9 research outputs found

    Management of hyponatremia associated with acute porphyria-proposal for the use of tolvaptan

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    Hyponatremia is a common feature during the neurovisceral acute attacks which characterize hepatic porphyrias, as well as a sign of its severity. Therapeutic options for first-line acute attacks are intravenous administration of glucose and/or exogenous heme. The former treatment can aggravate hyponatremia by dilution and cause seizures; thus, the correction of hyponatremia must be carried out with extreme caution. This review summarizes recommendations for the management of hyponatremia during acute episodes of porphyria. Hyponatremia should be corrected slowly and seizures treated with medications in order to not exacerbate motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is considered a frequent cause of hyponatremia in acute porphyrias and must be identified as a symptom of an acute porphyria attack. Tolvaptan produces aquaresis and is considered a safe drug in porphyria. However, its use has only been reported in isolated cases during a porphyria attack. The convenience and usefulness of this drug in acute porphyria are discussed

    Understanding carbohydrate metabolism and insulin resistance in acute intermittent porphyria

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    Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD) haploinsufficiency (acute intermittent porphyria, AIP) is characterized by neurovisceral attacks associated with high production, accumulation and urinary excretion of heme precursors, delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG). The estimated clinical penetrance for AIP is extremely low (<1%), therefore it is likely that other factors may play an important role in the predisposition to developing attacks. Fasting is a known triggering factor. Given the increased prevalence of insulin resistance in patients and the large urinary loss of succinyl-CoA to produce ALA and PBG, we explore the impact of reduced availability of energy metabolites in the severity of AIP pathophysiology. Classic studies found clinical improvement in patients affected by AIP associated with the administration of glucose and concomitant insulin secretion, or after hyperinsulinemia associated with diabetes. Molecular studies have confirmed that glucose and insulin administration induces a repressive effect on hepatic ALA Synthase, the first and regulatory step of the heme pathway. More recently, the insulin-mimicking alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to improve glucose metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction in a hepatocyte cell line transfected with interfering RNA targeting PBGD. In AIP mice, preventive treatment with an experimental fusion protein of insulin and apolipoprotein A-I improved the disease by promoting fat mobilization in adipose tissue, increasing the metabolite bioavailability for the TCA cycle and inducing mitochondrial biogenesis in the liver. In this review, we analyze the possible mechanisms underlying abnormal hepatocellular carbohydrate homeostasis in AIP

    Management of hyponatremia associated with acute porphyria-proposal for the use of tolvaptan

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    Hyponatremia is a common feature during the neurovisceral acute attacks which characterize hepatic porphyrias, as well as a sign of its severity. Therapeutic options for first-line acute attacks are intravenous administration of glucose and/or exogenous heme. The former treatment can aggravate hyponatremia by dilution and cause seizures; thus, the correction of hyponatremia must be carried out with extreme caution. This review summarizes recommendations for the management of hyponatremia during acute episodes of porphyria. Hyponatremia should be corrected slowly and seizures treated with medications in order to not exacerbate motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is considered a frequent cause of hyponatremia in acute porphyrias and must be identified as a symptom of an acute porphyria attack. Tolvaptan produces aquaresis and is considered a safe drug in porphyria. However, its use has only been reported in isolated cases during a porphyria attack. The convenience and usefulness of this drug in acute porphyria are discussed

    Renal failure affects the enzymatic activities of the three first steps in hepatic heme biosynthesis in the acute intermittent porphyria mouse

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    Chronic kidney disease is a long-term complication in acute intermittent porphyria (AIP). The pathophysiological significance of hepatic overproduction of the porphyrin precursors aminolevulinate acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG) in chronic kidney disease is unclear. We have investigated the effect of repetitive acute attacks on renal function and the effect of total or five-sixth nephrectomy causing renal insufficiency on hepatic heme synthesis in the porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD)-deficient (AIP) mouse. Phenobarbital challenge in the AIP-mice increased urinary porphyrin precursor excretion. Successive attacks throughout 14 weeks led to minor renal lesions with no impact on renal function. In the liver of wild type and AIP mice, 5/6 nephrectomy enhanced transcription of the first and rate-limiting ALA synthase. As a consequence, urinary PBG excretion increased in AIP mice. The PBG/ALA ratio increased from 1 in sham operated AIP animals to over 5 (males) and over 13 (females) in the 5/6 nephrectomized mice. Total nephrectomy caused a rapid decrease in PBGD activity without changes in enzyme protein level in the AIP mice but not in the wild type animals. In conclusion, high concentration of porphyrin precursors had little impact on renal function. However, progressive renal insufficiency aggravates porphyria attacks and increases the PBG/ALA ratio, which should be considered a warning sign for potentially life-threatening impairment in AIP patients with signs of renal failure

