181 research outputs found

    Towards 3D Magnetic Force Microscopy

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    Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is long established as a powerful tool for probing the local manifestation of magnetic nanostructures across a range of temperatures and applied stimuli. A major drawback of the technique, however, is that the detection of stray fields emanating from a samples surface rely on a uniaxial vertical cantilever oscillation, and thus are only sensitive to vertically oriented stray field components. The last two decades have shown an ever-increasing literature fascination for exotic topological windings where particular attention to in-plane magnetic moment rotation is highly valuable when identifying and understanding such systems. Here we present a new method of detecting in-plane magnetic stray field components, by utilizing a home made split-electrode excitation piezo that allows the simultaneous excitation of a cantilever at its fundamental flexural and torsional modes. This allows for the joint acquisition of traditional vertical mode (V-MFM) images and a lateral MFM (L-MFM) where the tip-cantilever system is only sensitive to stray fields acting perpendicular to the torsional axis of the cantilever

    Modeling nonlinear optical interactions of focused beams in bulk crystals and thin films: A phenomenological approach

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    Coherent nonlinear optical micro-spectroscopy is a frequently used tool in modern material science, as it is sensitive to many different local observables, which comprise, among others, crystal symmetry and vibrational properties. The richness in information, however, may come with challenges in data interpretation, as one has to disentangle the many different effects like multiple reflections, phase jumps at interfaces, or the influence of the Guoy-phase. In order to facilitate interpretation, the work presented here proposes an easy-to-use semi-analytical modeling ansatz, that bases upon known analytical solutions using Gaussian beams. Specifically, we apply this ansatz to compute nonlinear optical responses of (thin film) optical materials. We try to conserve the meaning of intuitive parameters like the Gouy-phase and the nonlinear coherent interaction length. In particular, the concept of coherence length is extended, which is a must when using focal beams. The model is subsequently applied to exemplary cases of second-harmonic and third-harmonic generation. We observe a very good agreement with experimental data and furthermore, despite the constraints and limits of the analytical ansatz, our model performs similarly well as when using more rigorous simulations. However, it outperforms the latter in terms of computational power, requiring more than three orders less computational time and less performant computer systems

    Comparing Transmission- and Epi-BCARS: A Transnational Round Robin on Solid State Materials

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    Broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (BCARS) is an advanced Raman spectroscopy method that combines the spectral sensitivity of spontaneous Raman scattering (SR) with the increased signal intensity of single-frequency coherent Raman techniques. These two features make BCARS particularly suitable for ultra-fast imaging of heterogeneous samples, as already shown in biomedicine. Recent studies demonstrated that BCARS also shows exceptional spectroscopic capabilities when inspecting crystalline materials like lithium niobate and lithium tantalate, and can be used for fast imaging of ferroelectric domain walls. These results strongly suggest the extension of BCARS towards new imaging applications like mapping defects, strain, or dopant levels, similar to standard SR imaging. Despite these advantages, BCARS suffers from a spurious and chemically unspecific non-resonant background (NRB) that distorts and shifts the Raman peaks. Post-processing numerical algorithms are then used to remove the NRB and to obtain spectra comparable to SR results. Here, we show the reproducibility of BCARS by conducting an internal Round Robin with two different BCARS experimental setups, comparing the results on different crystalline materials of increasing structural complexity: diamond, 6H-SiC, KDP, and KTP. First, we compare the detected and phase-retrieved signals, the setup-specific NRB-removal steps, and the mode assignment. Subsequently, we demonstrate the versatility of BCARS by showcasing how the selection of pump wavelength, pulse width, and detection geometry can be tailored to suit the specific objectives of the experiment. Finally, we compare and optimize measurement parameters for the high-speed, hyperspectral imaging of ferroelectric domain walls in lithium niobate.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Ba(BO2OH) – A Monoprotonated Monoborate from Hydroflux Showing Intense Second Harmonic Generation

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    Pure samples of colorless, air-stable Ba(BO2OH) crystals were obtained from Ba(NO3)2 and H3BO3 under the ultra-alkaline conditions of a KOH hydroflux at about 250 °C. The product formation depends on the water-base molar ratio and the molar ratio of the starting materials. B(OH)3 acts as a proton donor (Brønsted acid) rather than a hydroxide acceptor (Lewis acid). Ba(BO2OH) crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric orthorhombic space group P212121. Hydrogen bonds connect the almost planar (BO2OH)2− anions, which are isostructural to HCO3−, into a syndiotactic chain. IR and Raman spectroscopy confirm the presence of hydroxide groups, which are involved in weak hydrogen bonds. Upon heating in air to about 450 °C, Ba(BO2OH) dehydrates to Ba2B2O5. Moreover, the non-centrosymmetric structure of Ba(BO2OH) crystals was verified with power-dependent confocal Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) microscopy indicating large conversion efficiencies in ambient atmosphere

