21 research outputs found

    New Insight into Immunity and Immunopathology of Rickettsial Diseases

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    Human rickettsial diseases comprise a variety of clinical entities caused by microorganisms belonging to the genera Rickettsia, Orientia, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma. These microorganisms are characterized by a strictly intracellular location which has, for long, impaired their detailed study. In this paper, the critical steps taken by these microorganisms to play their pathogenic roles are discussed in detail on the basis of recent advances in our understanding of molecular Rickettsia-host interactions, preferential target cells, virulence mechanisms, three-dimensional structures of bacteria effector proteins, upstream signalling pathways and signal transduction systems, and modulation of gene expression. The roles of innate and adaptive immune responses are discussed, and potential new targets for therapies to block host-pathogen interactions and pathogen virulence mechanisms are considered

    Systemic inflammatory response in erderly patients following hernioplastical operation

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    The number of old and oldest old patients undergoing surgery of varying severity is increasing. Ageing is a process that changes the performances of most physiological systems and increases susceptibility to diseases and death; accordingly, host responses to surgical stress are altered with ageing and the occurrence of age-related increase in susceptibility to post-operative complications has been claimed. Twenty-four male patients undergoing Lichtenstein (LH) hernioplasty for unilateral inguinal hernia were included in this study and divided in two groups (Young and Old respectively), according to their age. As expression of the acute phase response, we measured changes in concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines Tumor necrosis factor-α and Interleukin-1β, leukocytes, acute phase proteins C-reactive protein and α 1-antitrypsin. Elderly humans showed prolonged and strong inflammatory activity compared to younger subjects in response to surgical stress, indicating that the acute-phase response to surgical stress of elderly humans varies from that of the young, showing initial hyperactivity and a delayed termination of the response. Thus, the acute phase response to surgical stress is higher in old subjects, but the clinical significance of this remains unclear. It is not known whether a causal relationship exists between this stronger acute phase response and the increases in susceptibility to post-operative complications observed in aged patients

    A mild form of Familial Mediterranean Fever associated with a polymorphisms C.NT 1588,-69G>

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive autoinflammatory disease caused by mutation(s) in the Mediterranean fever (MEFV, pyrinmarenostrin) gene [1,2]. FMF is characterized by recurrent fever crises combined with serosal, synovial, or cutaneous inflammation and, in some individuals, by the eventual development, in the long-term, of systemic amyloidosis [3,4]. FMF mainly affects peoples living along eastern Mediterranean Sea (Turks, Sephardic Jews, Armenians) and it is not a rare disease in other Mediterranean areas such as Greeks, Italians and Iranians [4,6]. Until now, more than 304 sequence variants have been recorded [6]. In Italy M694V, V726A, M680I, M694I and E148Q are the most frequent FMF-associated mutations [7]. Here, we describe a recent case of mild FMF, characterized by all the clinical manifestations indicative of FMF described in the literature, according to Tei-Hashomer criteria [4] and by the analysis of MEFV gene, characterized by polymorphism c1588-69G>A. This is in agreement with previous our observations in a wider sample collected in the years. We are training to define the relations among gene mutations and clinical forms of FMF

    The complex alteration in the network of IL-17-type cytokines in patients with hereditary angioedema

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare autosomic-dominant disorder characterized by a deficiency of C1 esterase inhibitor which causes episodic swellings of subcutaneous tissues, bowel walls and upper airways that are disabling and potentially life-threatening. We evaluated n = 17 patients with confirmed HAE diagnosis during attack and remission state and n = 19 healthy subjects. The samples were tested for a panel of IL (Interleukin)-17-type cytokines (IL-1\u3b2, IL-6, IL-10, granulocyte\u2013macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-17, IL-21, IL-22, IL-23) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-\u3b2) subtypes. Data indicate that there are variations of cytokine levels in HAE subjects comparing the condition during the crisis respect to the value in the remission phase, in particular type 17 signature cytokines are increased, whereas IL-23 is unmodified and TGF-\u3b23 is significantly reduced. When comparing healthy and HAE subjects in the remission state, we found a significant difference for IL-17, GM-CSF, IL-21, TGF-\u3b21 and TGF-\u3b22 cytokines. These results confirm and extend our previous findings indicating that in HAE there is operating an inflammatory activation process, which involves also T helper 17 (Th17) cytokines and TGF-\u3b2 isoforms, associated with localized angioedema attacks and characterized by elevated bradykinin levels

    Production of cytokines at the operation site

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    Background and aim: Cytokines are part of a family of molecules involved in the initiation, control and termination of the events that occurs in wound healing process. Aim of this study was to evaluate the production of some cytokines [interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10, IL-1a, IL-1ra, interferon (IFN)-g] in the drainage wound fluid from patients undergoing incisional hernia repair. Methods: Ten female patients with abdominal midline incisional hernia undergoing to surgical repair were included in this study. In all cases a closed suction drain was placed in the wound below the fascia and it was removed on the 4 th postoperative day. Wound fluid was collected on the 1st , 2 nd, 3rd and 4th day and its amount in each time was recorded. The production of IL-6, IL-10, IL-1a, IL-1ra and IFN-g were evaluated as quantity produced in 24 hour. Results: In all patients the amount of drain fluid from surgical wound was highest on the 1st day after surgery, afterwards there is a significant reduction. The production of all cytokines evaluated was highest on the 1st day decreasing on the 2nd day except for IL-1a that not show any modification. The produciton of IL-1ra, IL-6, IL-1a and IL-10 was significantly reduced on the 3rd and 4th postoperative day in comparison with the respectively values recorded on the 1st day, whereas IFN-g levels were similar. Conclusions: The dosage of cytokines in the drain fluid led us to better evaluated the events that follow surgical wound and their analysis offers further information in the role of cytokines in healing process, with the goal to get supportive treatments to promote the best evolution

    Growth factors and IL-17 in hereditary angioedema

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder, due to C1-inhibitor deficiency, which causes episodic swellings of subcutaneous tissues, bowel walls and upper airways which are disabling and potentially life-threatening. We evaluated n = 17 patients with confirmed HAE diagnosis in basal and crisis state and n = 19 healthy subjects. The samples were tested for IL-17, FGFb, G-CSF and GM-CSF, using Bio-plex kit. Data analysis was performed via nonparametric Spearman’s correlations and two sets of linear mixed models. When comparing HAE subjects during basal and crisis states, we found out significantly (i.e., p value <0.05) higher values in crisis states rather than in basal states for the three growth factors and cytokine IL-17. When comparing healthy subjects versus HAE patients at basal state, we found out significantly higher values in HAE subjects only for GM-CSF, FGFb and IL-17, but not for G-CSF. In HAE patients, there is a connection between IL-17 and growth factors. The low-grade inflammation in absence of attacks is demonstrated by constant higher amount of IL-17, FGFb and GM-CSF with respect to healthy patients. This could indicate that in this disease there is a level of activation that maintains the system in a “tick-over state,” that can be activate by several stimuli that are able to induce a increase in inflammatory mediators during the acute attack