X-ray topography recorded with synchrotron radiation

    Savoirs médicaux et phytopharmacopées des Fulbé bandé et des Nyokholonké (Sénégal oriental) essai d'ethnomédecine Volume I

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    Comparative study of ethnomédecines and phytopharmacopées two populations of eastern Senegal occupying the same ecosystems.Flattening of semiotics and medical nosologies, identification of diagnostic and therapeutic remedies.Presentation of phytopharmacopées taking into account the levels of knowledge, scholarly and popular.Etude comparative des ethnomédecines et des phytopharmacopées de deux populations du Sénégal oriental occupant les mêmes écosystèmes.Mise à plat des sémiologues et des nosologies médicales, identification des recours diagnostiques et thérapeutiques disponibles.Présentation des phytopharmacopées en tenant compte des niveaux de savoirs, populaires et savants

    The Use of an Array Processor for the Simulation of X-ray Topographs

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    International audienceThe use of a varying-step algorithm now allows the simulation of traverse topographs and of sectiontopographs taking into account the real width of the incident beam. However, computation time remainsa critical factor in practical use. With an array processor it is possible to decrease the computation timesignificantly. It is shown that pictures of good quality may be obtained in a reasonable time using local facilities.The influence of various parameters on the accuracy of the simulations is discussed. It is demonstrated thatlocal machines can be more useful, in crystallography, than giant computers often difficult to reach throughthe network of communications

    Digital image ratio: a new radiographic method for quantifying changes in alveolar bone.Part II: Clinical application

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    International audienceAs reported in a previous paper (1) we have developed a new technique, Digital Image Ratio (DIR), which theoretically avoids some of the drawbacks of quantitative digital substraction radiography. DIR allows the direct computation and visualization of bone-mass-ratio changes. This second paper describes the use of DIR analysis to examine 20 sites in 8 patients undergoing regenerative periodontal therapy. Standardized reproducible radiographs of these 20 sites were taken before and 12 months after surgery. Ten experimental sites were treated with bone graft substitutes (natural coral or natural coral+collagen), and 10 control sites by debridement alone. None of the experimental sites had a density ratio below 1, where I indicates no change. The error was ±0.07 (0.93–1.07). The experimental sites showed an 18% mean increase in bone density (1.18), which increased to 23% (1.23) for sites filled with natural coral alone. All the control sites had values close to 1.00 (1.00±0.07) except for 3 sites, which showed a 9–15% loss of bone density. It is thus possible to compare and quantify the changes in experimental and control sites in the same patient using the percentage gain or loss of bone density. This demonstrates that DIR is suitable for clinical applications, and can be used in clinical analysis when bone changes are expected
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