222 research outputs found

    Changing the paradigm: endoscopic video analysis and information extraction for safer surgeries

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    Background: Minimally invasive surgery creates two technological opportunities: (1) the development of better training and objective evaluation environments, and (2) the creation of image guided surgical systems

    Segmentación automática de aneurismas aórticos abdominales a partir de imágenes de resonancia magnética basada en modelos activos de forma y modelos de textura

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    Se presenta un algoritmo semiautomático de segmentación de aneurismas aórticos abdominales (AAA) basado en modelos activos de forma (ASM) y modelos de textura. La información de textura viene dada por un conjunto de cuatro imágenes 3D de resonancia magnética (RM) compuestas por cortes axiales de la zona abdominal. En estas imágenes son visibles la luz aórtica, la pared aórtica y el trombo intraluminal (ILT). Dado el tamaño limitado del conjunto de imágenes de RM, se han implementado un ASM que capture las características específicas del conjunto de entrenamiento compuesto por 35 imágenes de tomografía axial computarizada (CTA), de modo que la variación de forma pueda ser adecuadamente caracterizada. La textura se caracteriza a partir de las imágenes de RM. Para la evaluación del algoritmo se ha llevado a cabo una validación cruzada dejando uno fuera sobre el conjunto de imágenes de RM

    TELMA: technology enhanced learning environment for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    One of the most important revolutions in the past few decades in clinical practice has been motivated by the introduction of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) techniques, which have spread amongst almost all surgical specialities. MIS training is a principal component of the education of new surgical residents, with an increasing demand for knowledge and skills for medical students and surgeons. Technology enhanced learning (TEL) solutions can deal with the growing need for MIS learning. This research work aims to develop a MIS learning environment based on web technologies, named TELMA, which will respond to the growing amount of information and multimedia surgical contents available (mainly intervention’s video recording libraries), in compliance with specific learning needs of surgical students and professionals, enhancing their competence on MIS cognitive skills. Furthermore, TELMA will support knowledge capturing, sharing and reuse, and effective management of didactic contents through personalised and collaborative services

    Utilidad del vídeo quirúrgico en las cirugías de mínima invasión

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    El vídeo quirúrgico es la principal fuente de información intraoperatoria para el seguimiento de la intervención quirúrgica. Actualmente, su uso como medio de análisis no se halla implantado. Este trabajo presenta su utilidad con casos de uso reales que explotan la información presente en los vídeos a través del procesamiento de los vídeos. Los algoritmos desarrollados permiten la segmentación y seguimiento de los elementos de la escena, la reconstrucción y la localización espacial de los trócares. Se presenta a modo de ejemplos un entorno de formación y un sistema de navegación quirúrgica que explotan la información presente en los vídeos captados por el endoscopio

    Minimally invasive surgical video analysis: a powerful tool for surgical training and navigation

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    Analysis of minimally invasive surgical videos is a powerful tool to drive new solutions for achieving reproducible training programs, objective and transparent assessment systems and navigation tools to assist surgeons and improve patient safety. This paper presents how video analysis contributes to the development of new cognitive and motor training and assessment programs as well as new paradigms for image-guided surgery

    Automatic segmentation of abdominal aortic aneurysm from medical images based on active shape models and texture models

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    A semi-automatic segmentation algorithm for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), and based on Active Shape Models (ASM) and texture models, is presented in this work. The texture information is provided by a set of four 3D magnetic resonance (MR) images, composed of axial slices of the abdomen, where lumen, wall and intraluminal thrombus (ILT) are visible. Due to the reduced number of images in the MRI training set, an ASM and a custom texture model based on border intensity statistics are constructed. For the same reason the shape is characterized from 35-computed tomography angiography (CTA) images set so the shape variations are better represented. For the evaluation, leave-one-out experiments have been held over the four MRI set

    Minimally invasive surgical video analysis: a powerful tool for surgical training and navigation

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    Analysis of minimally invasive surgical videos is a powerful tool to drive new solutions for achieving reproducible training programs, objective and transparent assessment systems and navigation tools to assist surgeons and improve patient safety. This paper presents how video analysis contributes to the development of new cognitive and motor training and assessment programs as well as new paradigms for image-guided surgery

    Laparoscopic image analysis for automatic tracking of surgical tools

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    Laparoscopy is a surgical technique nowadays embedded in the clinical routine. Recent researches have been focused on analysing video information captured by the endoscope for extracting cues useful for surgeons, such as depth information. In particular, the 3D pose estimation of the surgical tools presents three important added values: (1) to extract objective parameters for the surgical training stage, (2) to develop an image-guided surgery based on the knowledge of the surgery tools localization, (3) to design new roboticsystems for an automatic laparoscope positioning, according to the visual feedback. Tool’s shape and orientation in the image is the key to get its 3D position. This work presents an image analysis for automatic laparoscopic tool’s detection along the recorded video without extra tool markers, using an edges detection strategy. Also, this analysis includes a previous stage of barrel distortion correction for videoendoscopic image

    A new geometrical method for 3D evaluation of non-rigid registration methods for radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy aims at delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour, while sparing the surrounding normal tissue to a maximum extent. Image registration is an essential tool for monitoring radiation therapies, since allows morphological comparisons in presence of anatomic variations. The evaluation of non-rigid registration methods is very complicated owe to the absence of a known pointwise correspondence. The use of analysis of variations in target volume delineations has been proposed in the past for the evaluation of non-rigid registration methods. Delineation of the target volume is usually accomplished by outlining the contour of the volume in each separate tomographic slice. In the studies of reference, the 3D surface is rendered from the contours by means of a Delauney triangulation. This geometrical method only works correctly for convex structures. However the volumes involved on pelvic anatomy, such as bladder or prostate including the seminal vesicles, have relevant concavities that introduce a huge error in the evaluation. A new geometrical method for the evaluation of convex-concave target volumes delineation is proposed

    Design and technical evaluation of an enhanced location-awareness service enabler for spatial disorientation management of elderly with mild cognitive impairment

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    The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to “context-awareness” paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences