29 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Low Flow Estimates in Ungauged Catchments Using Regional Regression and the HBV-Model

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    A geostatistical spatially varying coefficient model for mean annual runoff that incorporates process-based simulations and short records

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    We present a Bayesian geostatistical model for mean annual runoff that incorporates simulations from a process-based hydrological model. The simulations are treated as a covariate and the regression coefficient is modeled as a spatial field. This way the relationship between the covariate (simulations from a hydrological model) and the response variable (observed mean annual runoff) can vary in the study area. A preprocessing step for including short records in the modeling is also suggested. We thus obtain a model that can exploit several data sources. By using state-of-the-art statistical methods, fast inference is achieved. The geostatistical model is evaluated by estimating mean annual runoff for the period 1981–2010 for 127 catchments in Norway based on observations from 411 catchments. Simulations from the process-based HBV model on a 1×1 km grid are used as input. We found that on average the proposed approach outperformed a purely process-based approach (HBV) when predicting runoff for ungauged and partially gauged catchments. The reduction in RMSE compared to the HBV model was 20 % for ungauged catchments and 58 % for partially gauged catchments, where the latter is due to the preprocessing step. For ungauged catchments the proposed framework also outperformed a purely geostatistical method with a 10 % reduction in RMSE compared to the geostatistical method. For partially gauged catchments, however, purely geostatistical methods performed equally well or slightly better than the proposed combination approach. In general, we expect the proposed approach to outperform geostatistics in areas where the data availability is low to moderate

    Estimation of annual runoff by exploiting long-term spatial patterns and short records within a geostatistical framework

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    In this article, we present a Bayesian geostatistical framework that is particularly suitable for interpolation of hydrological data when the available dataset is sparse and includes both long and short records of runoff. A key feature of the proposed framework is that several years of runoff are modelled simultaneously with two spatial fields: one that is common for all years under study that represents the runoff generation due to long-term (climatic) conditions and one that is year-specific. The climatic spatial field captures how short records of runoff from partially gauged catchments vary relative to longer time series from other catchments, and transfers this information across years. To make the Bayesian model computationally feasible and fast, we use integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLAs) and the stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approach to spatial modelling. The geostatistical framework is demonstrated by filling in missing values of annual runoff and by predicting mean annual runoff for around 200 catchments in Norway. The predictive performance is compared to top-kriging (interpolation method) and simple linear regression (record augmentation method). The results show that if the runoff is driven by processes that are repeated over time (e.g. orographic precipitation patterns), the value of including short records in the suggested model is large. For partially gauged catchments the suggested framework performs better than comparable methods, and one annual observation from the target catchment can lead to a 50 % reduction in root mean squared error (RMSE) compared to when no observations are available from the target catchment. We also find that short records safely can be included in the framework regardless of the spatial characteristics of the underlying climate, and down to record lengths of 1 year

    An Event-Based Approach to Explore Selected Present and Future Atmospheric River–Induced Floods in Western Norway

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    The aim of this study is to investigate extreme precipitation events caused by atmospheric rivers and compare their flood impact in a warmer climate to current climate using an event-based storyline approach. The study was set up by selecting four high-precipitation events from 30 years of present and future climate simulations of the high-resolution global climate model EC-Earth. The two most extreme precipitation events within the selection area for the present and future climate were identified, and EC-Earth was rerun creating 10 perturbed realizations for each event. All realizations were further downscaled with the regional weather prediction model, AROME-MetCoOp. The events were thereafter used as input to the operational Norwegian flood-forecasting model for 37 selected catchments in western Norway, and the magnitude and the spatial pattern of floods were analyzed. The role of the hydrological initial conditions, which are important for the total flooding, were analyzed with a special emphasis on snow and soil moisture excess. The results show that the selected future extreme precipitation events affected more catchments with larger floods, compared to the events from present climate. In addition, multiple realizations of the meteorological forcing and four different hydrological initial conditions, for example, soil saturation and snow storage, were important for the estimation of the maximum flood level. The meteorological forcing (e.g., the internal variability/perturbed output) accounts for the highest contribution to the spread in flood magnitude; however, for some events and catchments the hydrological initial conditions affected the magnitudes of floods more than the meteorological forcing