33 research outputs found

    Calibrating the Na\"ive Cornell Model with NRQCD

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    Along the years, the Cornell Model has been extraordinarily successful in describing hadronic phenomenology, in particular in physical situations for which an effective theory of the strong interactions such as NRQCD cannot be applied. As a consequence of its achievements, a relevant question is whether its model parameters can somehow be related to fundamental constants of QCD. We shall give a first answer in this article by comparing the predictions of both approaches. Building on results from a previous study on heavy meson spectroscopy, we calibrate the Cornell model employing NRQCD predictions for the lowest-lying bottomonium states up to N3^3LO, in which the bottom mass is varied within a wide range. We find that the Cornell model mass parameter can be identified, within perturbative uncertainties, with the MSR mass at the scale R=1R = 1\,GeV. This identification holds for any value of αs\alpha_s or the bottom mass, and for all perturbative orders investigated. Furthermore, we show that: a) the "string tension" parameter is independent of the bottom mass, and b) the Coulomb strength κ\kappa of the Cornell model can be related to the QCD strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s at a characteristic non-relativistic scale. We also show how to remove the u=1/2u=1/2 renormalon of the static QCD potential and sum-up large logs related to the renormalon subtraction by switching to the low-scale, short-distance MSR mass, and using R-evolution. Our R-improved expression for the static potential remains independent of the heavy quark mass value and agrees with lattice QCD results for values of the radius as large as 0.80.8\,fm, and with the Cornell model potential at long distances. Finally we show that for moderate values of rr, the R-improved NRQCD and Cornell static potentials are in head-on agreement.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Molecular components in Ds0(2317)\mathbf{D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317)} and Ds1(2460)\mathbf{D_{s1}(2460)} mesons

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    Different experiments have confirmed that the Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317) and Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460) mesons are very narrow states located, respectively, below the DKDK and DKD^{\ast}K thresholds. This is markedly in contrast with the expectations of naive quark models and heavy quark symmetry. We address the mass shifts of the csˉc\bar{s} ground states with quantum numbers JP=0+J^{P}=0^{+} (Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317)) and JP=1+J^{P}=1^{+} (Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460)) using a nonrelativistic constituent quark model in which quark-antiquark and meson-meson degrees of freedom are incorporated. The quark model has been applied to a wide range of hadronic observables and thus the model parameters are completely constrained. We observe that the coupling of the 0+0^{+} (1+)(1^{+}) meson sector to the DKDK (DK)(D^{\ast}K) threshold is a key feature in lowering the masses of the corresponding Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317) and Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460) states predicted by the naive quark model, but also in describing the Ds1(2536)D_{s1}(2536) meson as the 1+1^{+} state of the jqP=3/2+j_{q}^{P}=3/2^{+} doublet predicted by heavy quark symmetry and thus reproducing its strong decay properties. Two features of our formalism cannot be address nowadays by other approaches: the coupling of the DD-wave DKD^{\ast}K threshold in the JP=1+J^{P}=1^{+} csˉc\bar{s} channel and the computation of the probabilities associated with different Fock components in the physical state.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON2016). June 2-7, 2016. Krakow, Polan

    Charmonium resonances in the 3.9 GeV/c2c^2 energy region and the X(3915)/X(3930)X(3915)/X(3930) puzzle

