1,736 research outputs found

    Leveraging Equity and Excellence for English Learners: An Annotated Bibliography

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    Leveraging Equity and Excellence for English Learners: An Annotated Bibliography is comprised of 100 annotations from both recent and seminal literature (released between 1994–2018) that have significant implications for policy and practice for English learner (EL) schooling and academic achievement. The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to serve as a resource for educators and advocates who are working for equity and justice for ELs. The Center for Equity for English Learners conducted a review of empirical and theoretical articles from peer-reviewed journals, as well as books, book chapters, and reports from leading scholars in the field. This annotated bibliography is not meant to be an exhaustive list of research in the field and is intended to capture a wide breadth of topics. The annotations are organized into the following15 topics: academic achievement and assessment, biliteracy and bilingualism, course access, designated English language development (DELD), early childhood education and dual language learners, English language and literacy, identification and classification, integrated English language development (IELD), leadership, policy, program models, school-family-community engagement, students with disabilities, and teacher preparation & professional development. Each annotation includes: (1) the source description (e.g., book, journal article, report), (2) type of source (e.g., empirical, guidance, theoretical), and (3) keywords that provide additional information for readers.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/ceel_annotatedbibliographies/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Ensuring Equity and Excellence for English Learners: An Annotated Bibliography for Research, Policy, and Practice

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    Ensuring Equity and Excellence for English Learners: An Annotated Bibliography for Research, Policy, and Practice is comprised of over 350 annotations from both recent and seminal literature (released between 1984–2021) that have significant implications for research, policy, and practice for English learner (EL) linguistic, social, and academic achievement. This annotated bibliography serves as a resource for researchers, policymakers, educators, and advocates who are working for equity and excellence for ELs. The authors provide a comprehensive selection of works focused on theory, research, and practice. The annotations are a result of purposeful searches of 23 topics in empirical and theoretical articles from peer-reviewed journals, books, book chapters, and reports from leading scholars in the field. Among the topics addressed relevant to EL education are broad areas such as: bilingual teacher preparation, teaching and professional development, university and district partnerships, digital learning for ELs, social emotional development, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and English Language Development (ELD) for elementary and secondary level students. The Integrated ELD (content instruction) topic is subcategorized according to specific disciplines including: English language arts, history, mathematics, science, visual & performing arts, and STEM. In order to provide additional information for readers, each annotation includes: (1) the source description (e.g., book, journal article, report), (2) type of source (e.g., empirical, guidance, theoretical), and (3) keywords.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/ceel_annotatedbibliographies/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) Model: Final Report of Findings from a Four-Year Study

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    The Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) Model Research and Evaluation Final Report is comprised of three sets of studies that took place between 2015 and 2019 to examine the effectiveness of the SEAL Model in 67 schools within 12 districts across the state of California. Over a decade ago, the Sobrato Family Foundation responded to the enduring opportunity gaps and low academic outcomes for the state’s 1.2 million English Learners by investing in the design of the SEAL Model. The SEAL PreK–Grade 3 Model was created as a whole-school initiative to develop students’ language, literacy, and academic skills. The pilot study revealed promising findings, and the large-scale implementation of SEAL was launched in 2013. This report addresses a set of research questions and corresponding studies focused on: 1) the perceptions of school and district-level leaders regarding district and school site implementation of the SEAL Model, 2) teachers’ development and practices, and 3) student outcomes. The report is organized in five sections, within which are twelve research briefs that address the three areas of study. Technical appendices are included in each major section. A developmental evaluation process with mixed methods research design was used to answer the research questions. Key findings indicate that the implementation of the SEAL Model has taken root in many schools and districts where there is evidence of systemic efforts or instructional improvement for the English Learners they serve. In regards to teachers’ development and practices, there were statistically significant increases in the use of research-based practices for English Learners. Teachers indicated a greater sense of efficacy in addressing the needs of this population and believe the model has had a positive impact on their knowledge and skills to support the language and literacy development of PreK- Grade 3 English Learners. Student outcome data reveal that despite SEAL schools averaging higher rates of poverty compared to the statewide rate, SEAL English Learners in grades 2–4 performed comparably or better than California English Learners in developing their English proficiency; additional findings show that an overwhelming majority of SEAL students are rapidly progressing towards proficiency thus preventing them from becoming long-term English Learners. English Learners in bilingual programs advanced in their development of Spanish, while other English Learners suffered from language loss in Spanish. The final section of the report provides considerations and implications for further SEAL replication, sustainability, additional research and policy.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/ceelreports/1000/thumbnail.jp

    A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles

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    This is the online edition of A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles, produced by the Dictionary Unit for South African English (DSAE) and published in print in 1996 by Oxford University Press (UK). The original edition has been out of print since 2004, so this is the first time in a decade that the wealth of information on South African English that the dictionary contains has been made widely available. We are very grateful to Rhodes University for its support in enabling us to launch this project. A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles is now available online as a pilot edition with free access until the end of 2014


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    Programme (ICP) on the Modelling and Mapping of Critical Levels and Loads and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends, with the assistance of the secretaria

    Does Your Local Control Accountability (LCAP) Plan Deliver on the Promise of Increased or Improved Services for English Learners? 10 Research Aligned Rubrics to Help Answer the Question and Guide Your Program

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    As California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) came into effect in 2013, districts were given more flexibility to use state resources and create a new school finance system to improve/increase services for students with greater needs for support, including English Learners (ELs), students from low-income backgrounds, and foster youth. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) were tasked with preparing the Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) to describe how districts use their plans to meet their annual goals for all students. To aid LEAs in their design and implementation of programs to address the needs of ELs, Californians Together, the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), and the Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) collaboratively developed the rubrics with 10 focus areas that have a high impact on ELs. These areas include: (1) English Language Development, (2) Parent Engagement, (3) Professional Development, (4) Programs and Course Access, (5) Expenditures, (6) District Wide Use of Concentration and Supplemental Grant Funds, (7) School Wide Use of Concentration and Supplemental Grant Funds, (8) Actions and Services, (9) Proportionality, and (10) English Learner Data to Inform Goals. These 10 rubrics and their corresponding indicators are based on research-based principles and practices for English Learners. These rubrics were first employed in the review of first-year LCAPs by the above-mentioned organizations and remain an important analytical instrument for district leaders to gain insights into the planning for and improving programs and services for ELs.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/ceel_journalarticles/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Traffic-Related Air Pollution and All-Cause Mortality during Tuberculosis Treatment in California.

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    BackgroundAmbient air pollution and tuberculosis (TB) have an impact on public health worldwide, yet associations between the two remain uncertain.ObjectiveWe determined the impact of residential traffic on mortality during treatment of active TB.MethodsFrom 2000-2012, we enrolled 32,875 patients in California with active TB and followed them throughout treatment. We obtained patient data from the California Tuberculosis Registry and calculated traffic volumes and traffic densities in 100- to 400-m radius buffers around residential addresses. We used Cox models to determine mortality hazard ratios, controlling for demographic, socioeconomic, and clinical potential confounders. We categorized traffic exposures as quintiles and determined trends using Wald tests.ResultsParticipants contributed 22,576 person-years at risk. There were 2,305 deaths during treatment for a crude mortality rate of 1,021 deaths per 10,000 person-years. Traffic volumes and traffic densities in all buffers around patient residences were associated with increased mortality during TB treatment, although the findings were not statistically significant in all buffers. As the buffer size decreased, fifth-quintile mortality hazards increased, and trends across quintiles of traffic exposure became more statistically significant. Increasing quintiles of nearest-road traffic volumes in the 100-m buffer were associated with 3%, 14%, 19%, and 28% increased risk of death during TB treatment [first quintile, referent; second quintile hazard ratio (HR)=1.03 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 1.25]; third quintile HR=1.14 (95% CI: 0.95, 1.37); fourth quintile HR=1.19 (95% CI: 0.99, 1.43); fifth quintile HR=1.28 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.53), respectively; p-trend=0.002].ConclusionsResidential proximity to road traffic volumes and traffic density were associated with increased all-cause mortality in patients undergoing treatment for active tuberculosis even after adjusting for multiple demographic, socioeconomic, and clinical factors, suggesting that TB patients are susceptible to the adverse health effects of traffic-related air pollution. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP1699
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