224 research outputs found

    A cognitive approach to event structures in Middle Mongolian based on the corpus "The secret history of the Mongols"

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    This dissertation entitled “A Cognitive Approach to Event Structures in Middle Mongolian Based on the corpus ‘The Secret History of the Mongols’” considers itself an empirical study. It deals with the question of how the underlying language knowledge, which manifests in the language usage of the one or more (here: anonymous) authors, can be derived from a historically transmitted text corpus such as the “Secret History Mongols”. It intends to analyze methodically the totality of verbal relevant phenomena in Middle Mongolian as they appear in the text corpus with 29,396 lexemes from a cognitive-typological point of view. The aim was also to provide a basic typology of verb formation by systematically examining the data for patterns of usage (usage-based) in terms of their frequency as well as the associated markedness because this provides evidence for the degree of language usage. It can be assumed that no linguistic element is independent in its meaning from its textual environment which is especially evident in the phrase units, thus each linguistic element has a meaning/function that is relevant to a larger embedding construction. The structure of a text can be compared to the structure of an “onion” in which all layers are related with each other as part of a whole, with each layer expressing a linguistic sign. In this process, patterns are revealed in all layers, which in turn are analyzed for their semanticity

    Some properties of testicular hyaluronidases

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    The properties (pHopt, Topt, Km, temperature, acid and base stability of the enzyme activity) of hyaluronidase prepared from testes of bovine, horse, pig and antelope were determined.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v12i0.169 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.12 2011: 38-4

    Postprandial Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is associated with increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD). Recent prospective studies in healthy individuals suggest that the postprandial triglyceride (TG) level is a better independent predictor for assessing future CVD events than fasting TG levels. In contrast, results have been more controversial among diabetic patients, as some studies report a positive association between postprandial TG and CVD. This raises the issue of to what extent postprandial TG levels may be of predictive value in the diabetic population. One possibility impacting on the predictive power of postprandial TG in identifying CVD risk may be the presence of other risk factors, including alterations in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, which could make it more difficult to identify the impact of postprandial lipemia on cardiovascular risk. The findings provide a challenge to develop a better approach to assess the impact of postprandial lipemia on CVD risk under diabetic conditions

    The genus Camelina (Cruciferae) in Mongolia and China reviewed on the basis of herbarium materials from the Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the ASM (UBA) and the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)

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    Herbarium collections of the genus Camelina preserved at the Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia (UBA) and the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE) were studied. The collections of these Herbaria contain materials of 3 species from Mongolia (C. caucasica (Sinsk.) Vass., C. sativa (L.) Crantz, C. sylvestris Wallr.) and 4 from China (C. sativa, C. linicola Schimp. et Spenn., C. microcarpa Andrz., C. sylvestris)

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Pyrethrum pulchrum Ledeb.

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    The chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from the aerial parts of Pyrethrum pulchrum Ledeb. were investigated. Dried plant material was hydro-distillated yielding 0.1% of essential oil. The oil was analyzed by GC-MS techniques. Fifty-five compounds were identified representing 99.7% of the total oil composition. Camphor was the predominant compound (33.9%) followed by linalool (21.1%) and Îą-pinene (9.0%). The antimicrobial activity of the oil was determined using the disk diffusion method against Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis), Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli), Mycobacterium vaccae and fungi (Candida albicans, Sporidiobolus salmonicolor and Penicillum notatum). The essential oil of P. pulchrum displays an intermediate activity against selected bacteria

    Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene sequence of Mongolian wild boars

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    Specimens of Mongolian wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Arkhangai, Dornod, Zavkhan, Orkhon, Ovorkhangai, Selenge, Tuv, Khovd, Khuvsgul and Uvs aimags (provinces) were subjected to DNA sequencing. Determined sequences from 18 specimens were registered into the GenBank and accession numbers were obtained. In this study mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences of Mongolian wild boars were analyzed with 36 complete sequences of 12S rRNA gene of wild boar (Sus scrofa) available at NCBI GenBank. Sequence alignment, detection of parsimonious informative sites, model selection, calculation of nucleotide distances and tree construction with 1000 bootstrapped replications were conducted using MEGA 6. Maximum likelihood trees were constructed by the HKY model. A maximum likelihood tree with 53 complete sequences of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene of Sus scrofa was constructed. Mongolian sequences from the same and adjacent locations were clustered together. European sequences were clustered together, additionally two sequences from south western China and two sequences from south eastern China were also clustered. Additionally, 12S rRNA gene sequences of Mongolian Sus scrofa, located between Asian and European sequences suggesting geographical location of Mongolia, played an important role in the gene flow between Asian and European wild boar population

    High molecular weight humic-like substances in carboneous aerosol of Ulaanbaatar city

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    Total carbon content of the atmospheric suspended particulate matters consisted of as high as 89-93% organic carbon (OC) in Ulaanbaatar aerosol without showing seasonal variation. However, limited aerosol measurements have been conducted on these OC rich aerosols particularly for high molecular weight constituents. In order to address the gap above, abundance of high molecular weight humic-like substances (HULIS) in total suspended particulates (TSP) from Ulaanbaatar atmospheric aerosol were determined for the first time. HULIS molecular structure was characterised for different seasons using carbon content and UV absorbance measurements coupled with solid phase extraction methods. Although, HULIS contributions to water soluble organic fraction of the winter and summer aerosols were similar HULIS carbon concentration was higher in winter samples (9-37 mg¡L-1) than in summer (2-6 mg¡L-1). Consequently quantity of aromatic moieties and degree of aromaticity varied between seasons
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