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    An interesting controversy has emerged challenging the widely accepted nature of the X(3915)X(3915) and the X(3930)X(3930) resonances, which had initially been assigned to the χc0(2P)\chi_{c0}(2P) and χc2(2P)\chi_{c2}(2P) ccˉc\bar c states, respectively. To unveil their inner structure, the properties of the JPC ⁣ ⁣= ⁣0++J^{PC}\!\!=\!0^{++} and JPC ⁣ ⁣= ⁣2++J^{PC}\!\!=\!2^{++} charmonium states in the energy region of these resonances are analyzed in the framework of a constituent quark model. Together with the bare qqˉq\bar q states, threshold effects due to the opening of nearby meson-meson channels are included in a coupled-channels scheme calculation. We find that the structure of both states is dominantly molecular with a probability of bare qqˉq\bar q states lower than 45%45\%. Our results favor the hypothesis that X(3915)X(3915) and X(3930)X(3930) resonances arise as different decay mechanisms of the same JPC ⁣ ⁣= ⁣2++J^{PC}\!\!=\!2^{++} state. Moreover we found an explanation for the recently discovered M=3860M=3860 MeV/c2/c^2 as a JPC ⁣ ⁣= ⁣0++J^{PC}\!\!=\!0^{++} 2P2P state and rediscovery the lost Y(3940)Y(3940) as an additional state in the JPC ⁣ ⁣= ⁣0++J^{PC}\!\!=\!0^{++} family.Comment: 6 pages, 3 table

    Molecular components in P-wave charmed-strange mesons

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    Results obtained by various experiments show that the Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317) and Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460) mesons are very narrow states located below the DKDK and DKD^{\ast}K thresholds, respectively. This is markedly in contrast with the expectations of naive quark models and heavy quark symmetry. Motivated by a recent lattice study which addresses the mass shifts of the csˉc\bar{s} ground states with quantum numbers JP=0+J^{P}=0^{+} (Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317)) and JP=1+J^{P}=1^{+} (Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460)) due to their coupling with SS-wave D()KD^{(\ast)}K thresholds, we perform a similar analysis within a nonrelativistic constituent quark model in which quark-antiquark and meson-meson degrees of freedom are incorporated. The quark model has been applied to a wide range of hadronic observables and thus the model parameters are completely constrained. The coupling between quark-antiquark and meson-meson Fock components is done using a 3P0^{3}P_{0} model in which its only free parameter γ\gamma has been elucidated performing a global fit to the decay widths of mesons that belong to different quark sectors, from light to heavy. We observe that the coupling of the 0+0^{+} (1+)(1^{+}) meson sector to the DKDK (DK)(D^{\ast}K) threshold is the key feature to simultaneously lower the masses of the corresponding Ds0(2317)D_{s0}^{\ast}(2317) and Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460) states predicted by the naive quark model and describe the Ds1(2536)D_{s1}(2536) meson as the 1+1^{+} state of the jqP=3/2+j_{q}^{P}=3/2^{+} doublet predicted by heavy quark symmetry, reproducing its strong decay properties. Our calculation allows to introduce the coupling with the DD-wave DKD^{\ast}K channel and the computation of the probabilities associated with the different Fock components of the physical state.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 7 table

    Strange hidden-charm PψsΛ(4459)P_{\psi s}^\Lambda(4459) and PψsΛ(4338)P_{\psi s}^\Lambda(4338) pentaquarks and additional PψsΛP_{\psi s}^\Lambda, PψsΣP_{\psi s}^\Sigma and PψssNP_{\psi ss}^N candidates in a quark model approach

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    Hidden-charm pentaquark-like PψsΛ(4459)0P_{\psi s}^\Lambda(4459)^0 and PψsΛ(4338)P_{\psi s}^\Lambda(4338) resonances are studied in a constituent quark model as molecular meson-baryon structures. Such states are found in the JP(I)=12(0)J^P(I)=\frac{1}{2}^-(0) channel with masses and widths compatible with the experimental measurements in a coupled-channels calculation with all the parameters constrained from previous studies. Other candidates are explored in the JP=12J^P=\frac{1}{2}^-, 32\frac{3}{2}^- and 52\frac{5}{2}^- channels, with isospins 00 (PψsΛP_{\psi s}^\Lambda) and 11 (PψsΣP_{\psi s}^\Sigma). Additionally, the formalism is extended to study the PψssNP_{\psi ss}^N pentaquark, where eight candidates are predicted as DˉsΞc\bar D_s \Xi_c molecules in I=12I=\frac{1}{2}, with JP=12J^P=\frac{1}{2}^-, 32\frac{3}{2}^- and 52\frac{5}{2}^-.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 8 table