6 research outputs found

    Ganglion cell complex thickness in nonexudative age-related macular degeneration

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    Purpose To evaluate ganglion cell complex(GCC) thickness with spectral domain opticalcoherence tomography (SD-OCT) in eyes withnonexudative age-related maculardegeneration (NEAMD).Methods Forty-seven eyes of 28 patientswith nonexudative age-related maculardegeneration (NEAMD) and 54 eyes of 28age-matched healthy subjects were enrolled.Each subject underwent a completeophthalmic examination before SD-OCT wereobtained. Macular scans were taken withsoftware version 6.0 of the ganglion cellanalysis (GCA) algorithm. GCC thickness wasevaluated automatically as the average,minimum, temporal superior, superior, nasalsuperior, nasal inferior, inferior, andtemporal-inferior segments by SD-OCT andparameters were compared between groups.Results The mean age was 68.7±8.73 yearsin patient group, and 61.51±5.66 years incontrol group. There were no significantdifferences in mean age, gender distribution,intraocular pressure, and sferic equivalent atimaging between the groups (P40.05). Themean (±SD) GCC thicknesses were asfollows; average 71.53±16.53 µm, minumum62.36±21.51 µm, temporal superior72.23±14.60 µm, superior 72.76±20.40 µm,nasal superior 72.31±20.13 µm, nasal inferior69.74±20.51 µm, inferior 69.38±19.03 µm, andtemporal-inferior 73.12±15.44 µm in patientgroup. Corresponding values in control groupwere 81.46±4.90 µm, 78.66±6.00 µm,81.51±4.66 µm, 82.94±5.14 µm,81.79±5.86 µm, 80.94±6.18 µm,80.14±6.30 µm, and 81.75±5.26 µm,respectively. There were significantdifferences between two groups in eachsegments (Mann–Whitney U-test, Po0.05).Conclusion The average GCC thicknessvalues (in all segments) of NEAMD patients were lower than control group. NEAMD,which is considered as a disease of outerlayers of retina, may be accompanied witha decrease of ganglion cell thickness, so innerlayers of retina may be affected

    Broyler Rasyonlarına Katılan A, D3 ve E Vitaminlerinin Gereksinim Sürelerinin Saptanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma

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    Bu araşt ı rma, broyler rasyonlar ı na kat ı lan A, D3 ve E vitaminlerinin gereksinim sürelerini saptamak amac ı yla düzenlenmiştir. 4 grup halinde yürütülen deneme 7 hafta sürmü ş ; bu vitaminler 1. grubun rasyonlar ı na deneme süresince, 2. grubun rasyonlar ı na ilk 6 hafta, 3. grubun rasyonlar ı na ilk 4 hafta, 4. grubun rasyonlar ı na ise ilk 2 hafta ön karma olarak kat ı lmışt ı r. Deneme sonu itibariyle broylerlerin ortalama canl ı ağı rl ı kları 1., 2., 3. ve 4. gruplarda s ı ras ı yla, 2158.4 g, 2161.1 g, 2125.5 g, 2086.3 g P>0.05 ; ortalama canl ı ağı rl ı k artış ları , 2111.8 g, 2115.0 g, 2079.2 g, 2039.7 g P>0.05 ;. ortalama yem tüketimleri 3955.0 g, 3913.6 g, 3958.0 g, 3806.0 g P>0.05 ; yem de ğerlendirme say ı ları , 1.8746, 1.8507, 1.9014, 1.8672 P>0.05 ; ölüm oranlar ı ise % 7.8, % 5.6, % 7.8, % 13.3 P>0.05 olmu ştur. Birim canl ı ağı rl ı k yem maliyeti bak ı m ı ndan gruplar aras ı ndaki fark önemsiz bulunmu ştur P>0.05