312 research outputs found

    Cavity ring down spectroscopy on solid C<sub>60</sub>

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    The light absorption of a solid sample in the 8.5 μm region is measured via cavity ring down (CRD) absorption spectroscopy, using a free electron laser (FEL) as a source of widely tunable infrared (IR) radiation. A 3 mm thick zinc-selenide (ZnSe) window is used as a substrate for a 20–30 nm thick C60 film. On top of the structureless absorption due to ZnSe (60 is measured with monolayer sensitivity

    B-spline parametrization of the dielectric function applied to spectroscopic ellipsometry on amorphous carbon

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    The remote plasma deposition of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) thin films is investigated by in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The dielectric function of the a-C:H film is in this paper parametrized by means of B-splines. In contrast with the commonly used Tauc-Lorentz oscillator, B-splines are a purely mathematical description of the dielectric function. We will show that the B-spline parametrization, which requires no prior knowledge about the film or its interaction with light, is a fast and simple-to-apply method that accurately determines thickness, surface roughness, and the dielectric constants of hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films. Analysis of the deposition process provides us with information about the high deposition rate, the nucleation stage, and the homogeneity in depth of the deposited film. Finally, we show that the B-spline parametrization can serve as a stepping stone to physics-based models, such as the Tauc-Lorentz oscillator. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. U7 - Export Date: 24 March 2010 U7 - Source: Scopus U7 - Art. No.: 12350

    Production of negative ions on graphite surface in Hâ‚‚/Dâ‚‚ plasmas: experiments and SRIM calculations

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    In previous works, surface-produced negative-ion distribution-functions have been measured in H2 and D2 plasmas using graphite surfaces (highly oriented pyrolitic graphite). In the present paper, we use the srim software to interpret the measured negative-ion distribution-functions. For this purpose, the distribution-functions of backscattered and sputtered atoms arising due to the impact of hydrogen ions on a-CH and a-CD surfaces are calculated. The srim calculations confirm the experimental deduction that backscattering and sputtering are the mechanisms of the origin of the creation of negative ions at the surface. It is shown that the srim calculations compare well with the experiments regarding the maximum energy of the negative ions and reproduce the experimentally observed isotopic effect. A discrepancy between calculations and measurements is found concerning the yields for backscattering and sputtering. An explanation is proposed based on a study of the emitted-particle angular-distributions as calculated by srim

    A calibration method for broad-bandwidth cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy performed with supercontinuum radiation

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    An efficient calibration method has been developed for broad-bandwidth cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy. The calibration is performed using phase shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy, which is conveniently implemented through use of an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). The AOTF permits a narrowband portion of the SC spectrum to be scanned over the full high-reflectivity bandwidth of the cavity mirrors. After calibration the AOTF is switched off and broad-bandwidth CEAS can be performed with the same light source without any loss of alignment to the set-up. We demonstrate the merits of the method by probing transitions of oxygen molecules O-2 and collisional pairs of oxygen molecules (O-2)(2) in the visible spectral range

    A Scheme to Numerically Evolve Data for the Conformal Einstein Equation

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    This is the second paper in a series describing a numerical implementation of the conformal Einstein equation. This paper deals with the technical details of the numerical code used to perform numerical time evolutions from a "minimal" set of data. We outline the numerical construction of a complete set of data for our equations from a minimal set of data. The second and the fourth order discretisations, which are used for the construction of the complete data set and for the numerical integration of the time evolution equations, are described and their efficiencies are compared. By using the fourth order scheme we reduce our computer resource requirements --- with respect to memory as well as computation time --- by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the second order scheme.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    N, NH, and NH2 radical densities in a remote Ar-NH3-SiH4 plasma and their role in silicon nitride deposition

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    The densities of N, NH, and NH2 radicals in a remote Ar-NH3-SiH4 plasma used for high-rate silicon nitride deposition were investigated for different gas mixts. and plasma settings using cavity ringdown absorption spectroscopy and threshold ionization mass spectrometry. For typical deposition conditions, the N, NH, and NH2 radical densities are on the order of 1012 cm-3 and the trends with NH3 flow, SiH4 flow, and plasma source current are reported. We present a feasible reaction pathway for the prodn. and loss of the NHx radicals that is consistent with the exptl. results. Furthermore, mass spectrometry revealed that the consumption of NH3 was typically 40%, while it was over 80% for SiH4. On the basis of the measured N densities we deduced the recombination and sticking coeff. for N radicals on a silicon nitride film. Using this sticking coeff. and reported surface reaction probabilities of NH and NH2 radicals, we conclude that N and NH2 radicals are mainly responsible for the N incorporation in the silicon nitride film, while Si atoms are most likely brought to the surface in the form of SiHx radicals. [on SciFinder (R)

    A Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for non-local corrections to the Dynamical Mean-Field Approximation

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    We present the algorithmic details of the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), with a quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method used to solve the effective cluster problem. The DCA is a fully-causal approach which systematically restores non-local correlations to the dynamical mean field approximation (DMFA) while preserving the lattice symmetries. The DCA becomes exact for an infinite cluster size, while reducing to the DMFA for a cluster size of unity. We present a generalization of the Hirsch-Fye QMC algorithm for the solution of the embedded cluster problem. We use the two-dimensional Hubbard model to illustrate the performance of the DCA technique. At half-filling, we show that the DCA drives the spurious finite-temperature antiferromagnetic transition found in the DMFA slowly towards zero temperature as the cluster size increases, in conformity with the Mermin-Wagner theorem. Moreover, we find that there is a finite temperature metal to insulator transition which persists into the weak-coupling regime. This suggests that the magnetism of the model is Heisenberg like for all non-zero interactions. Away from half-filling, we find that the sign problem that arises in QMC simulations is significantly less severe in the context of DCA. Hence, we were able to obtain good statistics for small clusters. For these clusters, the DCA results show evidence of non-Fermi liquid behavior and superconductivity near half-filling.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure
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