5 research outputs found

    Comparaci\uf3n cl\uednica de la eficacia de oxacilina y cefazolina s\uf3dica versus sulfadiazina de plata en el tratamiento de absceso de herida quir\ufargica post ces\ue1rea. Hospital Central Universitario "Dr. Antonio Mar\ueda Pineda". Enero-Junio 2004.

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    El uso de antibi\uf3ticos en la pr\ue1ctica cl\uednica sigue siendo un tema controversial. Las infecciones nosocomiales constituyen un grave problema de salud p\ufablica. La ces\ue1rea segmentaria est\ue1 cada vez m\ue1s indicada como v\ueda de evacuaci\uf3n uterina; lo que incrementa el riesgo de todo procedimiento quir\ufargico en especial el de infecci\uf3n de la herida operatoria. OBJETIVO: Comparar cl\uednicamente la eficacia de la oxacilina (OXA) y cefazolina s\uf3dica (CEF) intravenosa versus sulfadiazina de plata al 1% (SUL) t\uf3pica en el tratamiento de abscesos de herida quir\ufargica post ces\ue1rea en pacientes en per\uedodo puerperal que ingresen al Hospital Central Universitario "Dr. Antonio Mar\ueda Pineda" (HCUAMP) en el per\uedodo Enero-Junio del 2004. MATERIALES Y M\uc9TODOS: 45 pacientes en puerperio quir\ufargico posterior a ces\ue1rea segmentaria con diagn\uf3stico cl\uednico de absceso de pared abdominal que cumplieron criterios de inclusi\uf3n fueron evaluadas en este estudio experimental terap\ue9utico. Se incluyeron al azar en 3 grupos de tratamiento; 2 intravenosas: OXA Y CEF y otro t\uf3pico: SUL. Evoluci\uf3n cl\uednica y paracl\uednicos fueron realizados al inicio y al final del tratamiento y evaluados estad\uedsticamente a trav\ue9s de promedios, desviaciones est\ue1ndar, t de student y Chi2 seg\ufan fuese el caso. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Las edades de las pacientes estuvieron comprendidas entre los 15 y los 39 a\uf1os de edad, con estudios secundarios (alrededor del 70%). El h\ue1bitat predominante fue el perif\ue9rico cerca del 50%, seguidas del medio rural (alrededor del 30%) y urbano, respectivamente. Las indicaciones para la evacuaci\uf3n v\ueda ces\ue1rea fueron muy variadas, siendo el embarazo a t\ue9rmino en trabajo de parto los m\ue1s frecuentes (alrededor del 90%), y en menos porcentaje el BFC, distocia de descenso, desproporci\uf3n feto-p\ue9lvica y estrechez p\ue9lvica. Hubo disminuci\uf3n de la temperatura corporal oral y pulso al inicio y al final del tratamiento con OXA, CEF Y SUL estad\uedsticamente significativas (p=3D 0.0001); igualmente ocurri\uf3 con los valores del contaje blanco (p< 0.01). La evoluci\uf3n local de la lesi\uf3n en par\ue1metros cl\uednicos (dolor, rubor, edema, induraci\uf3n, absceso) fue satisfactoria en todos los grupos de tratamiento (p =3D 0.0001). El promedio de estancia hospitalaria fue de 07 dias. OXA y CEF intravenosas son tan efectivas como SUL t\uf3pica para el tratamiento de los abscesos de pared post ces\ue1rea

    In Vitro and In Vivo Activities of Gatifloxacin against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Gatifloxacin (GAT) and moxifloxacin (MXF) were evaluated in vitro to determine their activities against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. GAT was subsequently compared in a dose range study to isoniazid (INH) in a murine tuberculosis model. GAT was somewhat less active than INH. GAT and MXF were evaluated in mice infected with M. tuberculosis and were found to have similar activities. GAT was studied alone and in combination with ethambutol, ethionamide (ETA), and pyrazinamide (PZA) and compared to INH and rifampin (RIF). GAT appears to have sufficient activity alone and in combination with ETA with or without PZA to merit evaluation for treatment of tuberculosis

    Low-cost HPV testing and the prevalence of cervical infection in asymptomatic populations in Guatemala

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    Abstract Background A low cost and accurate method for detecting high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) is important to permit HPV testing for cervical cancer prevention. We used a commercially available HPV method (H13, Hybribio) which was documented to function accurately in a reduced volume of cervical specimen to determine the most prevalent HPV types and the distribution of HPV infections in over 1795 cancer-free women in Guatemala undergoing primary screening for cervical cancer by cytology. Methods HR-HPV detection was attempted in cervical samples from 1795 cancer-free women receiving Pap smears using the Hybribio™ real-time PCR assay of 13 HR types. The test includes a globin gene internal control. HPV positive samples were sequenced to determine viral type. Age-specific prevalence of HPV was also assessed in the study population. Results A total of 13% (226/1717) of women tested HPV+, with 78 samples (4.3%) failing to amplify the internal control. The highest prevalence was found in younger women (< 30 years, 22%) and older ones (≥60 years, 15%). The six most common HR-HPV types among the 148 HPV+ typed were HPV16 (22%), HPV18 (11%), HPV39 (11%), HPV58 (10%), HPV52 (8%), and HPV45 (8%). Conclusions In this sample of cancer free women in Guatemala, HPV16 was the most prevalent HR type in Guatemala and the age-specific prevalence curve peaked in younger ages. Women in the 30-59-year age groups had a prevalence of HR-HPV of 8%, however, larger studies to better describe the epidemiology of HPV in Guatemala are needed

    Additional file 1: of Low-cost HPV testing and the prevalence of cervical infection in asymptomatic populations in Guatemala

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    Figure S1. Amplification of HPV positive and negative cell line genomic DNA by Touchdown PCR using BS GP5+/6+ primers. A dilution series of an HPV positive cell line (HeLa), HPV negative (HEK293) and HPV-status unknown cell lines were amplified by touchdown PCR with both HPV primer sets and a globin primer pair, and run on 1.5% agarose gels. Figure S2. Touchdown PCR from swab cell lysate, (A): Lane 1.- Lane 4 HPV positive control with input DNA 1 ng, 0.1 ng, 0.01 ng and 0.001 ng; Lane 5. HPV negative control (cell line); Lane 6. no template control. Lane 7 to Lane 16 indicate unknown swab samples. M indicate the DNA ladder marker. Touchdown PCR from HPV positive swabs by Hybribio Assay (B): Lane 1. – Lane 18 are swab cell lysate; Lane 19. HPV positive control (cell line); Lane 20. HPV negative control (cell line); Lane 21. no template control. The samples were amplified with the BSGP5+/6+ primers. (DOCX 2548 kb