    Hall mobilities and sheet carrier densities in a single LiNbO3_3 conductive ferroelectric domain wall

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    For the last decade, conductive domain walls (CDWs) in single crystals of the uniaxial model ferroelectric lithium niobate (LiNbO3_3, LNO) have shown to reach resistances more than 10 orders of magnitude lower as compared to the surrounding bulk, with charge carriers being firmly confined to sheets of a few nanometers in width. LNO thus currently witnesses an increased attention since bearing the potential for variably designing room-temperature nanoelectronic circuits and devices based on such CDWs. In this context, the reliable determination of the fundamental transport parameters of LNO CDWs, in particular the 2D charge carrier density n2Dn_{2D} and the Hall mobility μH\mu_{H} of the majority carriers, are of highest interest. In this contribution, we present and apply a robust and easy-to-prepare Hall-effect measurement setup by adapting the standard 4-probe van-der-Pauw method to contact a single, hexagonally-shaped domain wall that fully penetrates the 200-μ\mum-thick LNO bulk single crystal. We then determine n2Dn_{2D} and μH\mu_{H} for a set of external magnetic fields BB and prove the expected cosine-like angular dependence of the Hall voltage. Lastly, we present photo-Hall measurements of one and the same DW, by determining the impact of super-bandgap illumination on the 2D charge carrier density n2Dn_{2D}

    Surface-near domain engineering in multi-domain x-cut lithium niobate tantalate mixed crystals

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    Lithium niobate and lithium tantalate are among the most widespread materials for nonlinear, integrated photonics. Mixed crystals with arbitrary Nb-Ta ratios provide a new degree of freedom to tune materials properties, such as the birefringence, but also leverage the advantages of the singular compounds, for example, by combining the thermal stability of lithium tantalate with the larger nonlinear or piezoelectric constants of lithium niobate. Periodic poling is the prerequisite for any nonlinear optical application. For mixed crystals this has been challenging so far due to the lack of homogeneous, mono-domain crystals, which severely inhibit domain growth and nucleation. In this work we demonstrate that surface-near (<1< 1~μ\mum depth) periodic poling on x-cut lithium niobate tantalate mixed crystals can be achieved via electric field poling and lithographically structured electrodes. We find that naturally occurring head-to-head or tail-to-tail domain walls in the as-grown crystal inhibit domain inversion at a larger scale. However, periodic poling is possible, if the gap size between the poling electrodes is of the same order of magnitude or smaller than the average size of naturally occurring domains. This work provides the basis for the nonlinear optical application of lithium niobate tantalate mixed crystals

    Metallpartikel erhellen die Nanowelt: Optische Nahfeldmikroskopie an organischen Fluoreszenzmolekülen

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    Modern optical microscopy is gaining deeper and deeper insight into the nanoworld. Conventional microscopy faces restrictions by both the diffraction limit and its sensitivity concerning the low intensities of nanoscale light sources. To be able to circumvent these drawbacks, scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) has been implemented at the Institute of Applied Photophysics at the TU Dresden by applying optically active scanning probes in order to constitute interfaces between the macroscopic and the nanoscopic world. New probes functionalised with metal nanoparticles can resolve structures which are unreachable by traditional methods (~ 50 nm). Our work has led to inexpensive and fast fabrication of such probes allowing an unprecedented views of the nanoworld.Die moderne optische Mikroskopie erlaubt es, der Nanowelt immer neue spannende Erkenntnisse zu entlocken. Jedoch ist die herkömmliche Lichtmikroskopie in ihrer Auflösung begrenzt und im Hinblick auf die geringe Intensität nanoskopischer Lichtquellen häufig nicht empfindlich genug. Um diese Probleme zu umgehen, wird am Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (IAPP) der TU Dresden die sogenannte optische Nahfeldmikroskopie eingesetzt. Hierbei dienen optisch aktive Sonden als Schnittstelle zwischen makroskopischer und nanoskopischer Welt. Diese am IAPP entwickelten neuartigen Sonden sind mit metallischen Nanopartikeln besetzt. Das Nahfeldmikroskop erlangt mit derartigen Sonden ein Auflösungsvermögen, welches weit jenseits der Möglichkeiten konventioneller Mikroskope liegt. Die Sonden können einfach und schnell hergestellt werden und erlauben der Nahfeldmikroskopie bisher unerreichte Einblicke in die Nanowelt
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