655 research outputs found

    A characterization of the normal distribution using stationary max-stable processes

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    Consider the max-stable process η(t)=maxiNUieXi,tκ(t)\eta(t) = \max_{i\in\mathbb N} U_i \rm{e}^{\langle X_i, t\rangle - \kappa(t)}, tRdt\in\mathbb{R}^d, where {Ui,iN}\{U_i, i\in\mathbb{N}\} are points of the Poisson process with intensity u2duu^{-2}\rm{d} u on (0,)(0,\infty), XiX_i, iNi\in\mathbb{N}, are independent copies of a random dd-variate vector XX (that are independent of the Poisson process), and κ:RdR\kappa: \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R} is a function. We show that the process η\eta is stationary if and only if XX has multivariate normal distribution and κ(t)κ(0)\kappa(t)-\kappa(0) is the cumulant generating function of XX. In this case, η\eta is a max-stable process introduced by R. L. Smith

    Brown-Resnick Processes: Analysis, Inference and Generalizations

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    This thesis deals with the analysis, inference and further generalizations of a rich and flexible class of max-stable random fields, the so-called Brown-Resnick processes. The first chapter gives the explicit distribution of the shape functions in the mixed moving maxima representation of the original Brown-Resnick process based on Brownian motions. The result is particularly useful for a fast simulation method. In chapter 2, a multivariate peaks-over-threshold approach for parameter estimation of Hüsler-Reiss distributions, a popular model in multivariate extreme value theory, is presented. As Hüsler-Reiss distributions constitute the finite dimensional margins of Brown-Resnick processes based on Gaussian random fields, the estimators directly enable statistical inference for this class of max-stable processes. As an application, a non-isotropic Brown-Resnick process is fitted to the extremes of 12-year data of daily wind speed measurements. Chapter 3 is concerned with the definition of Brown-Resnick processes based on Lévy processes on the whole real line. Amongst others, it is shown that these Lévy-Brown-Resnick processes naturally arise as limits of maxima of stationary stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. The last chapter is devoted to the study of maxima of d-variate Gaussian triangular arrays, where in each row the random vectors are assumed to be independent, but not necessarily identically distributed. The row-wise maxima converge to a new class of multivariate max-stable distributions, which can be seen as max-mixtures of Hüsler-Reiss distributions