29 research outputs found

    How many cyberbullying(s)? A non-unitary perspective for offensive online behaviours

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    Research has usually considered cyberbullying as a unitary phenomenon. Thus, it has been neglected to explore whether the specific online aggressive behaviours relate differentially to demographic features of the perpetrators of online aggressive actions, their personality characteristics, or to the ways in which they interact with the Internet. To bridge this gap, a study was conducted through a questionnaire administered online to 1228 Italian high-school students (Female: 61.1%; 14-15 yo: 48.%; 16-17 yo: 29.1%; 18-20 yo: 20.4%, 21-25 yo: 1.6%; Northern Italy: 4.1%; Central Italy: 59.2%; Southern Italy: 36.4%). The questionnaire, in addition to items about the use of social media, mechanisms of Moral Disengagement and personality characteristics of the participants in the study, also included a scale for the measurement of cyberbullying through the reference to six aggressive behaviours. The results indicate that cyberbullying can be considered as a non-unitary phenomenon in which the different aggressive behaviours can be related to different individual characteristics such as gender, personality traits and the different ways of interacting with social media. Moreover, the existence of two components of cyberbullying has been highlighted, one related to virtual offensive actions directly aimed at a victim, the other to indirect actions, more likely conducted involving bystanders. These findings open important perspectives for understanding, preventing, and mitigating cyberbullying among adolescents

    Perception of Faces and Elaboration of Gender and Victim/Aggressor Stereotypes: The Influence of Internet Use and of the Perceiver’s Personality

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    The use of social media, particularly among youngsters, is characterized by simple and fast image exploration, mostly of people, particularly faces. The study presented here was conducted in order to investigate stereotypical judgments about men and women concerning past events of aggression—perpetrated or suffered—expressed on the basis of their faces, and gender-related differences in the judgments. To this aim, 185 participants answered a structured questionnaire online. The questionnaire contained 30 photos of young people’s faces, 15 men and 15 women (Ma et al., 2015), selected on the basis of the neutrality of their expression, and participants were asked to rate each face with respect to masculinity/femininity, strength/weakness, and having a past of aggression, as a victim or as a perpetrator. Information about the empathic abilities and personality traits of participants were also collected. The results indicate that the stereotypes—both of gender and those of victims and perpetrators—emerge as a consequence of the visual exploration of faces that present no facial emotion. Some characteristics of the personality of the observers, such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and affective empathy, have a role in facilitating or hindering stereotype processing, in different ways for male and female faces by male and female observers. In particular, both genders attribute their positive stereotypical attributes to same-gender faces: men see male faces as stronger, masculine, and more aggressive than women do, and women see female faces as more feminine, less weak, and less as victims than men do. Intensive use of social media emerges as a factor that could facilitate the expression of some stereotypes of violent experiences and considering female subjects as more aggressive. Findings in this study can contribute to research on aggressive behavior on the Internet and improve our understanding of the multiple factors involved in the elaboration of gender stereotypes relative to violent or victim behavior

    measles mumps and rubella vaccination and autism misperception miscommunication vs scientific evidence results of a blinded anonymous italian survey

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    Herd immunity towards measles, one of the 20 most lethal diseases in human history, has been recently challenged on a global scale. Despite a missing causal relationship, vaccine fear has triggered a global anti vaccine movement. We investigated i) the extent of the vaccination-autism false belief in a selected Italian population from two geographical areas with and without an ongoing epidemics for a potentially vaccination-preventable infectious disease (Neisseria meningitidis, groups C and B); ii) the corresponding information source; and iii) the belief in a possible global conspiracy. Four different population sub-categories (I-general population; II-parents of autistic children; III-paramedics; IV-physicians, biologists and pharmacists; n=424) were administered anonymous questionnaires. A total of 30.1% of the general population and the 54.5% of autism parents participants believed in a vaccine-autism relationship (P<0.0001). The web was the major information source for the general population (35.3%). A total of 41.6% of the general population believes in a cover up of potential conflicts of interests by the Institutions. The belief in the autism-vaccination link was also positively related to the parenthood of an autistic child (OR:5.78, 95%CI: 2.36 to 14.12). We conclude that, against scientific evidence, information source and emotional involvement are major influencers of the misperception in the vaccine-autism paradigm, potentially fuelling the resurgence of vaccinepreventable diseases with major public health consequences

    Human beings and robots: are there any differences in the attribution of punishments for the same crimes?

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    As collaborative robots and artificial intelligence (AI) systems are being deployed in ever-increasing contexts, we are more and more called upon to make judgements on their moral behaviour. Understanding the factors, affecting our ethical judgements involving these types of agents, would thus seem of the uttermost importance to allow for safer and well-regulated interactions between humans and machines. So far, however, this topic has been rarely investigated. We compared the perception of the seriousness of an action committed by either a person or a robot, causing harm to either some persons or some robots, and the attribution of the appropriated punishment for that action. The results showed a significant effect of the type of victim: the action was considered more a serious offence, and deemed worthy of more severe punishment, if the victims were humans than if they were robots. A significant agent-by-victim interaction was also found in the punishment judgements: for human victims, a human agent was punished more severely than a robot, while for robot victims, a robot agent was attributed a more severe punishment than a human one. The results are discussed in the light of the theories linking moral judgements to mind perception

    The AVANTI Project: Prototyping and evaluation with a Cognitive Walkthrough based on the Norman&apos;s model of action

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    In this paper, we present a contribution to the way in which two design issues encountered by the AVANTI project in designing a Web service supporting the mobility of disabled people can be faced. The design issues are: the problems deriving from distribution of the teams collaborating to the project in several cities (sometimes different European countries); and the need to face high-level interaction problems in the evaluation process. One important action taken to face these issues was the development of a variation of the Cognitive Walkthrough based on the Norman&apos;s model of action