    Porphobilinogen deaminase over-expression in hepatocytes, but not in erythrocytes, prevents accumulation of toxic porphyrin precursors in a mouse model of acute intermittent porphyria

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    BACKGROUND &#38; AIMS: Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is characterized by hepatic porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD) deficiency resulting in a marked overproduction of presumably toxic porphyrin precursors. Our study aimed to assess the protective effects of bone marrow transplantation or PBGD gene transfer into the liver against phenotypic manifestations of acute porphyria attack induced in an AIP murine model. METHODS: Lethally irradiated AIP mice were intravenously injected with 5x10(6) nucleated bone marrow cells from wild type or AIP donor mice. To achieve liver gene transfer, AIP mice received via hydrodynamic injection plasmids expressing human PBGD or luciferase, driven by a liver-specific promoter. RESULTS: Erythrocyte PBGD activity increased 2.4-fold in AIP mice receiving bone marrow cells from normal animals. Nevertheless, phenobarbital administration in these mice reproduced key features of acute attacks, such as massively increased urinary porphyrin precursor excretion and decreased motor coordination. Hepatic PBGD activity increased 2.2-fold after hydrodynamic injection of therapeutic plasmid. Mice injected with the luciferase control plasmid showed a high excretion of porphyrin precursors after phenobarbital administration whereas just a small increase was observed in AIP mice injected with the PBGD plasmid. Furthermore, motor disturbance was almost completely abolished in AIP mice treated with the therapeutic plasmid. CONCLUSIONS: PBGD deficiency in erythroid tissue is not associated with phenotypic manifestations of acute porphyria. In contrast, PBGD over-expression in hepatocytes, albeit in a low proportion, reduced precursor accumulation, which is the hallmark of acute porphyric attacks. Liver-directed gene therapy might offer an alternative to liver transplantation applicable in patients with severe and recurrent manifestations

    Epidermal growth factor receptor ligands in murine models for erythropoietic protoporphyria: potential novel players in the progression of liver injury

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    Activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays an important role in liver regeneration and resistance to acute injury. However its chronic activation participates in the progression of liver disease, including fibrogenesis and malignant transformation. Hepatobiliary disease represents a constant feature in the clinically relevant Fechm1pas/Fechm1pas genetic model of erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Similarly, chronic administration of griseofulvin to mice induces pathological changes similar to those found in patients with EPP-associated liver injury. We investigated the hepatic expression of the EGFR and its seven most relevant ligands in Fechm1pas/Fechm1pas mice bred in three different backgrounds, and in griseofulvin-induced protoporphyria. We observed that the expression of amphiregulin, betacellulin and epiregulin was significantly increased in young EPP mice when compared to aged-matched controls in all genetic backgrounds. The expression of these ligands was also tested in older (11 months) BALB/cJ EPP mice, and it was found to remain induced, while that of the EGFR was downregulated. Griseofulvin feeding also increased the expression of amphiregulin, betacellulin and epiregulin. Interestingly, protoporphyrin accumulation in cultured hepatic AML-12 cells readily elicited the expression of these three EGFR ligands. Our findings suggest that protoporphyrin could directly induce the hepatic expression of EGFR ligands, and that their chronic upregulation might participate in the pathogenesis of EPP-associated liver disease

    Brain ventricular enlargement in human and murine acute intermittent porphyria

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    The morphological changes that occur in the central nervous system of patients with severe acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) have not yet been clearly established. The aim of this work was to analyze brain involvement in patients with severe AIP without epileptic seizures or clinical posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, as well as in a mouse model receiving or not liver-directed gene therapy aimed at correcting the metabolic disorder. We conducted neuroradiologic studies in 8 severely affected patients (6 women) and 16 gender- and age-matched controls. Seven patients showed significant enlargement of the cerebral ventricles and decreased brain perfusion was observed during the acute attack in two patients in whom perfusion imaging data were acquired. AIP mice exhibited reduced cerebral blood flow and developed chronic dilatation of the cerebral ventricles even in the presence of slightly increased porphyrin precursors. While repeated phenobarbital-induced attacks exacerbated ventricular dilation in AIP mice, correction of the metabolic defect using liver-directed gene therapy restored brain perfusion and afforded protection against ventricular enlargement. Histological studies revealed no signs of neuronal loss but a denser neurofilament pattern in the periventricular areas, suggesting compression probably caused by imbalance in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. In conclusion, severely affected AIP patients exhibit cerebral ventricular enlargement. Liver-directed gene therapy protected against the morphological consequences of the disease seen in the brain of AIP mice